Pardon my ignorance; but what are the purposes of temporary groups like PRISTIN, IZ*ONE?
It's basically for the idols to gain more popularity, so that when they debut again, it'll be more popular and successful
Pristin were not supposed to be a temporary group
The way i laughed at this....
Anyways, Pristin is not a temporary group.
About this temporary thing is bc it makes easy money if done right.
A big company take trainees of others companies, put them together including the fans's choice for them to think they created the group and baaam, a good debut with the ones selected by fans. So these fans will stay with them even though it won't last longer, but as they helped to choose the members themselves obviously they will be loyal.
The way i laughed at this....
Anyways, Pristin is not a temporary group.
About this temporary thing is bc it makes easy money if done right.
A big company take trainees of others companies, put them together including the fans's choice for them to think they created the group and baaam, a good debut with the ones selected by fans. So these fans will stay with them even though it won't last longer, but as they helped to choose the members themselves obviously they will be loyal.
Pledis can't really handle girl groups, they are expecting to much I guess.
AfterSchool and Orange Caramel were succesful and Pristin had so much potential.
I really loved Prstin V's debut
Temporary survival show groups are designed to both make money and increase the profile of trainees so that they can re-debut either as a solo artist or in a group and you already have a built in fanbase.
Case in point AB6IX... four of the five original members were contestants on Produce Season 2 and did very well. Sure they could have debuted them as a group instead of sending them to Produce, but that's a big money investment. They got 20x the promotion and exposure as both contestants on the show and members of Wanna One/JBJ with minimal risk to Brand New Music. Once the groups were done, they debuted them as AB6IX to lots of buzz.
This is a reward from winning at a survival show. They get to debut in a group with a lot of predebut hype (resulting from the show they competed in) and thus lot of exposure and popularity; and the opportunity to build a fanbase during their time in the spotlight that will later on support them when they start their actual career, after the temporary group has disbanded.
Pledis can't really handle girl groups, they are expecting to much I guess.
AfterSchool and Orange Caramel were succesful and Pristin had so much potential.
I really loved Prstin V's debut
They really had potential. I was becoming really interested in them. Their music were great! It's sad Pedis was so dumb and just handled them like nothing.
The concept is that if people vote for trainees and form emotional attachments to the group because they care whether or not they'll be eliminated, they'll follow them and spend more money on them after they debut.
That's it, that's the whole concept.
So Iz*One was put together after a survival show, and never intended to last long, because if the company keeps supporting the group, they can't do another survivor show. The whole cycle lets the company do a survivor show, keep the group while they're still in public consciousness (because emotional attachment to who they voted for), then send the trainees on to maybe debut elsewhere and anchor those groups by drawing attention and already being popular while the company does another survivor show.
Good question
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