Part 2 of the series, you can see the previous parts here. Will be making this for all members if you want me to tag you for this series let me know
If anyone wants to be tagged for this 9 Part series do let me know
Lets start with Rank 1: Kim Chaehyun

Chaehyun is actually an EX-SM trainee, so needless to say her vocals are one of the better ones in the show
Her first performance on the show, performing aespa's Black Mamba
Let get on with our Rank 2: Huening Bahiyyih
She first performed Apink's "Mr Chu"
Obviously we all already know she is the sister of a famous idol TXT's Huening Kai
Why I used this picture? Because this was from the show itself where they showed a cute interaction between them and Kai was like "You’re really good, though, of course! Not as good as me!"
She already have a pretty solid fanbase from the start and consistently rank pretty high across the entire season
Her next performance was IZ*ONE "Fiesta"
I actually think she performed the best or at least 2nd best in this group. The group was the last group to be formed so they were made up of 3 groups of "reject" cells, but they managed to do it. It wasn't a great performance but I think Bahiyyih's parts actually sounded pretty great.
Overtime MNET didn't really give her much screentime throughout the competition. Her next performance was a dance one
Her final performance, was the one that stood out to me the most
I think this time she really showed a huge improvement. MNET really did her dirty because the styling wasn't it.
Also, want to clear up misconceptions of how people are saying she "didn't fight for parts" or that she "didn't look like she wanted to be there"
The FACT is that this girl had the 2nd most lines in the song (other than Yujin who is Main Vocal obviously) so she took on the role of Vocal 1 (or was it 2 I think it's 1) well. She sounded great and her facial expressions were better this time round
Of course there are people who voted her because she is the sister of Kai, and tbh it doesn't matter? Ultimately it's a popularity contest. The top 9 of EVERY SURVIVAL SHOW doesn't consist of the top 9 most talented contestants anyway. People sending hate to this girl .... it's just not it.
She had shown improvement and I'm sure when the group debut she will amaze us even further. Not only that, she is a stan attractor and that would also benefit the group (hopefully her fans don't drop her after voting her in)
Everyone please stop hating on her and support Bahiyyih and Kep1er