John Cena apologizes to China in Mandarin Chinese for calling Taiwan a country

  • lol I guess China owns Hollywood now. John Cena and his fellow comrade Lebron will do anything for the RMB not just Chinese kpop idols :peperich:

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    A translation of what he said in ChineseImage

  • I do not, but people in Hawaii do not consider themselves part of the US. Puerto Ricans do not consider themselves part of the US. Feeling separated from your federal Government is pretty common. China is (of course) attempting to alleviate this in the Mainland

    I agree not all Americans is for the political identity or status they are living with even in mainland US, whoever NOT consider themselves American finds his way not to be one, this happens in every country so as China. those wanted to stay stayed which applied as well to Peurto Rico and Hawaii, ALL Peurto Ricans and Hawaiians dont think themselves American neither their lands one of the US states or autonomy is exaggerated BS , after give and take measured most have decided to stay with the US in status quo ,a demonstration of majority's will, the US has found her way to make peace with most of them otherwise it would have turned a serous mess long way back.

    A key word string brought up - China is attempting to alleviate the situation, not a bad intention from the administrators. Tibet, Xingjiang, inner Mongolia, HK, call that different problems from the US's? I dont think the West or US demonized China fully about things handled in these places. What do you reckon jobs have been done by far...anything can be improved?

    If you were one of citizens in Taiwan saw all the above happened what would you relate?

  • I agree not all Americans is for the political identity or status they are living with even in mainland US, whoever NOT consider themselves American finds his way not to be one, this happens in every country so as China. those wanted to stay stayed which applied as well to Peurto Rico and Hawaii, ALL Peurto Ricans and Hawaiians dont think themselves American neither their lands one of the US states or autonomy is exaggerated BS , after give and take measured most have decided to stay with the US in status quo ,a demonstration of majority's will, the US has found her way to make peace with most of them otherwise it would have turned a serous mess long way back.

    A key word string brought up - China is attempting to alleviate the situation, not a bad intention from the administrators. Tibet, Xingjiang, inner Mongolia, HK, call that different problems from the US's? I dont think the West or US demonized China fully about things handled in these places. What do you reckon jobs have been done by far...anything can be improved?

    If you were one of citizens in Taiwan saw all the above happened what would you relate?

    I can't imagine how citizens of Taiwan would feel, for I am not one. I could assume they would be disapproving of it, as we have both acknowledged, Taiwanese people do not feel as connected to the mainland Government. And no, I say that is a foolish assumption. It is well known the majority of Haiwaiian and Puerto Rican citizens are not happy with how the US Government claims them.

    I don't think;

    A) It is the West's place to "demonize" or interfere within Chinese internal affairs.

    B) China is doing anything in these regions worth "demonizing".

  • Listening to China Kiss Ass topic discussions. When Athletes and Entertainers uncharacteristically endorse China Government. Two things, first the control the Government has to allow Outside Sports and Entertainment in to China's massive market. Second the massive amount of money China's market generates for outside Athletes and Entertainers.

    Principles are nullified by Money. Domestic market is only a fraction of the world market. Movies are being crafted for China's market.

  • I can't imagine how citizens of Taiwan would feel, for I am not one. I could assume they would be disapproving of it, as we have both acknowledged, Taiwanese people do not feel as connected to the mainland Government. And no, I say that is a foolish assumption. It is well known the majority of Haiwaiian and Puerto Rican citizens are not happy with how the US Government claims them.

    I don't think;

    A) It is the West's place to "demonize" or interfere within Chinese internal affairs.

    B) China is doing anything in these regions worth "demonizing".

    4NIA4 what do you make of the bold fonts?

  • I can't imagine how citizens of Taiwan would feel, for I am not one. I could assume they would be disapproving of it, as we have both acknowledged, Taiwanese people do not feel as connected to the mainland Government. And no, I say that is a foolish assumption. It is well known the majority of Haiwaiian and Puerto Rican citizens are not happy with how the US Government claims them.

    I don't think;

    A) It is the West's place to "demonize" or interfere within Chinese internal affairs.

    B) China is doing anything in these regions worth "demonizing".

    I think a problem of China today is nationalism driven notion and behaviors have become untrustworthy to the majority in the said regions putting western viewpoints and involvements aside. Some universal value albeit defined by the west but deemed virtuous in contemporary human history is twisted in these places by current Chinese regime who considered that inappropriate to evil western concept regardless what people think and feel, whoever leaned towards the value needs to confront brain surgery, incarceration or bullets, anyone wants to come for a closer look is covered with smoke screen if not mind your own business. do you think this is going to buy China global credits?

    When people asked about what some flaws or improvement pending in Chinese administration are and ended up no problem, flawless or digress in response , that factually refers to the opposite at a lot of times .

    Taiwan citizens feel not connected to mainland government for reasons, has a good amount to do with universal value than shared bloodline denial, most are good to embrace connection with China in that sense not for the sake of money.

  • Hawaiians have taken full advantage of State identity. Like any State to determine their own ways. Secularism has found a hard nut to crack in Hawaii.

    Historically Naval Explorers lay claim to their discoveries. Hawaiians like other Pacific Islanders were pressured to become French, Spanish or English colonies. Hawaiians choose an upstart United States to protect them from becoming a Colony of those other Countries, in particular a British colony.

    Puerto Rico I don't know. Their a US Territory that gets US protection and economic benefits. They have their own Government not beholden to the US. They took a vote to become a State and decided to remain a Territory.

    Sure be interesting History study.

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