Why did JYP get a pass when he did this?

  • The difference is that you don't actually care about the well-being of Black K-pop fans, minors, or young women. Those users are allowed spaces to vent because they're legitimately concerned about these issues.

    I think you bring up these topics for your own ego or sick satisfaction.

    Here's an ultimatum. This is the last thread you'll have about one of these topics. You might not see it this way, but it's for your own good. I don't think it's healthy to stay fixated on these things if you're not in it for the right reasons.

    Gee I thought the purpose of forums was just to discuss topics, but if you insist then I won’t. It does seem like there’s too much discussion.

  • I'd get you asking this question if he was touching these girls inappropriately or grinding on them or something. But there is literally none of that, and he keeps a respectful distance and the challenge is not too risqué.

    I think JYP likes to have younger female dance partners to give himself a certain "image" and also to not be compared to younger men.

    Is that very much boomer of him, yes, but I wouldn't say this is something he needs to be called out on. He is not sexualizing these women or behaving inappropriately.


    Full disclosure, I've always liked JYP. People rag on him all the time for this and for that. And he's often mocked as a goofy old man trying to be hip and with it. Yea he can be narcissistic and cringe. But I actually think that's a little bit of his charm. He's not afraid to keep throwing himself out there as a performer and refuses to stay "in the back office" like a lot of company heads. He's still a performer at heart and still comes back and does his thing.

    And he has a knack for straddling the perfect line between a "goofy uncle acts young" and legitimate ability and talent. Take When We Disco for instance. Such a great comeback and what a phenomenal catchy song. Yea he's doing it with Sunmi, but who cares. It worked. They both had fun and were perfect together. And when he's done duo performances with younger idols more recently he's dropped the the explicitly "romantic" angle, as you mentioned, foregoing touching and indication it's anything more than a just a fun collab performance.

    Anyway. Long diatribe short. I don't see anything wrong with him or his comebacks. He's a likeable character in my book. One of kpop's legendary eccentrics and major figures.

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