Why 4th gen girl groups have bigger female fans ratio than male fans compared to the previous generation?

  • [빅데이터로 보는 트렌드⑯] 여성의 소비력과 소비 시장 확대 - The PR 더피알
    더피알=이주희 | 우리 사회를 오랫동안 잠식했던 성 고정관념이 서서히 깨지고 있다. 유교적 관념이 득세했던 한국 사회에서는 여러 분야에서 고착된 성 역할이 존재했다. 여성에게 기대되는 특정한 역할과 이에 ...

    This link is talking about the expansion of women's spending power in Korea. One of the topic they talking about is the increase of female fans in 4th gen girl groups fanbase.

    "This phenomenon also appears in the music market. Changes are being made to encourage more purchasing power among K-pop female fans. In the overall K-pop market, women's purchasing power has previously been higher. Looking at sales data from Interpark's own goods shop, 'Ticket MD Shop', it was found that 9 out of 10 customers who purchased goods such as program books and badges at the concert hall were women.

    Meanwhile, the gender ratio of female consumers purchasing albums from 4th generation girl groups New Jeans and Ive was also found to be very high. As the influence of female consumers with purchasing power is so strong, efforts are in full swing in the popular culture world to capture so-called 'female fans'.

    Unlike existing girl groups that had a high proportion of male fandom, the proportion of female fans in 4th generation girl groups (New Jeans, Ive, Le Seraphim, etc.) is as high as boy group idols. 4th generation girl group songs mainly contain lyrics about women's independence, confidence, and self-esteem.

    'Subject me' is not necessarily a story limited to women, but it can be seen that women were set as the central target through lyrics that resist taboos and oppression and pursue freedom, and this strategy can be seen to have worked well for female consumers."

    This article main point is saying the changes in lyrics make the newer generation girl groups more accepted by female fans. But is it the only reason? Why this generation girl groups attracting more fangirls than fanboy?

  • hasn't that always been the trajectory? like it's always gonna be the case that female fans will outnumber male fans and also be more willing to spend money no matter the marketing strategy. i think kpop in general is still seen as kind of a girly or even gay hobby so i really don't expect a lot of straight dudes to hop on the hallyu wagon no matter how trendy it is on social media. i get crap all the time for liking kpop from my normie friends that look at things this way

  • Women have always been big spenders in kpop, that isn't new. What's new is that a lot of girl groups are purposely targeting women as fans these days. Or more specifically, a lot of them are attempting to target a neutral audience. Lesserafim is a great example of a group that's successfully managed to target men and women equally.

    Although they do actually have one MV that almost exclusively targets women for some reason:

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  • the big GGs back in 2nd and 3rd gens are always supported by female fans which are less fickle and most willing to invest.

    Male fans mainly prefer trendy groups (including the groups with sexy concepts) but they hop to newer groups along the way.

  • Mix of 3 things frkm the least important to the most important:

    - Lack of good Boygroups made an audience of female fans who usually would be BG stans into GG stans. GG music is basically the enteriry if idol scene with BG music simply disappearing from Korean mindshare

    - Girlgroups dipping weird sexy and cute concepts made exclusively for the male gaze (groups like AOA and Sistar disappeared from the market or become very niche) to a point is no longer uncomfortable to stan them

    - Slow deconstruction of the idea thet kpop is meant to be "health porn" where fans pretend to be girlfriends of their idols. It's a narrative companies pushed a lot during 1st, 2nd and 3rd gen but looks like gen Z girls no longer fall for this crap. They want instead groups they can relate with and admire, and those are girlgroups. Women feel empowered watching other girls singing and perform.

  • Was about damn time!

    Was always so frustrating to see these GG’s chart but couldn’t sell albums or tours because they didn’t had a strong female fanbase, who were the biggest spenders in Kpop since the beginning. Now it’s changing and it’s great to see them competing with the boys now.

  • In general companies realized to focus more on the main demographic who consume their music and it was always the female demographic.

    Many BG are still selling the bf fantasy, so companies haven’t really stopped pushing that. But You can’t do that with GG’s, so another way to get them female fans on board is to give them something they can relate to. And it worked!

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