Why do ifans care more about Gidle's contract when they don't even like their music?

  • As a non fan I think it was bc the news that was feed to us by the media as what Soyeon was unhappy and would leave the company

    I was suprised bc that was the last thing I heard, it was even in the main page I think

    still idc, they know their contract better than I do lol

  • If you don't even like the songs from a group why would it matter to you if they renew their contract?

    Most of the time, it's because even if I don't like a groups music, I know other people do so I'm happy for them. I know I'm happy when groups I like renew, ergo, I know other people are happy if groups they like renew.

  • I would say it's because of how rare GG renew with the same company that they started with

    in the entire history of kpop only 4 groups have had all members who originally started with the company renew with the same company (Dreamcatcher, Mamamoo*, Twice and Blackpink*)

    *only group activities

    whilst all current Gidle members have renewed not all of the members that started have

    and with GG that renews it gives more hope to the fans of other groups that their favs would also likely renew

  • I am a fan of Gidle, but if another group that I'm not a fan of was in this situation, I just wouldn't comment on it or pay attention.

    I think in this case a lot of non fans voiced their opinions, because it was such a big thing. Soyeon was hinting at something and it got a lot of news online, so a lot of people were probably watching what would be the outcome.

    It's also possible that those fans didn't like their recent music but still remain their fans, overall.


    SNSD TWICE IVE Taeyeon aespa f(x) Red Velvet

  • Whenever gidle releases music international fans just say they don't like it and forget about gidle until there's a new controversy about them or to criticize Soyeon's English. If you don't even like the songs from a group why would it matter to you if they renew their contract?

    Why are we creating this fake dichotomy between international fans and their domestic fans? You really think all international Kpop fans dislike their music and all Korean fans like it? Because I can assure you that's not the case. Klaxon bombed in Korea. And whether or not they renew is talked about by everyone because it's news, especially when they were so vocal about hating their company. It's really that simple.

  • Klaxon bombed in Korea.

    Did it really? It seemed to chart pretty well.

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  • Did it really? It seemed to chart pretty well.

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    It must have been a late bloomer, because it was nowhere to be found after it released.

  • It must have been a late bloomer, because it was nowhere to be found after it released.

    Here it was after it was released:

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    Here it was after three weeks:

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    You really think all international Kpop fans dislike their music and all Korean fans like it?

    Not all Korean fans like their music, but a great many do. They have had four straight Korean comebacks with PAKs, including one this year.

  • I think it's a mix of things. The elephant in the room is there is a good portion of kpop fans that liked their music better when they were 6. They did a lot of teases about Soojin, and we have had Soyeon mention her last week. So many were hoping for them to leave Cube and bring back Soojin.

    Other than OT6 talks they have been saying for awhile that Cube is a bad company and always throwing shade at them. So, many thought they were going to leave when they had the chance to.

    In reality, Cube had some power in Negations due to owning the name and brand. Plus, they most likely looked at other options and realized better to stay at Cube and negotiate better terms

    The reasons above is why many were interested if they were going to renew. They most likely made the best decision for the 5 of them. I assume they have much better deals now because Cube doesn't have many other groups to depend on

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