Have you watched a solar eclipse irl? 12
Yes (9) 75%
No, online (0) 0%
No, I missed it (3) 25%
Other (0) 0%
Have you seen a solar eclipse in real life, even if it was partial? Streams or videos don't count, like if you actually went outside (and hopefully used special glasses) to see the solar eclipse?
I was in 6th grade when the last solar eclipse happened where I live. It was during a school day and we learned about it prior to the event. So we all went outside during school, every single student at my school and probably the rest of the state, with special glasses and viewed a partial solar eclipse. Sure, it wasn't 100% but I thought it was so cool to watch.
That eclipse didn't happen too long ago, I was in 6th grade almost 4 grades ago (August 2017 in the U.S.) so I'm sure a lot of you guys have seen it irl unless you just missed it or were somehow too young or maybe you watched it online or another reason, idk.