SKY-HI recently launched his survival show "THE FIRST" to find a boygroup for his own new label and shows it with English subtitles on Youtube.
In the second episode he said:
If we stay on this path, I have a fear that in Japan we will never get high quality dance- and vocal-groups. Of cause, there are great new talents discovered every year and it's a great thing. As for the entertainment insdustry and the big labels, I do have respect and affection for them. But there are too few options for new talents to break out in Japan. Boys who don't meet certain standarts, even with great talent and creativity often never get the chance to show their talents to the world. These days kids who want to be in the best dance- and vocal-groups study Korean and go to Korea. Thart of cause is great in it's own way. But I see the future in wich we have this mine with amazing diamonds and no one going into them to dig for them. Having many talented kids is a great asset to Japan that we can show of the world and creat a boygroup that is going to shine on the world stage.