as the title mentions, i was going back up to my room and I had the window open.
One of my neighboors (old lady/a grandma with a son and I think 2 tiny kids live there as well) have the radio on almost 24/h a day everyday (with the most old-ish songs and hits one can imagine, sometimes it is nostalgic and a good selection, sometimes i am actually forced to close the window)
And then there was butter (it was around the last part of the song already when I noticed it)
I am in wales (UK) and only ever heard kpop on the radio when I was shopping (at our local Asda) a couple of times since coming here (almost 2 years now)
I'm guessing the UK does like Butter if it is in the radio here lol
I got excided so had to make a thread and announce it, it was so unexpected xD