I have heard much about the Democrats pretended they care

  • this ain't the right place to talk about US politics . This is an international forum with people all over the world. Who are the democrats to begin with?

    Thanks for the play but I dont agree with that.

    I'm not making this thread to start a war but discussions. the US is part of the world that fits this forum with a good batch of American members here, they decide whether if to leave any thought.

  • Thanks for the play but I dont agree with that.

    I'm not making this thread to start a war but discussions. the US is part of the world that fits this forum with a good batch of American members here, they decide whether if to leave any thought.

    Are you saying I have to know who democrats are? This is international forum and most people do not know American politics. Why should I know about it?

  • I'll bite Freddie235X  JaedaKim

    Criminal Justice Reform: First Step Act. Though signed by Trump and bi-partisan, we shouldn't forget that Democrats have advocated for criminals justice reform for YEARS and REPUBLICANS were the ones blocking it. So as soon as republicans wrote a criminal justice bill, ofcourse Dems would agree. This is a achievement the right holds like Trump/republicans care, when they are just copying the democratic position, and it gets done.

    Raising Minimum Wage: About 46 percent of Hispanic women and almost as many Black women (39 percent) still earn less than $15 an hour. The next demographics to work for under $15 are black men, then hispanic men. Only Asians seem to have a lower rate of low wage work. (https://www.washingtonpost.com…age-black-hispanic-women/)

    ACA: Whether its the ACA or advocating for medicare expansion/public option, both of these will help minorities. Asians/Whites have the lowest uninsured rate, while blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americas are higher. IF you look at the drop in uninsured people between 2010-2018 due to the ACA, majority of the drops are minority groups (Hispanics saw the highest drop in uninsured people Down 15% in states that expanded Medicaid (something some republican governors didn't do) versus whites only being down 6% (every other minority race went down more than 6%) (https://www.kff.org/racial-equ…-since-the-aca-2010-2018/)

    Police Reform: I don't think we need to really go into much detail here because we can just look at the party's rhetoric. Over Policing has been proven in cities like Baltimore and other cities. Its a proven fact that minorities get racially profiled and harassed in a couple of cities. This warrants reform and affects mainly minorities. Republicans won't even acknowledge this, even after reports show it. This is an issue that specially impact minorities and Republicans don't think it exist. That by definition is anti-minority. (https://www.globalcitizen.org/…buse-violence-doj-report/)

    Social programs: help everyone, but social programs help minorities more. Look at the wealth gap between blacks and whites in the US. So when we are taking about progressive tax policy to fund government programs (redistribution), by the very nature of who makes more income/wealth, progressive/heavy tax plans benefit minorities.

    I'll end with this, ANY IDEA that republicans and democrats are the same when it comes to helping minorities is LAUGHABLE. No amount of fake "opportunity zones" and agreeing with democrats on criminal justice reform is gonna change that.

    Edited once, last by Kouss ().

  • In their quest to gain Power by exploiting emotional issues. Democrats unknowingly brought focus on some social issues.

    Still generally minorities are used by Democrats to get elected. Once in power nothing is done and even made worse. Extrapolating to end game results, Democrats is a slow road to oblivion.

  • Fair put, even some of what was strove and gained for minorities is interpreted as the losses of other parties, I agree with achievements has been made.

    Have you not heard any of the Democrats pretended they care?

  • In their quest to gain Power by exploiting emotional issues. Democrats unknowingly brought focus on some social issues.

    Still generally minorities are used by Democrats to get elected. Once in power nothing is done and even made worse. Extrapolating to end game results, Democrats is a slow road to oblivion.

    You sound brainwashed

    Fair put, even some of what was strove and gained for minorities is interpreted as the losses of other parties, I agree with achievements has been made.

    Have you not heard any of the Democrats pretended they care?

    Ofcourse, democrats pretend to care. As a POC, i hate how much they pander sometimes with just rhetoric, but that doesn't change that their policies will help minorities MORE if they are implemented.

    Pandering to minorities is a play for votes. Just like Republicans saying god every 5 minutes is pandering to Christians. That doesn't change the fact that both try to implement policy to help those they are pandering too for power/votes.

  • Impressive - In four sentences you can diagnose brainwashing.

    Predictable response by a Democrat. Difference of opinion is countered by personal insults.

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