The whole fu yanying girls planet 999 hypocrisy

  • People say that she was rude


    and then start to hate on her, cuss her out, call her a disgusting pig and worse and that she deserves the 99th place, that she should end her career and retire and mass dislike her. Wow, so much better aren’t yall 🤡

  • omegateatimer

    Changed the title of the thread from “The whole fu yaning hypocrisy” to “The whole fu yanying girls planet 999 hypocrisy”.
  • or.... Hear me out.

    She said the N word several times in spite of knowing English and in spite of fans flood her SNS about it and didn't apologize until she saw that ifans might impact her future career.

    Then, on top of it, she blatantly disrespects a senior idol member.

    Now, If you want to like her, that's up to you, but don't expect other people to be showering her with honey and sweet words.

  • I neither like or dislike her but it’s a hypocrisy. Criticism is not insulting someone or cussing someone out. That has no place anywhere and no legitimation.

  • Sure, all those things you mention are bad, and it's fully justified not to like her. But I think the point the OP is trying to make is that if you don't like her, the appropriate response is to not pay attention to her.

    Instead there are folks out that the condemn her rudeness and bad actions and then turn around and spew hatred and vile things at her. Her bad actions don't justify bad actions towards her.

    I left my heart in LA again. Please continue taking good care of it.

  • i've told ya all it was overedited and I also think all those questions to her were either set up from script writers, pd's or mentors themselves...

  • It's the same thing that happens when there's a bullying controversy. The internet is huge on hypocrisy.

    I still think she's a clown for going along with doing this shit for attention. It will boost her profile even if she loses so she wins in the end.

  • Sure, all those things you mention are bad, and it's fully justified not to like her. But I think the point the OP is trying to make is that if you don't like her, the appropriate response is to not pay attention to her.

    Instead there are folks out that the condemn her rudeness and bad actions and then turn around and spew hatred and vile things at her. Her bad actions don't justify bad actions towards her.

    I really don't get your points. Did these people claim to be saints or something to be called hypocrite? Where exactly did you guys see these people claim as such? From the reality that I am from, you don't give racist people respect, neither rude people. You don't have to ignore them either. How you react is completely up to an individual. Calling people "hypocrites" when they get mad at an actually rude person is just about the funniest thing to me. By that logic people shouldn't say mean things about Trump either.

    Not you guys gaslighting.

    Also, y'all really took the words 'Mnet evil editing' and ran with it. No amount of dramatic editing can change the fact that those words came out Fu Yaning's mouth and straight to CLC Yujin

  • maybe saying the n word multiple times isnt the way either

    although the mnet thing is stupid and scripted fs

    And again, you do not get the thread. Look, I am black as well and hate her actions but will I go and hate her by insulting her and telling her to die? No, because that makes me as worse as her.

  • I mean that's kpop fans in general, some sort of "rude" behaviour (not bowing, not smiling, touching etc) and immediately they'll shit down that person's throat.

    We don't know what exactly went down and tbh it's just very mild trash talk but hey everyone gone crazy over it lol. Mnet meanwhile is loving the attention.

  • OP must think they're so based for defending a racist :-D because muh empathy

    An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

    Instead we can be the better people and just not give her the attention she wants. Even if she's getting hate, that's still attention, and she doesn't deserve that.

    I left my heart in LA again. Please continue taking good care of it.

  • yeah the death threats are too far but people will never stop sending them. this is like an age old tradition for people online, it just wont stop. especially not for her.

    Yeah, but a status-quo does not make something right. I get your point but that’s literally not the topic of this thread. It’s to call out this double standard

  • I really don't get your points. Did these people claim to be saints or something to be called hypocrite? Where exactly did you guys see these people claim as such? From the reality that I am from, you don't give racist people respect, neither rude people. You don't have to ignore them either. How you react is completely up to an individual. Calling people "hypocrites" when they get mad at an actually rude person is just about the funniest thing to me. By that logic people shouldn't say mean things about Trump either.

    Not you guys gaslighting.

    It's the basic idea of "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all". Not being mean to someone is not the same as giving them respect. I agree that racist and extremely rude people don't deserve respect. But they also don't deserve hate.

    It's perfectly fine to be mad at a rude person, but being vicious too them just because they were vicious to someone else is not justified. Otherwise you're being just like them.

    Be the better person.

    I left my heart in LA again. Please continue taking good care of it.

  • maybe saying the n word multiple times isnt the way either

    although the mnet thing is stupid and scripted fs

    The thing is her supporters (Chinese) obviously dont give a fuck if she said the n word or not. That's probably near the bottom of their priorities list; loyalty to the CCP is at the top, loyalty to their culture is 2nd, and sense of Han ethnic superiority third

  • I agree. It's throwing stones from inside a glass house or however the saying goes.

    Slightly off topic but I don't get the "she disrespected a senior" argument. Yujin is on the show herself as a contestant. That puts her on the same playing field as everyone else. She knows this and went on anyway. She doesn't get some sort of senior privilege. This is a competition.

    The way I see it she saw an opportunity to make sure mnet doesn't edit out her team and she took it :pepepizza:

  • It's the basic idea of "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all". Not being mean to someone is not the same as giving them respect. I agree that racist and extremely rude people don't deserve respect. But they also don't deserve hate.

    It's perfectly fine to be mad at a rude person, but being vicious too them just because they were vicious to someone else is not justified. Otherwise you're being just like them.

    Be the better person.

    Wow. As a black person this is the first time i'm being told racists don't deserve hate. Again, this really just shows the fundamental lack of understand that people truly have about racism and just how serious it is. But yeah, next time some decides to call me a n-word I'll smile and give them a hug.

    "Be the better person" yeah, that is what black people are always told when faced with racism. It's somehow our fault, we should treat the racists kind, and our job to "educate" these racist individuals.

    And top it all of by rightfully being upset about the situation I am now "no better than the racist".

    Sometimes I genuinely wonder if you guys hear yourselves or not...

  • First of all, as someone who is black as well. No one deserves any hate. Criticism yes. The mind gymnastics that you are doing is so weird. You can call someone out but to go that far to legitimize such a behavior is mind blowing. One wrong doesn‘t make any other wrong right.

  • I never said you had to be nice to them. I never said you have to treat them kindly. I never said you have to give them a hug. I said they don't deserve hate directed specifically at them. Confronting a problem with rational and logical responses is different.

    You can be mad. You can be disappointed. You can be angry. But throwing death threats and insults at those people, is not helping anyone, and is just making the problem worse.

    I left my heart in LA again. Please continue taking good care of it.

  • I def agree. The way I gotta keep unfollowing/blocking GP999 accounts that I rely on for accurate news on the show, then when all they lost all the other girls names fully, they put FYN. It’s obnoxious

    The “she’s a racist” thing is malicious af. Should she have said the N word in those covers? No. Does she know English? Seems like it. Does her knowing English automatically mean she knows Western terminology, the context/history behind it, and why it’s a no-no term for non-black people now? Also no. She apologized, said she had no ill or racial intent, and said she’d learn from her mistake. If someone apologizes and says they’ll work towards not repeating said mistake, dafuq you keep harassing for?

    The CLC/Yujin thing was never that serious. It was a playful jab, and Yujin did a dance challenge towards her as a response. I know Mnet def baited it for drama and ratings, but the way people fall for it despite knowing that Mnet does that is also bizarre

    If you don’t like her, don’t like her. But the constant need to make sure everyone and there mother doesn’t like her, and down voting anything involving her, even not mentioning her name, that’s not criticize, that’s bullying. Just because you want to mask it in this I’m woke jest, doesn’t dismiss the fact that it’s still bullying

  • It’s really creepy how they legit bully her. The amount of times I’ve seen people refer to her as “That girl” or “She who will not be named”, as if she’s not even a human being worth acknowledging

    It’s toxic and I don’t stand for that behavior

  • First of all, as someone who is black as well. No one deserves any hate. Criticism yes. The mind gymnastics that you are doing is so weird. You can call someone out but to go that far to legitimize such a behavior is mind blowing. One wrong doesn‘t make any other wrong right.

    If you are black then you should know better than anyone that you have no right to tell other black people how to feel. Some black people (like yourself clearly) are willing to let racism slide and invalidate others feelings on the matter, but not me. And not a lot of others. I'm sure Trump would agree with you though, so there's that.

  • If you are black then you should know better than anyone that you have no right to tell other black people how to feel. Some black people (like yourself clearly) are willing to let racism slide and invalidate others feelings on the matter, but not me. And not a lot of others. I'm sure Trump would agree with you though, so there's that.

    Wow, straw man arguments left and right. I wish you well since a discussion forum might not be something for you :wink:

  • If you are black then you should know better than anyone that you have no right to tell other black people how to feel. Some black people (like yourself clearly) are willing to let racism slide and invalidate others feelings on the matter, but not me. And not a lot of others. I'm sure Trump would agree with you though, so there's that.

    But where is the racism tho? Yeah she said a racial term, but to me racism is the malicious intent to be prejudice towards a racial minority. If the girl said she had no intent on that & there’s no proof of such, she’s not racist. At worst it was a case of ignorance

    Like at some point, we gonna have to realize not everyone knows what the N word means, nor it’s historical context, nor who should & shouldn’t say it. Educating someone on things like this in good faith does much more than giving false labels over a mistake

    It’s as if this generation you must be this absolute perfectly flawless woke person, and anyone who even has the smallest smudge on that clean slate must be shunned eternally. It’s giving cult vibes

    Like I said earlier, it’s okay if you don’t want to forgive her and if you dislike her. But at some point, gotta let it go. And doing hate campaigns to make sure everyone else dislikes her & harassing someone further on it doesn’t make you the bigger person, it makes you…. An obsessive bully

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