Did Mnet purposely set Gp999 to the failure?

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    Well, this is the information from the insider. Gosh, I don't know anymore.

    I'm afraid if they purposely set this show to the failure by how terrible they handling it, to make people begging for the produce series to comeback.

    -They didn't mentor them. (The planet masters only come for the interim check compare to produce series)

    -They didn't provide translator. (They said the translator will be available for 24/7 but according to Liang Qiao, they are not)

    -No agency to hold the activities of the groups while they are less then a month to the finale.

    -Focusing on evil editing, not the growth of the trainees.

    -They treat Chinese group badly, and overwork the girls.

    -They force the girls to change their style even they don't like it. Ex, wang yale.

    -Strict diet. (Liang Jiao didn't eat for three days during connect mission in order to loss weight)

    -The contract probably only a year because mnet want to revive Produce series next year probably after the Iland series. They will starting it with the girls as usual I think to attract viewers.

    -Etc... There's more maybe that I forget. But special thanks to C-trainees that very open about this thing.

  • This honestly sounds like such a dumb move if it's true. GP999 WAS Mnet's attempt to rebrand and reboot Produce. But whoever gave the green light can't read the room in Korea since it's just way too soon to do so while the Produce Scandal is still relatively fresh not to mention a lot of the ex-Produce fans are still upset about how things turned out. So they're just gonna pretend like GP999 didn't happen and attempt a Produce reboot for a second time and hope for success? Are they gonna try a third time the next year too if that one fails?

    No seriously. If this isn't a rumor, then someone at Mnet needs to get fired for stupidity.

  • GP999 was me giving Mnet a chance to redeem themselves

    They didn't deserve that Chance and I admit I am stupid and Gullible for even believing they could change in the first place

    After everything that happened with the Rigging controversy, they have still never revealed why they rigged out those contestants and who they rigged in, and if they can't even tell the Truth about what they previously did, how could I possibly expect them to tell the Truth moving forward?

    They relied on stupid people like me to give them another chance

  • Me too, I feel dumb to fall over them again and again 🤧. I even waiting for iland gg when I know it is mnet again. But at least, they have iland cam to show the real situation of mnet evil editing and they don't have fully control on the show.

  • GP999 isn’t a failure tho. It had moderate success. And I’m sure they’ll go all out for this group, especially if the P101 group is a BG season

  • GP999 isn’t a failure tho. It had moderate success. And I’m sure they’ll go all out for this group, especially if the P101 group is a BG season

    I think it will be gg for the p101 because they want people attention like how they started most of their survival show and x1 is a real mess up. Their fans still not moving on from the sudden disbandment. Gp999 have the international fanbase so at least they will doing quite good. But mnet really set them up, like purposely make the series look really bad. I never see any survival show come with a lot of villains and all of them are the chinese trainees. Obvious favoritism, no mentoring session outside of the mid evaluation and worst screen time ever existed in survival show.

    They're in the middle of anti-china sentiment yet they take trainees from there. Even iland skipping china from their audition location. People most afraid if they will pull YG move to mixnine towards the girls as mnet is already devil in disguise.

  • The fact Mnet is starting to manipulate the ranking on gp999 profs that nothing will change about Mnet and they should stop with the produce stuff if this time they got away with few years in jail next time I don't think they'll go away with it like that

    I don't think they can manipulate the ranking anymore as they are under supervision. But, they manipulate the screentime and doing over evil editing towards the trainees that they don't want which is as bad as the voting manipulation.

  • I don't think they can manipulate the ranking anymore as they are under supervision. But, they manipulate the screentime and doing over evil editing towards the trainees that they don't want which is as bad as the voting manipulation.

    Wasn't there a vote manipulation controversy ? And Mnet didn't speak a word about it, and you're right the way they're evil editing some trainees and putting the spotlight on some others clearly shows who they want in the group Dayeon and Xing qiuo will be part of the final line up

  • Wasn't there a vote manipulation controversy ? And Mnet didn't speak a word about it, and you're right the way they're evil editing some trainees and putting the spotlight on some others clearly shows who they want in the group Dayeon and Xing qiuo will be part of the final line up

    I think it is on the voters, not them. But I'm not sure if they're the one behind them. Nothing surprised me anymore if it is mnet😶

  • What about I-LAND? :whatr:

    I guess Iland is safe because hybe and belift is behind them. So, mnet does not have 100% control for the show. I mean, they have iland cam so viewers will not judging the trainees based on mnet editing only.

    For Gp9999, they are under mnet and cj before a company take and manage their groups activities. However, for now nobody want to take them because of the anti-china sentiment in Korea.

  • I guess Iland is safe because hybe and belift is behind them. So, mnet does not have 100% control for the show. I mean, they have iland cam so viewers will not judging the trainees based on mnet editing only.

    For Gp9999, they are under mnet and cj before a company take and manage their groups activities. However, for now nobody want to take them because of the anti-china sentiment in Korea.

    But when will it air if another Produce is planned for the end of the year? Will they have 2 survival shows back to back?

    Tell me if my voice isn’t real
    If I shouldn’t have thrown myself away


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