CCP puppets

  • did you want them to stand up to their government and then get murdered?

    China is notorious for this

    Maybe get mad at the celebs from other countries who support

    this literally this, they already made one of their country's biggest celebs disappear a few years ago for speaking out.... I literally hate China's political stance the last 30 or so years. But I understand why those from China who get famous are being forced to side with them, they are literally hand tied. If they speak out there is a big risk for their entire families.

    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


  • the chinese celebs have a choice to remain silent instead of "speaking against". Its all about not losing any privileges, not threats to life. Speaking against the CCP would land you in jail (which is f**ked up and the pro ccp trolls really don't care) but they can't do anything to you if you dont' say anything and there were celebs that didn't say anything. This is the key difference most of these rabbid C-idol apologist are omitting.

  • the chinese celebs have a choice to remain silent instead of "speaking against". Its all about not losing any privileges, not threats to life. Speaking against the CCP would land you in jail (which is f**ked up and the pro ccp trolls really don't care) but they can't do anything to you if you dont' say anything and there were celebs that didn't say anything. This is the key difference most of these rabbid C-idol apologist are omitting.

    speaking facts again


  • the chinese celebs have a choice to remain silent instead of "speaking against". Its all about not losing any privileges, not threats to life. Speaking against the CCP would land you in jail (which is f**ked up and the pro ccp trolls really don't care) but they can't do anything to you if you dont' say anything and there were celebs that didn't say anything. This is the key difference most of these rabbid C-idol apologist are omitting.

    So you gonna say Chinese government threatened John Cena for Taiwan issue too. Then poor john need to apologize about it if not China will send their special force to catch him in America.

  • Wow Chinese people support China how is this so surprising for kpop fans when we all know most of theirKorean faves would simp for the South Korean government(kpop is a tool of soft culture) . Do kpoppers lack the ablity to understand national loyalty or what?

  • Wow Chinese people support China how is this so surprising for kpop fans when we all know most of theirKorean faves would simp for the South Korean government(kpop is a tool of soft culture) . Do kpoppers lack the ablity to understand national loyalty or what?

    :akorns::akorns::akorns::akorns: ignorance at its finest

    Edited 3 times, last by haj1ma ().

  • also The NBA, Marvel, and Disney lol.

    Its all about the money with most people

    yes, actually they did. They cancelled NBA games for the preseason if i remember correctly. Threatened to end promo deals like shoes and clothes. Also, the government controls which films are able to be viewed in the country, there is a specific number of western movies allowed each year after examination (i think the Obama administration had signed a deal with the chinese government to increase the number of films and now i think are around 40 allowed per year). So yes, more or less they did threaten them.

    Wow Chinese people support China how is this so surprising for kpop fans when we all know most of theirKorean faves would simp for the South Korean government(kpop is a tool of soft culture) . Do kpoppers lack the ablity to understand national loyalty or what?

    interesting how chinese government = chinese country. Says a lot. Anyway, from all the taiwanese, chinese, HK etc celebs I only have a problem with the Mulan actress because on the one hand she has taken american citizenship and takes full advantage of it, on the other hand she is fully acting as a CCP shill. Like, bitch, please choose what you want to be.

  • :akorns::akorns::akorns::akorns: ignorance at its finest

    It's not mindblowing that maybe just maybe due to many factors some Chinese people genuinely support the Chinese government. Nationalism seems highly valued in what is known as the sinosphere(SK Japan, China) due to conservative values and such. Is some due to state media, of course but no political state is free of propaganda anyways.

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