
How often do you use YouTube?
few hours a day
A day or?
Like 13 hpurs a day?
25 hours a day
Little...little sis...I-I'm not exactly sure how that's possible.
let's see...if I'm on AKP for 6-7 hours a day...then maybe like 10 hours on YouTubedamn I need to do something with my life.....
Little...little sis...I-I'm not exactly sure how that's possible.
My secret time machine.....
Very often. Even when I'm not directly watching videos, I still put music/commentary videos on in the background to listen to while working.
All the time....
Very rarely. Only when a new music video drops and maybe when I’m trying to look up some info or how to. It’s certainly not everyday.
Once upon time it used to be everyday and I used to spend hours on there but now not so much.
I listen to music on Spotify and for entertainment I use tiktok which is much better because my attention span is only 30sec
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