My Top 5 Least Favorite Fandoms currently going:
5) Fans of Loona
Get over it: they're ain't going places. And Elon Musk's baby momma ain't gonna do anything about it either.
Stop acting like people supposed to know her. She ain't even got a hit. And no, she's not the second coming of Madonna. She's not even the second coming of Jessi. So stop being so hoity-toity and esoteric. Takes pride in aloofness and dismissiveness because substance is amiss.
Stubborn. Still at the Denial Stage. Indoctrinated. Fan culture so soft, so dismissive of any uncomfortable truth, so worried about what other people think. Trying to outlaw legitimate criticism and/or concerns.
2) Fans of Black Pink
Overreacts to criticism because there is nothing behind the facade. Cultivating safe spaces and barriers for the fashionable elites-- the very definition of elitism. All about fawning and wanting other people to fawn over their idols-- unabashedly so.
So proud of Saturday morning feminist sloganeering-- however thinly veiled. Has incorporated a safe-space culture to frown on any mild critique because God forbid, there shouldn't be any criticism in the first place, Because it's not about substance but the surface-level (as long as the message is gotten across, however sophomoric; it's all that matters!).