key10lee's Review Corner

  • I'm going dish my hot takes and honest opinions because everyone cares and wants to know. What can I say, I'm the main character.

    Alt thread title: key10lee agressively hating on their faves

    Don't be surprised if this thread ends up being mostly fashion because I love fashion.

    My first real post on this thread will be when SHINee drops "Hard", so if you care to know what I think song-by-song, come back and read my rants. This is unless I have more outfits to complain/rave about between now.

    I still can't get over this outfit. It's so pretty. It has whales and ships and...and... he's so handsome :holding-back-tears:

    Minho is in his era. Mark my words.

  • Anticipating a meme song

    Hard Hard Hard Hard HardHardHardHardHard

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  • I was really trying to wait for the album to come out before I start my reviews, but I've heard Hard and Juice in their entirety and I'll give my first impression.

    Juice- 9.7/10

    This is what I'm talking about. Holy shit! They've done it again! SHINee is back! They said they've got the Juice and they proved it. I really love everything about this song, but the best thing that stands out to me is the vocal styling. The way they sing it just makes it all the more awesome. I don't really want to dive too much into the geeky music theory side of things, so I'll say that the composer understood the assignment and leave it at that. SHINee showed us a different color with this modernized take on classic sound. I took off .3 points because the chorus is a little repetitive in a not good way and I don't think the bridge adds to the song as much as it subtracts. Also, we get Taemin (rapping?) and my little heart is overjoyed.

    Just a little passing statement: 2min bodied this for real for real. I'm loving this 2min era.

    Hard- 4/10

    My parents taught me that when you criticize something you should start with good things to soften the blow, so I start by saying that even the half-second of the rap-like something Lee Taemin graced us with was enough to boost this rating. Another positive is that I wanted this song to be weird and I was not disappointed. But when I didn't expect the cringe that I was met with.

    Oh hell no. I'm pissed.

    Where do I begin?

    Maybe the chorus. No amount of bias in this world can reconcile the way they dropped it on the floor. I never thought SHINee would bring us some cringe ass lyrics like that and not eat it up. And if it was going to be cringey, at least have the decency to hype up the chorus. BUT THE CHANTING THOUGH... THIS IS NOT THE CHEERLEADING SQUAD, GOOD SIRS. I found it personally offensive when they were posturing and trying to sell that they're all bad and tough and cool (my bad... "hard") and then proceed to serve some weak shit.

    And the worse part is that I can't even laugh about it. It's not even funny because I had faith that they would impress me. This is the first time that SHINee genuinely disappointed me.


    Anyways, the verses were better than the chorus but forgettable, and the bridge was strange yet I liked it. The song as a whole was simultaneously cohesive and disjointed, which could work if the chorus wasn't painfully mid. I wouldn't call this title material (ummm, hello...Juice), but I suppose we'll see when Hard proves me wrong and wins some awards.

    I'll settle the NCT thing: even if this is like NCT, SHINee did it way better. 127 would only make it even more cringey, but at least it would fit their Neo Culture concept.

    Despite the very low marks I gave this, I do believe that it's ranking will go up when I hear the studio version. maybe the chorus will sound better or something. Maybe it was missing that special Onew touch in the live stages. I'll believe anything before I accept that I don't like this at all.

    Edited 2 times, last by key10lee: Fuck SM fromt he bottom of my heart ().

  • Hard- 5.75/10

    A seven would be that I like it, but I just don't like that whispering part and not even just from a misophonia standpoint (even though Key ate it up so disrespectfully) it gives me the ick. I found a new thing to be upset about: "bring the fireeee yuh". Can we not open a song in such an irritating way? I'll let the "hard like a criminal part live". It's actually so much better with Onew and I don't mind everything that's not the chorus.

    The chorus would be fine if the first half was like the second half.

    I actually hate that Onew screamed at me in that bridge on a spiritual level. What the actual fuck, Lee Jinki?

    I think that I could grow on me. I'm a little less disappointed now, but I'm kind of surprised that they dropped that chorus. Where did they even learn how to do that?

    Juice- 9.9

    Holy fuck, this is one of my favorite SHINee songs now. This song is my blood. This song is my religion (sorry Jesus). This song is my whole identity. When they said "I think you like me" I was like "damn, you right, cuz". SHINee kicked my ass and i'm here for it. Still kinda iffy about the bridge. AND OF COURSE (MY FAVORITE) ADRIAN MCKINNON DID THIS ONE!!!! He never misses. Juice slaps, and as my little sister says "it jiggles cheeks" (because it slaps so damn hard).

    10x- 8/10

    First thought: holy shit. Kim Kibum was going to seduce me (but deadass, why did he sing it like that... he stays on that shit). This song feels like a cross between my favorite eras of SHINee: Odd and SoL. I like this song, but I gave it only an eight because I don't like the prechorus and it's just narrowly too chill to listen to outside of my study playlist. The "10x wgugudvbuefvnuei 10x" thing is gross. Why?

    Satellite- 7.5/10

    I really like the chorus, but the rest of the song is kinda mid. Is it just me, or are the verses and the chorus/bridge different vibes? This chord progression is owning me though. *obligatory simping for Onew's singing*

    Identity- 6.5/10

    I'm just down bad for Taemin rapping. No, I'm absolute trash for Taemin rapping. Aside from this, I don't really like anything but the chorus and the bridge. I could see this growing on me though. And Onew's high note slayed me (why the fuck does his voice sound so good on this album?)

    The Feeling- 5/10

    I don't like dance music. Usually SHINee is the exception, but I can't make the exception this time. It's a really fun song and I love seeing them have the time of their lives while performing it, but I feel like I couldn't listen it outside of that. As a fan of Minho's chest voice, I would personally like to thank whoever decided that he gets to go "I wAnNa fEEl It"

    Like It- 7/10

    I was not vibing until the first chorus, but when the first chorus came I was like "oh hell yeah. That's the stuff right there." Again, I only like the chorus, but I think this song will be on like half of my playlists. I wish it was more Shift/Jump and less Code, y'know what I mean?

    Sweet Misery- 1/10

    No. Absolutely not. Give Key back his solo song (I wouldn't be surprised if this actullay was supposed to be for him). Instant skip, but it gets a one because I would let it play without screaming until my head explodes if I was busy and couldn't get to the skip.

    Edit: I did listen to the whole song though for the sake of review.

    Insomnia- 8.5/10

    From the first note I knew that this would eat. And yes, I was right because I'm left on the floor with my weave snatched. I couldn't give it a nine because I was missing a rap from Onew. It only feels right structurally since MinKey had their little thing, then Taemin had his all alone.

    I'm gonna be so for real: I love that this is a SHINee song, but if anyone was gonna steal for their solo albums, Minho should've taken this for Minho 2. Or at least let it be an OnHo duet.

    Gravity- 7.4/10

    I wasn't too into it until Minho started serenading me and I felt my heart melt in real time. I really like this comfy, sweet vibe. AND ONEW VOCALS ARE SENDING ME OMG I CAN'T BREATHE ASDFGHJKL. In a way, this song is like Days and Years. I want to say that everything that's not the chorus is mid, but these vocals are no joke and I can only shut up and enjoy it.

    HARD- The 8th Album---- 7.5/10

    All in all, this album is pretty good. I expected it to go hard (I know, I hated it too) and I was not disappointed.

    I still can't fathom why Hard is the title track. SHINee needs a slap on the wrist. But it's whatever because they'll do great on music shows and make this sorry ass hater look like a fool.

    Edited 2 times, last by key10lee: Boo SHINee. Really, boo! I was hoping SM chose Hard but I can't catch a break. ().

  • But SM didn't choose Hard

    They choose Juice the dem joint song

    SHINee picked hard

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  • Then SHINee should be crying and quivering. I want to see real tears.

    I can't believe SM was right for once. Ewww.

    I think the reaction to dcm was same but it changed

    Let's see

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  • I think the reaction to dcm was same but it changed

    Let's see

    Idk, DCM is the song that converted me from casual fan to Shawol (with the help of Code but that's beside the point). I was hooked the first time I heard it.

    But Hard will do fine as far as charting and winning awards go. I'd be surprised if it didn't.

  • Idk, DCM is the song that converted me from casual fan to Shawol (with the help of Code but that's beside the point). I was hooked the first time I heard it.

    But Hard will do fine as far as charting and winning awards go. I'd be surprised if it didn't.

    Ok on the album so far

    I love juice

    The pre chorus and chorus slap so hard

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  • Satellite is the song I will listen to while I'm crying and walking under the rain

    It's my thing

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  • Give SHINee's stylists a raise right now.

    (You don't get any pics. I'm too lazy for that)

    The stylists are the realest this time around. Some of these outfits are lowkey goofy af but it's perfect and I can't even be mad about it.

    And whoever decided that crop tops are the item of the hour gets a special thanks from me. I am living and dying for SHINee's crop top era.

    My favorite outfits so far is a tie between Onew's rainbow outfit (don't know how he managed to pull that one off, lol) and the cropped-corset-shoulder embellishment thing Key wore today for Mnet (I love when he does that). Minho's skirt suit and Taemin's tan suit thing are honorable mentions.

    My least favorite outfits are the outfit with the red jacket that Minho wore in the MV (it's just the jacket that makes it not good) and Onew's skirt suit (plain goofy...ain't no way). Honorable mentions is the most of Minho's outfit that included the crop top and the harness. The only part that I liked was the harness.

    The glittery pants thing is cool too. I love Taemin's shiny pants. I don't know why we needed it, but I ain't mad at it.

    But of course SHINee busts out the cropped shirts and Onew's on hiatus. We'll get him on the next one. I'm salty because I know he would eat up a crop top (as he always does). MVPs got his number... that's okay.

  • Soooo, I didn't review Guilty before the promo season ended. Sorry. Finals. But I'm doing it now.

    1. Guilty-- 7.2/10

    It's the usual Taemin sound I've grown to love. The prechorous is addicting and it's playing in my head at all times. Th only reason this song is a 7.2 is because I feel like it's kinda mid without the choreo. In fact, now that I'm listening to it without the choreo. I realized that one the stages started rolling out I hadn't done that. I like it, and it's good, but it could be better.

    2. The Rizzness-- 9/10

    Oh god, don't get me started. I love this song. This is what I crave from Taemin: music for my villan era. Every time I hear this song, I get the urge to do dangerous gremlin things and that's just perfect for me. Although bestie ate down on this shit, I wanna gouge my eyes out every time I hear this 30-something-year-old man say "you know I got the rizzzzz, the rizzness". It's spectacularly cringe, but not redeemably cool enough that I wouldn't be embarrassed to show my friends.

    3. She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not-- 6/10

    It's not bad, but it's not my taste. It's much to radio pop for my liking. I don't like the chanting background vocals, but I like the melody. Despite only being a 6/10 it still made it to my playlist. It's good to listen to for a late night drive or (in my case) a late night walk.

    4. Not Over You-- 7.5/10

    Kinda in the same way of the previous track, it's not my taste. Aside from being a bit too pop for my liking, the song is actually good. It's chill but not in a dull way.

    5. Night Away-- 9.5/10

    I be fucking with this. Every time I go on a walk at night, this shit is blasting. This song is soooooo good. You can dance to it, you can chill to it, you could even cry to it if you really felt like it. AND THE CHORD PROGRESSION TICKLES MY SOUL. I wanna kiss whoever composed this on the lips.

    6. Blue-- 4.4/10

    This is my second time listening to the song since the album came out. I still don't like it. At all. Like, rememebr how I hated Sweet Misery. This is almost at that level. The only difference is this is Taemin and therefore it kinda lowkey eats. So I wanna give this a 5, but I feel like that would give the impression that I would listen to this. But this song isn't bad, I just don't like it. I guess if I liked pop music maybe my opinion would be different.

    But if I rated this without my opinion, I'd give it a 7.

  • I'm back again, bitches! Time to drop my hot takes into the void and further tarnish my digital footprint. I haven't been keeping up with Kpop too much, loves, I apologize cause I know you all care so much what I think, but I'll dish the tea I'm hearing through the grapevine.

    Apparently the SHINee members are all flashing fake tattoos (except Onew who just mention the word tattoo). Minho's workout pictures/vids feature forearm tatts, leg tatts and Taemin's hand tatts. Most of them are obviously fake (though the lightning bolt on Minho's forearm has been there for a while and it's always in the same place and it hasn't faded). Kibum was recently seen at the airport (very obviously) showing off a fading cross hand tattoo. some people are saying it could be that their forecasted mini album will have something to do with this. It would be like them to give hints this way.

    r/SHINee - 240510 KEY at Gimpo International Airport, departing for ‘KCON JAPAN 2024’ (With possible temporary tattoo!)

    Sidenote: if I was ever a middle aged lesbian I would dress exactly like Key. His fits always eat (even when he's got some fuckass shorts on).

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