[NB] Dispatch reveals more Katalk conversations between Kim Seonho and ex-girlfriend, industry continues to declare support for his return

  • source: Dispatch reveals more Katalk conversations between Kim Sun Ho and ex-girlfriend, industry continues to declare support for his return

    Dispatch reveals more Katalk conversations between Kim Sun Ho and ex-girlfriend, industry continues to declare support for his return
    netizen buzz, korean pop,korean drama, korean media, korean entertainment, korean news, kpop, kdrama, netizens, comments, reactions, translations


    Article: Kim Sun Ho "I'll take responsibility, let's get married"... Katalk conversations reverse the tables in two weeks

    Source: The Joongang via Naver

    1. [+5,079, -70] What did this divorcee do to a bachelor? Once they broke up, it should've been over, what more did she want from him? I never knew who Kim Sun Ho was before this but this scandal has made me see him in a more positive light. Woman, do not live like this. You will always reap what you sow. You only live one life so live it clean.

    2. [+2,928, -144] LG should give Sun Ho a dish soap CF

    3. [+1,908, -37] Can't believe we hated on someone like this. I hope people stop believing in me toos right off the bat and start waiting for the truth. Kim Sun Ho, wish you the best, fighting ^^

    4. [+1,306, -55] Now that's a true man, I hope he hits daebak

    5. [+933, -8] Wow~~~~ Dispatch's new post today is daebak... Choi Young Ah is quite the amazing woman. It's clear that they broke up because of her own mistakes and that angered her enough to tell a friend that she was going to ruin him... How scary. She's the one who is the divorcee with messy relationships with other men, who secretly recorded him, who did all these bad things... I can't believe there is a man as foolish as Kim Sun Ho to have ever dated her at all ㅜ Please go read the text conversations ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ There was no manipulation to get her to have an ab*rtion. She's the one who brought it up first and Kim Sun Ho kept saying "let's think about it first" while she kept bringing it up. If anyone manipulated anyone, it was the woman.

    6. [+738, -8] If you read their Katalks, he was so in love with her. To the point where he seemed foolish. To all the people who were so sure he could never do another romcom or melodrama again... what do you mean! There's no better actor fit for those roles than him!

    7. [+703, -3] It was a blessing in disguise for Kim Sun Ho that their relationship ended the way it did. Women like her will never leave you alone otherwise.

    8. [+568, -3] That baby really might not have belonged to Kim Sun Ho ㅠㅠ

    Source: Dispatch via Instagram

    1. [+324] How could she do this to someone like him

    2. [+184] I knew it, tsk tsk

    3. [+145] If this is true, she totally played someone so innocent

    4. [+113] Thank goodness for Dispatch

    5. [+164] Is this woman even human? I got goosebumps all over my arms while reading this... If I were him, I'd suffer from panic disorders and social anxiety after this;;;;;

    6. [+60] Kim Sun Ho was truly Hong banjang himself... I hope he finds strength. I wouldn't be surprised if he suffered from social anxiety and panic disorders after this...

    7. [+43] Must be so hard to be a celebrity to have your private conversations just revealed like this...

    8. [+42] Sun Ho-ya, I'm sorry. You were a real man all along.

    9. [+27] He was so in love with her

    10. [+18] Please go back to watching 'Hometown Cha Cha Cha' reruns with a peaceful heart now

    Article: "Kim Sun Ho really meant to marry her" '11th street' CF is reinstated after Katalk conversations with ex are revealed

    Source: Insight via Instagram

    1. [+545] Please vet the next woman you date well!

    2. [+421] Fighting!! I'm happy to see his eye smile and dimples again~~👏👏

    3. [+252] I'm so glad ㅠㅠ

    4. [+272] How fortunate 👏👏

    5. [+240] I'll support him for real, I wish him more, more, more, more success

    5. [+226] Even his Katalk replies, the way they broke up, he was so sweet to her

    6. [+190] That anchorwoman is delusional. There was nothing in the Katalks that suggested Kim Sun Ho was trashy to her. If anything, he was exactly like we have always known him to be. Though I do wonder if his story about making his after school academy go bankrupt is true 😂

    7. [+84] Glad we aren't losing another actor... seeing male celebrities in dramas is a happy moment for ajummas...

    8. [+43]] And what about Dominos??


    Article: Kim Sun Ho CFs are being revived... Dominos pizza chose 'this'

    Source: E-Daily via Naver

    1. [+1,750, -185] Wishing daebak for this kind man who never said one bad thing to his girlfriend even after being fooled by her. Sun Ho-ya, let's soar once more.

    2. [+1,291, -62] Dispatch really exposed everything today. Her story was basically 100% a lie and the Katalks tell a completely different story. The woman is the one who did all the research on the hospitals and suggested the idea to him and she's the one who expressed that she didn't want to go through with the birth. Kim Sun Ho promised to take responsibility until the end and took such good care of her only for her to cheat on him which is what caused their actual break up. She was even caught telling a friend that she would ruin him if he didn't come back to her. What did Kim Sun Ho ever do wrong???? Kim Sun Ho is the victim at this point, how ridiculous.

    3. [+412, -36] His character has already been revealed to be so deep and true, there's no reason for CF companies not to use him

    4. [+406, -47] Reinstate all of his CFs~~~

    5. [+221, -17] After seeing the Katalks today, Kim Sun Ho is a total fool...

    6. [+147, -6] Why is Dominos being so stubborn? 'Hometown Cha Cha Cha' did so much PPL for them through all the criticisms but they were the first to cut him off without even fact checking anything first. How can Dominos and '1N2D' be so cruel... Look at how much praise Miima, Canon, and 11th Street are getting right now... Dominos has no loyalty.

    7. [+101, -6] Guess I'll be switching to Papa John's then

    8. [+72, -2] Dominos was the first to erase him. I really respect Miima's CEO now. He's a man who knows how to see the big picture.

    Article: Movie 'Sad Tropics' will not cut ties with Kim Sun Ho... "filming to continue as scheduled within the year"

    Source: Insight via Instagram

    1. [1,046] Wishing daebak for Kim Sun Ho's first movie 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. [+710]] Please don't leave '1N2D' either, please continue starring on the show

    3. [+298] Stand strong, Kim Sun Ho! 👏👏👏👏👏👏 Please!!!!

    4. [+158] I'll make sure to watch it in theaters ❤️

    5. [+466]] Thank you... I'll make sure to watch the movie for sure ㅠ_ㅠ

    6. [+162] Thank you so much ㅠㅠ I am so angered over the Katalks released by Dispatch today... I really wish nothing but the best for Kim Sun Ho!!

    7. [+215] I wasn't wrong about him. He truly is a kind person💚

    8. [+43] Fighting!!!


    Article: Scandal of 'K-Actor'... movie and CF industry is back to holding hands with Kim Sun Ho

    Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Naver

    1. [+2,485, -80] Sun Ho told her that he would take responsibility and marry her but she went and cheated on him with other men, which is what led to their break up. Sun Ho is the better person for admitting to his mistakes and reflecting on them. I really hope he finds the strength to get back up and soar again.

    2. [+1,427, -28] Really seeing him in a new light. To have suffered all that from her and to have never said one bad word to her through their break up. If I were his mother, I would've wanted to beat her up myself.

    3. [+808, -13] Just go read the Katalks... the woman was the only one manipulating anyone into an ab*rtion..

    4. [+424, -16] The answer lies in the Katalks... Just looking forward to Kim Sun Ho's acting now...

    5. [+237, -0]] Kim Sun Ho never forced anything on her. In the Katalks, he tells her he'll take responsibility and marry her, "let's think about this together", took her to meet his parents... put all of these pieces together and it's clear who the real piece of trash is.

    6. [+224, -1] Am I the only one who got the impression after reading the Katalks that the woman never wanted the baby? She just wanted to possess Kim Sun Ho while still living her free life... but also doesn't want the baby being what ties her to Kim Sun Ho for good. And since she couldn't have him anymore, she decided to ruin him. It really gave me goosebumps how she kept collecting evidence on him, too. Isn't that a crime? That's worthy of a lawsuit in itself if true..

    7. [+153, -1]] After such a tumultuous relationship... even after the woman basically dumped a bucket of sh*t on him... He still admitted to his mistakes and apologized. What a man~!!

    8. [+137, -0] It was revealed in the Katalks that she was already researching ab*rtion hospitals before she told him about the pregnancy. She told him and then went straight to discussing the hospitals. Who is she claiming manipulated her? Unless she wasn't sure herself who the kid belonged to... The Katalks tell clear story of Kim Sun Ho being played by this woman ㅜㅜ

    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
    Flower field, that's where I'm at. Open land, that's where I'm at.
    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

  • Honestly he should stop revealing more while he is ahead

    He's not doing this, her friends are. She's been badmouthing him to everybody and sending screenshots and all of them are exposing her and talking to Dispatch because she's burned so many bridges that nobody is on her side anymore.

    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
    Flower field, that's where I'm at. Open land, that's where I'm at.
    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

  • she's been filming and documenting their time together to show it as proof. ffs why couldn't you deal with your issues privately, why go to the media? reputation is everything in south korea, why risk your own as well? i don't understand her at all

    yes...its also creepy. looks like she might have been planning these stuff

  • she's been filming and documenting their time together to show it as proof. ffs why couldn't you deal with your issues privately, why go to the media? reputation is everything in south korea, why risk your own as well? i don't understand her at all

    I always wonder this when these kind of scandals come up.

  • yes...its also creepy. looks like she might have been planning these stuff

    which would make sense if accusations hurt only him and not her. or maybe she thought nobody would figure out her identity? girl, the internet can doxx anyone, it's scary but kind of fascinating people can find anything about anyone

  • K netz, k netz ....playing holier than thou now...what's new

    if he suffers from anxiety disorder, it'll be their fault too

    will they learn from this?? nah watch this happen again ang again in the future

    but honestly I wasn't planning to watch Hometown cha x 3 at first but I will on netflix, it's the least I can do to show some support and the show does look nice

  • a mess, celebrities should start dating people from the same field so there won't be such things leaking because they'll both have something to lose

    She was also in the entertainment industry though.

    I haven't seen anything about that, where have you read that?

    One of the articles about her had a source (I'm assuming a friend) who said that she saved their KakaoTalk conversations, photos, and took recordings of them together. I also feel like one of them mentioned he found out about it which is what furthered the trust issues and he deleted them. There's also speculation that the video that's allegedly of her and that singer breaking COVID restrictions is also something she recorded and it seems like it's a phone left on to record and just placed on a table which if true is hella creepy.

    she's been filming and documenting their time together to show it as proof. ffs why couldn't you deal with your issues privately, why go to the media? reputation is everything in south korea, why risk your own as well? i don't understand her at all

    She thought he'd come back if he had nothing... but why would you go back to the person who purposely sabotaged you? I never get the reasoning from people who do that.

  • She was also in the entertainment industry though.

    One of the articles about her had a source (I'm assuming a friend) who said that she saved their KakaoTalk conversations, photos, and took recordings of them together. I also feel like one of them mentioned he found out about it which is what furthered the trust issues and he deleted them. There's also speculation that the video that's allegedly of her and that singer breaking COVID restrictions is also something she recorded and it seems like it's a phone left on to record and just placed on a table which if true is hella creepy.

    She thought he'd come back if he had nothing... but why would you go back to the person who purposely sabotaged you? I never get the reasoning from people who do that.

    instead of "baby trapping"

    we have "scandal trapping" now

  • She was also in the entertainment industry though.

    One of the articles about her had a source (I'm assuming a friend) who said that she saved their KakaoTalk conversations, photos, and took recordings of them together. I also feel like one of them mentioned he found out about it which is what furthered the trust issues and he deleted them. There's also speculation that the video that's allegedly of her and that singer breaking COVID restrictions is also something she recorded and it seems like it's a phone left on to record and just placed on a table which if true is hella creepy.

    She thought he'd come back if he had nothing... but why would you go back to the person who purposely sabotaged you? I never get the reasoning from people who do that.

    She's a scary woman. Where's that user defending her (who provided no evidence whatsoever) and slamming Seonho now (who other people basically already cleared of wrongdoings and none of them were fans).

    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
    Flower field, that's where I'm at. Open land, that's where I'm at.
    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

  • a mess, celebrities should start dating people from the same field so there won't be such things leaking because they'll both have something to lose

    i gave you a like but you forgot ahn jae-hyun and ku hye-sun drama ^^ and seo ye ji and kim jung hyun drama, but these two cannot even compare with the former.

    the good advice would be find a celebrity that's mentally stable, song ji hyo and song joong ki are a good example of that.

  • i gave you a like but you forgot ahn jae-hyun and ku hye-sun drama ^^ and seo ye ji and kim jung hyun drama, but these two cannot even compare with the former.

    the good advice would be find a celebrity that's mentally stable, song ji hyo and song joong ki are a good example of that.

    LOL, there are crazy people in all walks of life.

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