Trump bodies Biden in their first debate Biden can barely speak at all.

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    Not his own VP saying he lost.

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    Forget about the debates. Hillary won all 3 presidential debates in 2016, but she lost the presidential election to Trump.


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  • Hillary won all 3 presidential debates in 2016, but she lost the presidential election to Trump.

    1st Presidential Debate 2016.png

    According to polls, Hillary Clinton won the first presidential debate in 2016 with an average of 42.8%.

    2nd and 3rd Presidential Debates 2016.png

    According to polls, Hillary Clinton won the second and third presidential debates with an average of 44.8% and 45.8% respectively.



    Elected President 2016.png


    In the same way, Biden can lose all the debates and still win in November.


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  • I watched the Debate, it was sad. Biden's frail and senile condition shown from start to finish. An observation many had seeing it.

    Next day I talked to one of Sisters and she asked if I saw the debate. Her take was Trump lied through the whole debate. I avoided the subject, I don't talk politics with family. But it did show some viewed the debate differently.

    So obvious and undeniable the MSM reported it without spinning it. Democrats and MSM had an epiphany, Biden ain't going to make it for another term. Looking at drastic ways of replacing him. Where it stands now for the Democrats is replacement vs Biden staying.

    All this from one debate. wow

    Seeing your not family, I can say stuff that can cause bad vibes. sorry XD

  • Where it stands now for the Democrats is replacement vs Biden staying.

    I'm a registered Republican voting for Biden in November. If we get Biden re-elected, we might get a replacement due to the 25th Amendment. The replacement would be the Vice President, Kamala Harris. Either way, we avoid Trump.


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  • Good thing there are procedures in place if that happens. Still beats the alternative.

    Yeah. I strongly believe Biden will stay on the ballot in November because he already won the primaries, and if he gets removed due to being incapable of being president, then I think the Vice President (Kamala Harris) would be inaugurated as President of the United States on January 20th.

    Biden re-elected, then Kamala Harris inaugurated on January 20th is a possible event.

    If Kamala Harris gets removed, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives would become the president, and so on.


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  • On the replacement effort. As a Californian, beware of Newsom. San Fransisco 49ers NFL team is in San Jose, Is just one of his wonderful accomplishments.

    Republican being more individual motivated when voting. excellent.

    Not that it matters in a highly Democrat state with winner take all delegates in Presidential elections. I'm voting for that Kennedy dude. My protest vote on how Kennedy was shut out of the Democrat Primaries. Bonus, it voids the Popular Vote bitching that may occur.

    btw its not a gripe about the electoral college, its very proper way of electing a President in a Democratic Republic. A topic that no doubt will be furiously be talked about after the election. A Civic lesson - The USA is a collection of States, during the formation of the Nation. States would Unite only when States had their own representation in the Federal Government. This representation takes the form of the US Senate and two electoral votes for each state. The only government official voted by electoral voting is the President. Kind of a preempted strike. XD

  • On the replacement effort. As a Californian, beware of Newsom. San Fransisco 49ers NFL team is in San Jose, Is just one of his wonderful accomplishments.

    How is the 49ers one of Newsom's wonderful accomplishments when they haven't won a single Super Bowl since 1995 XD


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  • Well yeah, their off their game.

    The longer story is Newsom somehow got elected SF Mayor. During the campaign found out Newsom was screwing around with his best friends wife. So its already getting interesting. But the outgoing and very popular SF Mayor Willie Brown told Newsom one thing he must do. "Keep the 49ers in San Francisco". Newsom's indifference neglectful style did little to keep the Team in SF. At the time it seemed Newsom was just calling the Team owners bluff. Hindsight, no it was Newsom's proven neglectful style was the cause.

    This indifferent neglect is at the root of serious problems the States is having. When a Governor governs in this manner. Newsom is more than neglectful, for now thats all.

    Side story and true, VP Camila Harris got her Political career started as San Francisco Attorney General by BJing SF Mayor Willie Brown. It's not who you know, its who you blow. XD

    Anyrate Beware of Newsom

  • I was living in San Francisco at that time. Neither Newsom nor Harris have the brainpower to manage a Starbucks, let alone a city, state, or national government. They are fronts for the "people wearing lanyards" who actually govern. As is Biden. As was Obama. James Howard Kunstler recently described Newsom as a "six-foot-three-haircut-in-search-of-a-brain" - I guess that's more than enough for our corrupted media to anoint him as the savior.

    The job of characters like these is to smile and promise to give buckets of free money to various tribal interests, organized along racial or cultural lines, welding them together into a fragile coalition just large enough to give plausible deniability to any suspicious-looking election results. Recently, that coalition is started to come apart with liberal, secular Jews surprised to learn that their dollars are less important to The Revolution than paying off and verbally endorsing the new and growing Muslim immigrant population - and Blacks watching all of their jobs and benefits going to shiny, new, soon-to-be-voting illegals.

    That's the thing about tribal politics - your tribal leaders don't really care about you, and they'll sell you out in a minute to stay on the inside.

    Newsom and Harris mastered tribal politics in destroying San Francisco. Newsom subsequently took his act statewide, and is doing a fine job of turning California into Brazil - billionaire estates with armed security surrounded by favelas and no troublesome middle class left to challenge his authority. The King's Dream.

    I agree with few of RFK Jr's policy positions - except for his intense desire to fling Fauci and the corrupt medical establishment into the nearest penitentiary - but even with his bad voice the man is able to make clear and cogent arguments in favor of his positions. Democrats don't dare let RFK Jr. anywhere near a debate stage - he would competely destroy the Biden/Obama/Tribalists at the top of the party. A ticket of RFK Jr./Tulsi Gabbard would be very strong and the looters who depend on established puppets would be in very serious danger of imprisonment or death for the crimes they have committed against the USA over the past 16 years if such a pairing could actually win.

    As for Trump - like his personality or not (which is really what all the media hatred is about) he is his own man. As President, I expect him to successfully block the Far Left's endless overreach - but it is unlikely the fractured Republican Party under him will accomplish much. A second Trump term would amount to little more than four years of holding the line, marked by endless media sniping and fake scandals. Business and consumer confidence would at least improve somewhat.

    But the permanent government in Washington simply cannot tolerate the existence of an outsider like Trump in its midst, and will turn its entire attention to getting rid of him - just as both Democrat and Republican insiders did last time.

    That's why we now hear nonsense about Biden somehow being the "moral" choice. This old pedophile should have been run out of DC years ago, but until senility set in he made an effective, WASP-ish front man for the collectivist looting gang. Trump is a builder and a creator, not a looter. The insiders just can't understand nor tolerate him - but life for the normal American will become much harder if he does not win.

  • Biden could barely talk but at least he answered all the questions

    Trump lied, dodged most of the questions and again made it clear he supports another insurrection of he loses.

    Don't just look at confidence and delivery, look at content



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • Biden could barely talk but at least he answered all the questions

    Trump lied, dodged most of the questions and again made it clear he supports another insurrection of he loses.

    Don't just look at confidence and delivery, look at content

    Biden lied a lot also. Fact check. I don’t support either candidate but they both lied. sometimes I believe it’s a requirement to lie to be a politician. It’s sad that in the US that this is all we have?

  • Biden could barely talk but at least he answered all the questions

    Trump lied, dodged most of the questions and again made it clear he supports another insurrection of he loses.

    Don't just look at confidence and delivery, look at content

    people love themselves a con man, that's exactly what Trump is. He basically avoided all questions and just talked about his buzz phrases instead. They could Weekend at Bernie's Biden's corpse for the presidency and he'd make a better president than that.

    If you read the transcript instead of watching them, it's shocking how much Trump just speaks with no substance whatsoever, but he knows his base will never call him out anyway.

  • Biden lied a lot also. Fact check. I don’t support either candidate but they both lied. sometimes I believe it’s a requirement to lie to be a politician. It’s sad that in the US that this is all we have?

    Both candidates lie but Trump's answers to everything were "no problems existed ever when I was president" and "the Mexicans are invading and that's why this completely irrelevant thing happened"

    He said terrorism didn't exist when he was president

    He said we had WATER when he was president :meme-what:



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • Good thing we have 3rd party candidates show up in the debates sometimes! Last time we had a third-party candidate show up at a presidential debate is Ross Perot in 1992.


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    Forget about the debates. Hillary won all 3 presidential debates in 2016, but she lost the presidential election to Trump.

    I remember that a lot thought Trump won tho?

    For this debate everyone even the left thought Biden lost badly

  • Biden could barely talk but at least he answered all the questions

    Trump lied, dodged most of the questions and again made it clear he supports another insurrection of he loses.

    Don't just look at confidence and delivery, look at content

    Trump was his usual self but Biden was abysmal even his content wasn't good.

    I'm not sure he has the ability to even debate at this age. So how is he going to talk Russia and other countries out of war? Confidence and delivery kind of shows what kind of leader he would be too.

  • I remember that a lot thought Trump won tho?

    For this debate everyone even the left thought Biden lost badly

    The debates don't matter. The electoral votes are the only thing that matters in US presidential elections.


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  • The debates don't matter. The electoral votes are the only thing that matters in US presidential elections.

    Swing voting states decide the outcome, last time Biden was a little sharp against Trump but this time? Not that good.

    These debates are what swing voters get their opinion swayed, they absolutely do matter

    The build up the rallies etc all of it matters that's what brings you the votes

  • Swing voting states decide the outcome, last time Biden was a little sharp against Trump but this time? Not that good.

    These debates are what swing voters get their opinion swayed, they absolutely do matter

    The build up the rallies etc all of it matters that's what brings you the votes

    The debates matter for the popular vote.

    The presidential election in November matters for the electoral vote.

    Hillary won all 3 debates in 2016, she won the popular vote, but she lost the electoral vote.


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  • The debates matter for the popular vote.

    The presidential election in November matters for the electoral vote.

    Hillary won all 3 debates in 2016, she won the popular vote, but she lost the electoral vote.

    It all matters to what people deciced who they will vote on the day.

    Thats the whole reason why we have them

  • Trump was his usual self but Biden was abysmal even his content wasn't good.

    I'm not sure he has the ability to even debate at this age. So how is he going to talk Russia and other countries out of war? Confidence and delivery kind of shows what kind of leader he would be too.

    There's a 3 year age difference and behind Trump's bravado, he talks utter nonsense . We already know what kind of leader he is: a shit one that doesn't care about the vast majority of Americans

    Trump cannot talk Russia out of war either



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • It all matters to what people deciced who they will vote on the day.

    Thats the whole reason why we have them

    The reason why we have Trump and Biden this year is because they won the primaries.

    Trump won the Republican primaries automatically once Nikki Haley quit (she quit after the results of Super Tuesday), and Biden won the Democratic primaries once he got enough delegates, even with people voting against him.

    Both Trump and Biden won enough delegates to secure the nomination for their party on March 12th, 2024.

    Whoever wins enough delegates wins the primaries for their party.


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  • There's a 3 year age difference and behind Trump's bravado, he talks utter nonsense . We already know what kind of leader he is: a shit one that doesn't care about the vast majority of Americans

    Trump cannot talk Russia out of war either

    Trump seems pretty sharp objectively Biden seems 10 years older. And Trump ain't great but thing is America hasn't gotten any bit better right?

    Trump can't but the question is who is more likely to out of the two. They both seem pretty terrible. The rest of us in the world are watching laughing.

    But sorry to y'all nation.

  • Trump cannot talk Russia out of war either

    I wouldn't be surprised if he talked Putin into war.

    Trump seems pretty sharp


    He has the mental capacity of a 3rd grader with crippling addictions to cocaine & Adderall. Clearly Biden has cognitive issues, but I'm tired of people acting like he's the only one. To say nothing of the other, blatantly hypocritical accusations Republicans make about him (as seen in this very thread.)

  • I wouldn't be surprised if he talked Putin into war.


    He has the mental capacity of a 3rd grader with crippling addictions to cocaine & Adderall. Clearly Biden has cognitive issues, but I'm tired of people acting like he's the only one. To say nothing of the other, blatantly hypocritical accusations Republicans make about him (as seen in this very thread.)

    I watched the entire debate and even some of Trump's rally, he does seem sharp in comparison?..

    Thats just objectively true?

  • My motivation to watch the debate to how Biden was going to make it through. Trump was not the draw, but he was well composed.

    Edited once, last by 4NIA4 ().

  • I wouldn't be surprised if he talked Putin into war.

    If he's comfortable gleefully saying he'd let Israel "finish the job" and started making deals with the Taliban before he left, ofc he'd back up his work husband

    Trump seems pretty sharp objectively Biden seems 10 years older. And Trump ain't great but thing is America hasn't gotten any bit better right?

    This man has lost the popular vote twice, mangled the Covid crisis, supported an insurrection and his 3 little minions are undoing civil rights protections that were supported on both sides.

    And he's a pedophile. And a convicted felon.



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • I watched the entire debate and even some of Trump's rally, he does seem sharp in comparison?..

    Thats just objectively true?

    Trump is sharp only when it comes to speaking, but his mind is not sharp as he was a terrible president.

    When Trump was president, the COVID-19 recession started (which hurt the economy), we had to wear face masks, there were protests about George Floyd's death, there was also a Unite the Right rally (which includes far-right groups, which are obviously terrible), the Trump-Ukraine scandal, and two impeachments for Trump. He is a convicted criminal who is going to be sentenced on July 11th, 2024. He even said that he wants to be a dictator. What a terrible president.

    Here's the video where Trump says that he wants to be a dictator:

    When Biden took office, he changed the economy for the better. He started the Build Back Better plan, which was divided into three parts:

    • The American Rescue Plan (A USD $1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill proposed to rescue the economy)
    • The American Jobs Plan (A plan proposed to reduce the contributions of the United States from the deadly effects of climate change and also to address infrastructure bills)
    • The American Families Plan (A plan that cares about Americans' families)

    The American Rescue Plan is still in effect. That's why we Americans don't wear face masks these days.

    Biden even reduced inflation by signing the Inflation Reduction Act, which is a federal law in the United States.

    As Benjamin Franklin said,


    A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over.

    - Benjamin Franklin

    A slip of the foot means being physically ill. You can recover from a physical illness. A slip of the tongue means saying something wrong like an insult or something similar. You cannot get over a slip of the tongue.

    And as George Washington said,


    I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy.

    - George Washington

    Sure, Biden was bad at the debate, he can win the electoral vote in November.

    I'd rather have an honest person who is physically ill as president (Biden) rather than a person who wants to be a dictator who is dishonest and denies wrongdoing (Trump).

    Debate performances since 2004

    OpponentDebates WinnerElected President
    2004George W. Bush
    John Kerry
    John Kerry (all 3 debates)
    George W. Bush
    2008John McCainBarack Obama
    Barack Obama (all 3 debates)Barack Obama
    2012Barack ObamaMitt RomneyBarack Obama (2 debates)
    Barack Obama
    2016Donald TrumpHillary Clinton
    Hillary Clinton (all 3 debates)
    Donald Trump
    2020Donald TrumpJoe Biden
    Joe Biden (all 2 debates)
    Joe Biden
    2024Joe Biden
    Donald Trump
    To Be Announced (TBA)To Be Announced (TBA)

    From 2004 until 2020, only four people who lost debates were elected president despite losing debates (Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden).

    See? Winning debates doesn't matter. The electoral votes matter.

    Popper-of-Ks Biden can win in November despite his debate performance as seen in the chart I made don't worry.


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  • They put Biden up there in his current condition because they have now decided to get rid of him. His deteriorating mental and physical health has become a liability. They send out the word and all of a sudden the entire media plays along and turns on him. These are clearly not independent media voices. They have known about Biden's condition since 2016 and have done everything possible to keep it from the public. Look how many people seemed (or pretended to be) surprised by Biden's condition on stage. That would be impossible if an independent media had ever any access to him.

    They simultaneously spread the "Trump's a Liar!" mind virus, hoping to use Trump's tendency to speak hyperbolically to confuse the public. I counted exactly one Trump lie - when he said Biden had described Blacks as "super-predators." It was actually Hillary Clinton who said that. So don't expect any serious fact-checking to be done on that one.

    I recommend that people who are still undecided find independent media sources to follow and form your own opinions. Don't do your research on social media, by watching late-night comedy shows, or reading unsourced, off-topic posts on entertainment sites.

    Do your best to avoid the government-media complex's many tentacles and uncover the truth for yourself. These people have gotten very good at provoking emotional responses with online language. A lot of your future earnings are at stake - and they want their allies to get them.

    When you hear an entire national media machine repeating the exact same slogans at the exact same time, word for word, as you did in the wake of the debate, you may know you are being lied to.

  • They put Biden up there in his current condition because they have now decided to get rid of him.

    Maybe they already decided to get rid of him days ago, but they already ruled out that possibility.

    From the article Top Democrats rule out replacing Biden amid calls for him to quit 2024 race:

    "With Democratic leaders rallying around him, it will be up to Biden to decide whether he wants to end his re-election bid." - Reuters (July 1st, 2024 article)

    It's Biden's decision if he wants to quit.


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  • If he's comfortable gleefully saying he'd let Israel "finish the job" and started making deals with the Taliban before he left, ofc he'd back up his work husband

    This man has lost the popular vote twice, mangled the Covid crisis, supported an insurrection and his 3 little minions are undoing civil rights protections that were supported on both sides.

    And he's a pedophile. And a convicted felon.

    I think everyone knows Trump's shortcomings. He'd lose against any other nominee but a senile man being in charge of the world's leading power? He hasn't been able to stop either of the two major wars which is eating up U.s tax payers money.

    Biden didn't really do anything he said he would. Anyway we will see but it's more about who's more competent rafher than who is actually competent

    Because they're both idiots.

  • I think everyone knows Trump's shortcomings. He'd lose against any other nominee but a senile man being in charge of the world's leading power? He hasn't been able to stop either of the two major wars which is eating up U.s tax payers money.

    Biden didn't really do anything he said he would. Anyway we will see but it's more about who's more competent rafher than who is actually competent

    Because they're both idiots.

    Joe Biden is honest (Trump denies the fact that he was convicted, but Biden knows that Trump was convicted because, as FBI director James Comey said, the prosecutors had the evidence such as documents, texts, emails, and the key witness Michael Cohen in order to convict Trump), he recovered the economy, he stopped the public health emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic (which started in January 31st, 2020, which is when Trump was president), and he even helped college students with graduation. Joe Biden didn't start violence and did not participate in violence on January 6th, 2021 by the way. It was his predecessor, Mr. Trump.

    Maybe Biden or some president after him will end those wars.

    If you've been following the news (which looks like you haven't), Biden recently called for a ceasefire in Gaza, but both Hamas and Israel have to agree on the ceasefire in order for that to happen.

    If people don't want a senile man as President of the United States, there should be an age limit written in the United States Constitution.

    This year we will see who's more competent at governing the United States because either Trump or Biden will win the electoral votes required to win re-election. There's no other choice unless you include Green Party nominee Jill Stein and Libertarian Party nominee Chase Oliver. Both Chase Oliver and Jill Stein have at least 270 electors, which is the minimum number of electors required to win the presidential election.


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  • Leading up to the Debate rumblings were it would be a make or break event for Biden. Long before this It was clear Biden is not all there. Every official Presidential function is a Cringe fest. Biden's performance was so bad even his most virulent critics felt bad for him. World leaders helped hide his wanderings and confusion.

    At this point its not about Biden and getting him re-elected. Unites States President is a serious job. Biden is mentally absent and a liability to the Country because of it.

    Biden has more than six months as acting president. He is a full on Puppet at this point. Jacked up on stimulants, reading teleprompters written by speech writers. Messaging from entities behind the scenes and not off his own. Biden has lost all decision making abilities and is told what to do.

    In the Country's interest :

    Section 3 of the 25th Amendment of the Constitution allows Biden to resign and Harris becomes President.

    Appears Biden is getting pressured by the First Family to stay in the Race. Politicians clearly covering their own arse only praise Bidden.

    Section 4 of the 25th Amendment empowers he Vice President and the executive cabinet to remove the president.

    This is unlikely with the Clowns in the Cabinet. One exception Secretary of State Blinken is actually very good. its must be hell for him as the only competent Cabinet member surrounded by incompetents.

    At most the Democrats are pursing a replacement nominee. Some agreement is the replacement will be made during their convention by the Delegates. Good news you can still write in Biden if you like. XD

    Democrat Party is a Private organization. Not restricted by law how they process the voting. There is promises a Delegate represents the voters. This is a desperate situation so DNC's promises are worth squat.

  • Section 4 of the 25th Amendment empowers he Vice President and the executive cabinet to remove the president.

    Nah. That's not what it says.

    The 4th section of the 25th Amendment enables the Vice President to become the Acting President if the president is unable to perform the powers and duties of his office.


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  • Nah. That's not what it says.

    The 4th section of the 25th Amendment enables the Vice President to become the Acting President if the president is unable to perform the powers and duties of his office.

    That being said, there has been only three vice presidents that became the Acting President under the 25th Amendment.

    1. July 13th 1985, the Acting President was George H. W. Bush, and the President was Ronald Reagan.
    2. June 29th, 2002, the Acting President was Richard Cheney, and the President was George W. Bush.
    3. July 21st, 2007, the Acting President was Richard Cheney, and the President was George W. Bush.
    4. November 19th, 2021, the Acting President was Kamala Harris, and the President was (and still is) Joe Biden.


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  • Again section 4 authorizes the VP and Cabinet to remove the President. A determination by them the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office.

    It also authorizes them to reinstate the President once their abilities return.

    In Biden's case, he is mentally incapable of preforming the duties of President. He is not going to improve, so the removal would be permanent.

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