A separation between Fifty Fifty owner and the group would probably be unavoidable

  • [단독] 빌보드 점령한 피프티 피프티, 몸값 800억 인정받을까
    [서울경제] 전 세계 음악 시장에서 돌풍을 일으키고 있는 신인 걸그룹 '피프티 피프티'의 소속사 어트랙트가 기업가치 800억 원을 목표로 첫 투자 유치에 나섰다. 기존 아티스트의 해외 진출 확대와 신규 지식재산권(IP) 제작을 위한 대규모 자금을 마련하려는 목적이다. 벤처투자…

    (Machine translation)

    tl, dr, the owner of Fifty Fifty is launching a boy group next year, and is now trying to raise 10 billion won, or about $7.5 million. He is valuing his company at 80 billion won, or about $60 million.

    He is showing the same behavior the owners of GFriend, Momoland, Chungha and Brave Girls demonstrated.

    Granted, he seems to be intoxicated by his sudden jackpot from nowhere and is listening to a bunch of people.

    KPop is full of fly by night owners, owners who fail to pay, owners who use their acts to enrich themselves, etc and he is already showing the same symptoms even though his act is just starting. He demonstrated that he is there for a quick buck, and he lacks any long term strategy.

    It was the owner who selected Saena, who is not the oldest, as the leader. Why, only he knows. But by doing so he created a huge burden to the group since Saena does not contribute to its western popularity.

    Given that he revealed his intention too early, it seems that he is not as smart and wise as some people might claim , and it is Western companies noticing FF's potential in the west (the two members actually singing, not the other two) and calling the shots.

    I don't think he will continue to own FF 12 months after from now if FF's journey does not stop. The OST is hyped in K-O-R-E-A, ironically, but other than musical movies or some blockbusters, how many OST songs which are not the title are remembered after the movie run is over? And barbie is not a style of movie which is likely to be popular outside of USA.

    Again, given the behavior of the owner, potential foreign investors will see him as a liability. Since he has no K-O-R-E-A-N base to fall back, he will probably be asked to leave, along with the two rappers, as the main members become full Pop acts and cutting ties from KPop for good.

  • It must be very shocking to his company to see this level of popularity incoming so quickly. But again as you said he could be getting intoxicated with all of this fame. I will be watching how 5050 play out as a group in the future, even 5 months from now things could be so different. We all know these big hits will always have other big companies wanting to get their hands on them, especially in the west. But I agree with you, it will not be a shock if he steps down sooner or later. The pressure is too much for these CEOs.


  • It must be very shocking to his company to see this level of popularity incoming so quickly. But again as you said he could be getting intoxicated with all of this fame. I will be watching how 5050 play out as a group in the future, even 5 months from now things could be so different. We all know these big hits will always have other big companies wanting to get their hands on them, especially in the west. But I agree with you, it will not be a shock if he steps down sooner or later. The pressure is too much for these CEOs.

    He has a history of messing up Hot Shot, and than, Ha Sungwoon (who was a Hot Shot member). He behaves like a lottery winner who blows all of the winnings within a year now; just happy that his payday has arrived. Unfortunately KPop has too many such owners before, so the investors won't be fooled.

  • Also on another interview (?) They said that they gonna dedicate the current team to manage fifi only. Kinda like the squad in jype.

    A media play to discount the scheme the owner is trying to pull out. It lacks the resources to run 2 teams.

  • He has a history of messing up Hot Shot, and than, Ha Sungwoon (who was a Hot Shot member). He behaves like a lottery winner who blows all of the winnings within a year now; just happy that his payday has arrived. Unfortunately KPop has too many such owners before, so the investors won't be fooled

    It's very Momoland. But I will say I don't think the gap between members is unmanageable. They need to promote equally and it'll be okay. But if they promote two groups at once and skimp out on contents/music it'll be a problem since H1key is doing better on the Kside in terms of member popularity.

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