I'm worried about tripleS future

  • I usually don't agree with knetz at all, but after reading this from a korean WAV, I'm starting to be very worried. Starting to think the company has financial challenges and having 24 members might have stretched their economy way more than they could managed. That's why Modhaus decided with letting some of the members leave dorm and others to be more independent. I think it's more too it than just caring for the members health.








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  • I think this person highly mistaken especially about signal

    1. there is no forced signal now

    2. members will team up themselves to decide with who they want to make signal, to show best/new pairings

    3. members openly said when/where they want to film content: city date, strawberry farm, etc.

    4. kids who were announced as early S, or those who were working hard since beginning deserve a break, time with family, and also a LIFE outside of dorm/group

    sadly complains of some WAV's just show how immature they are

    also there is 2.6M subscribers on tripleS yt channel now, so there should be bit less content but more proper/fun one

    ah and one more thing about line up from popular to least popular

    this is why Modhaus is now doing Gravity pre-selecting 2 members, and later on Modhaus will also ad 1/2 more members, so they know what it's all about and will balance it well

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  • If the company can afford it, why not? But clearly the company ain't big enough for a group like this.

    Even for fans, following so many members is very difficult. And with so many members all the variety shows, interviews, reality shows and music shows that group attends would get very over crowded

  • one must remember that one of the downsides of having 24 members in a team is that the profits are divided 24 ways

    ie. roughly 4% of the profits per member

  • one must remember that one of the downsides of having 24 members in a team is that the profits are divided 24 ways

    ie. roughly 4% of the profits per member

    After company, investors, producers and staff take their cut from the profit, these girl would get peanuts for sallery

  • but they are paid thanks to Objekt sales and this money ain't divided

    the more you sell the more you get

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  • but they are paid thanks to Objekt sales and this money ain't divided

    the more you sell the more you get

    but still the money does get shared among all the members and the more members there are the less money each one of them individually get. Also them saying stuff like members are getting paid through nft sales just seems like a marketing ploy by company to motivate fans to buy more nft stuff

  • but still the money does get shared among all the members and the more members there are the less money each one of them individually get. Also them saying stuff like members are getting paid through nft sales just seems like a marketing ploy by company to motivate fans to buy more nft stuff

    no lol

    if you sell your Objekt photocard

    you only split money with agency, and that ain't usual big split

    this is why it went viral in Korea that members are already paid

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  • This whole concept is messy.

    But the girls knew about it going in, they signed the contract.

    Hopefully they can get a little money, more than normal nugu groups that are never paid.

  • They don't do it that way, if I understood correctly they divide profits according to how much each member sells or something like that.

    ???????????? come again???

    how do they track that? like do they produce 24 versions of an album and you personal income is dependent on how many of "your" album you sell???

    I'm not that familiar with tripleS but I know there's a lot of subunits so I can understand for subunit songs and performances only that particular subunit shares in the money but what about general OT24 performances and songs??? (jeez I've never had to nor will I probably ever type OT24 again lol)

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