cuz we are kpop fans, not school revolutionary factions?

Why do we focus on the idols who were bullies and not the school systems who allowed it to happen?
Some users did mention some, but I guess it's not hyperbolic enough and users here care more about what gonna happen to the idols than the whole picture per se.
However, unless you are South Korean, I don't know how productive is to talk about or condemn their system as it's their internal affairs and quite frankly not many know the details or care to know the details and our complaints won't make any difference.
I guess we can point fingers and discuss because it's the internets and we can talk about it, but in the end of the day, it's not that relevant to the idol cases that much for what I've seen. There is so much a teacher can do as they are a stressed bunch full of responsibilities already. A counselor would be better suited for that and I think I read about certain places having that as solutions to deal with bullying cases, but of course it's not widespread yet.
There is reasons why SK school system is pretty stressing. It's not like they created this to be stressing per se. However, when people propose changes, they think it is automatic when in reality results if they happen or not may take time and people already moved on to other discussions.
For instance, in the USA, school problems are well known, but solutions may take time to be implemented (and even if they are, they could be wrong ones) even if they managed to get consensus past partisan lines. It is the same in SK. I think people want more relaxed school system there, but the school system only reflects the competitiveness of Korean society. Unless you can change views on how Koreans should educate their kids while keeping this competitiveness edge, there is very few bandaging that can be done.
This problem is more deeply rooted on a bigger picture than just school system per se. It'd be great if school was less intense, but this is just a mirror of the bigger picture too.
This thread is another prime example of how hard kpop stans desperately try to reduce or take the blame off of idols actions lmao. Could school systems do better? Yes. But if your bias went out of their way to make someone feel terrible and harass them for several years straight why is it so hard to just accept that maybe...JUST MAYBE.... they did it cause they were a genuinely just a POS.
Because school system don't tell you " Be a bully"
you need to just be a terrible human with no education to think that bullying someone is good or fun to do
whatever if the school allows it or not, even if the school system allows it you should be enough human to know that it's not something to do
i'm sorry but during my entire, school Journey, teachers and school never really care about us and let us do whatever we wanted most of the time , and that doesn't mean that everybody start bully other student, i never see anyone being bully
so no blaming school system is dumb, because when they are out of school, this bullies are still terrible human , so no it's not the school system who make them like this, so there's no need to try to blame the school system
the people who are to blame in this bully cases, are the bullies who are terrible human and should be enough smart to understand that it's not good to do this
and their parents who couldn't even take care of their kids, and educate them well to know what's good to do and bad
I was bullied personally as a kid and the teachers didn't do much for me...but that was back in the 90s where bullying wasn't much of an issue then as it is now...especially with the advent of the internet/social media and cyber bullying
it's certainly gotten a lot better these days as teachers in my country have training in that kind of thing...
I cannot speak about the korean system but it seems they are aware of such issues and hopefully given time they can sort out whatever systemic issues there are...
to answer the OP's question because:
1. each person should be judged by his or her own actions and not the actions of others or the system...systemic issues can be a contributing factor but that doesn't mitigate whatever actions you've done
2. systems are faceless and in korea where most of us are not in and have no connection to...we are petitioning or writing to the korean government/legislative to toughen up anti-bullying laws or implement better practices - those are somewhat beyond a mere Kpop forum
3. we target the idols because they are idols..our favs/ the ones we see on stage/ listen to etc and we like (or not like)
(that's all i have for now lol)
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