My day has been ok. Hbu?
my day has been boring but also okay!!
All jokes aside though, my day's going pretty good! How's yours?
I've been out for a while today. I went outside with my brother this morning then we had lunch and then we with our dad to go run a couple of errands. We had to go get duplicate keys of a lock with keys you couldn't duplicate and we didn't know so we ran all over the place trying to duplicate the keys until we found people that actually helped. We had to buy a new one but it was only $25 and was better than the 2.5 hours we had already spent.
So we spent 3 hours looking for duplicate keys. Then our dad treated us to go eat out at a restaurant since it was basically our day out with him after being inside for so long.
my day is just starting!!!!
going to get the car serviced!!!!
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not bad but not good
My day has been pretty good! School was rough though. Lunch was trash af, saw a literal cockroach thing crawling on the lunchroom floor, and our teacher made us walk the track plus 2 laps around the school
But I did get some chips and soda from the store, so that made up for the bad stuff that happened today lol
Hbu? How’s your day going?
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