[instiz] Korean netizens react to the "unfair" tier ranking system introduced on 'Queendom Puzzle'

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    In the preview episode, the viewers were introduced to all the contestants and were also presented with a ranking system. As soon as the contestants entered the show stage, they were already allocated to different tiers, which were ranked based on music show wins and album performance results.


    The scoring for each female idol was structured so that two equal factors influenced it. Specifically, 50% of their score derived from the number of times they achieved a number 1 ranking on a music program. Simultaneously, the remaining 50% of the score was based on their total first-week album sales.

    Korean netizens were baffled after the preview episode aired because the girls were placed in four different tiers during public broadcasting even before the official competition began.

    Netizens commented,

    "This is too much"

    "Tiers? This is crossing the line"

    "This is so unfair"

    "I never thought they would rank them in tiers"

    "This is so crazy"

    "How can they bring in tiers?"


    "Is Mnet crazy?"

    "That makes no sense that they would rank them that way"

    "Need to boycott Mnet for sure"

    "Mnet shows always have controversy"

    "The standard they ranked them is weird too"

    "This broadcast is so good at causing drama"

    'It seems meaningless to rank them this way"

    Korean netizens react to the "unfair" tier ranking system introduced on 'Queendom Puzzle'
    'Queendom Puzzle' is already creating a buzz on various online communities and social media platforms after Ep. 0, the preview episode of the highly …

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  • Yikes.

    I mean, this is reality, but I wouldn't want to see this.

    What's the point of the ranking system anyway? Does it have any bearing on who will be in the final group?



  • Yikes.

    I mean, this is reality, but I wouldn't want to see this.

    What's the point of the ranking system anyway? Does it have any bearing on who will be in the final group?

    as for now it's all hard to tell

    this was in the teaser


    this scene wasn't included yet in episode 0

    I think that episode 0, mostly highlight of it will be re-broadcasted in episode 1, and then more performances will be added

    then probably in episode 2 we will still be watching performances as well, and later the scenes from the photo which I posted will be included

    I don't know if it's a spoiler or not but if you look here at titles... maybe it's a suggestion who will be ranked top after solo stages, and who was ranked lower? maybe the score of whole UP & Down voting is kind of mixed with this pre-rank pyramid?

    Pick on the TOP

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    Drop the Beat

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  • This show will be shitty and Mnet will have full power most of these girls come from little company they'll not protect them. And if Mnet does evil edit some girls will take some serious shit storm without big fandom for protect them. This show is just an highway to hell for them. :skull:

    "Every winter has its spring."


  • Be it that you're #1 or #4 on the list, it probably won't feel good. If you're #1, it'll be embarrassing to lose to those who's #4. And if you're #4, well, Mnet already shown you to the world.

    This is KPOP. We eat and consume the good bits of it, but don't like it when people actually show us the process.


  • they were already allocated to different tiers, which were ranked based on music show wins

    This doesn't seem quite right, since the vast majority of the contestants do not have *any* music show wins:

    I‍z*One: 2‍6 wins

    M‍omoland: 11 wins

    A‍OA: 10 wins

    W‍JSN: 9 wins

    L‍ovelyz: 4 wins

    C‍LC: 2 wins

    L‍aboum: 1 win

    C‍herry Bullet: 0 wins

    F‍yeqoodgurl: 0 wins

    H‍1-K‍ey: 0 wins

    L‍ightsum: 0 wins

    N‍MB48: 0 wins

    P‍urple Kiss: 0 wins

    R‍ocket Punch: 0 wins

    T‍ripleS: 0 wins

    W‍eeekly: 0 wins

    W‍eki Meki: 0 wins

    W‍oo!ah!: 0 wins

  • They should just start from scratch.

    I suspect though, that they do this to make things more dramatic in the first few episodes.

    Look at this contestant, no music show wins but going up!

    Look at this contestant, many music show wins but failing!

    Same thing when JYP artificially demoted Jihyo in the beginning of Sixteen for drama, to show: "Even though she has been here for 10 years, she is now demoted!"

  • yeah that person only talked about music show wins

    it was also about accolades?

    like for example Weeekly won 2020 MAMA Rookie Award

    so they've also took award shows into consideration as well as some views/streams, if the songs went viral etc.

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