She scored 63 to 64 points on Billboard 100 If she debuted 1 week earlier she would have been in Top 50 to 60
Rose ranked higher position than her But she sold less ,had less streams and scored 56 points
I think they actually tried to lower her position bc obviously we knew months before that Drake and Kanye were going to release their album during VMAs All their songs are in the top 40s and the comapny blocking her to not perform there was def. a sabotage . It now makes me believe that Rose is the new favorite of the new CEO of the company
They tried to make it seems like rose is doing better than Lisa when the reality its not. Lisas bside song outstreamed and outsold on the ground on US billboard digital chart and her songs ranked both in TOP 10 This is probably planned Poor Lisa must be hard being a foreign artist in that country