Tell me about your pets
i have cats i love them so much
what breeds?
Awhh do u have any
No well I don't think my family is the type to own a pet.
Perhaps when I move out soon and after college, when I have the time.
I can't bear leaving a pet home alone all day though -
I have a cat, she's cute, but she meows a lot....its because I took her outside once because I thought she would be okay cuz I was in my backyard, she's an indoor cat btw, but I now know to not take her outside because she might run away, but now she's addicted to going outside, so she never stops meowing about it and it drives me nuts, I had a pet fish for like, a month, barely, named mystic, it died though, I remember crying and calling my mom telling her, but I still had to go to school though...
I got a puppy this summer, her name is Rut (pronounciation: (excuse the crusty ass voice, it's the middle of the night lol)) and she's a whippet v-v She just turned 4 months, so she's currently in her sweet devil spawn puppy phase haha
I've also got two family cats (i still live at home) named Fidus and Felix.
We used to have a jack russel terrier named Caramel but she passed away in early spring this year
I have none atm, but I had a bird and a tortoise as a kid.
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