Fuck off with "kys they are the hardest working kpop group out there", and how are they exactly? Because once in a blue moon they have to do the job they get paid millions for? Lmao
Anyway, if i was blackpink i'd re sign my contract immediately.
Jisoo can't sing for shit, Jennie is clearly into being a socialite, Lisa is a dancer not an artist. Only Rosé seems to be having the short stick since she's the only one who displays any slight passion for music.
Homegirls get paid millions to run around the world with western celebs, fashion shows, and only have to produce a mid kpop song once every year. (That's already been pre recorded like 5 years prior)
Granted, this isn't blackpink's fault. YG's shitty management have absolutely nothing to do with the girls, they simply do what they are told.
But you'd have to be insane to not sign up lmao. At this point what little passion they may have had, is gone. They are getting paid a shit ton, to do practically nothing expect be socialites.
Lmao, i'd resign in a heartbeat. Y'all are delusional to think they are gonna drop what they got going on now... to do what exactly?
Write their own music? Produce their own music? Have to comeback like normal groups? To have less time for fashion shows? Naw. We all know they ain't giving that up. (And why should they, work smarter not harder)
The only one who i'm slightly sceptical of is Rosé, however i don't see her branching off as they seem to be a "we come in a pack", i can't imagine one person not re signing and the others doing it.
Ik y'all made up ur cute lil fake story about YG stealing Jennie's notebook with lyrics (cos his so evil grrr she's such a uwu victim) but these girls ain't producing or writing shit. If they went independent, that's gonna be all the responsibility on them. There's no one else that's gonna be blamed for ur fave spouting out "yOu FiNnA CaTCh mE", or "BiTCH iM a StAR nO pAtRiCk".
Worry about ur faves sleeping in flea infested dorms with mould on their pillow and dancing half nude in front of military men to pay their bills
Instead of nearly 30 year old rich idols who are clearly living a life that most people envy. They ain't leaving shit.