Not really.
Just the last 30 mins after reading this riveting allkpop article.. which i read last night.

And.. apparently, TripleS is a rookie girl group with 24 members and a unique system called "Dimension." Under this system, fans get to choose the members who will be part of the subunit group promotion through voting on the COSMO app.
24 members????? and they're formed by a nugu Agency called MODHAUS???
so who is Modhaus, i asked and found their website on.. medium.. and they claim:
Modhaus is an EnterTech agency striving to lead the global music industry. As a major K-Pop Web3 project, we aim to bring fans closer to creator by utilizing blockchain technology. Modhaus seeks to include fans across all stages of production using NFT-powered governance mechanisms. In this publication, we hope to share our vision, more in-depth stories behind the production, and new exciting contents of our first K-Pop girl group, tripleS.
Does this raise red flags for anyone else?
wth is an "entertech" agency?? and who's behind ModHaus??? Where are they getting the money to fund... a 24 member group????
this just SCREAMS another Loona, Polaris situation where theses "agencies" have no business in running an "entertainment" agency, and the girls are essentially enslaved for YEARS in promise of becoming "stars". I HOPE im proven WRONG, but i legitimately worry for these 24 girls.