BigHit New Boy Group Going The Same Musical Direction As BTS...

  • To jump straight to the point, we know bighit is trash when it comes to Bts and Txt management and promotional wise. So I could see the concern some Trainee A stans might have, in regards to trainee a getting treated right etc, and will big hit do a crappy job with them.

    BUT from a different perspective, its clear bighit want them to be "bts 2.0". And yeah we all know its never gonna happen blahblahblah, but regardless I could see bighit treating them just a lil bit more better than txt, far as in promotional wise and getting them out there. Like I think bighit is gonna have more faith in Aloners Association (trainee a group name) to blow up and be bts successors than they do txt

    Enhypen has surpassed txt in some metrics, but hybe never really give enhypen their flowers frfr. Maybe they tight txt got surpassed idk. But enhypen would never be bts successor for hybe, no matter how good they do, only cuz enhypen isn't owned 100% by them, only 48%, meaning en- would be benefiting another company more (cj entertainment) and etc..

    So big hit/HYBE trust rn is most definitely on trainee a and having them blow up as much as possible and chart too on Billboard.

    Which leads me to the title and main argument of my post, on Trainee A POSSIBLY going the same music direction as bts.

    Bighit saw the music it took for bts to get popular and chart, so I WOULD NOT be surprised if they TRY to immulate that again with their new group. Meaning be hiphop/r&b for first 2 years like bts, then switch to a more hopeful concept like bts did with I need u and run-then do that style for 1-2 years, boom big hit switch trainee a to a dark concept like they did for bts with fire + blood sweat and tears etc...... And big hit have them just go down the same stylistic and musical direction bts went on, all the way till trainee a reach their "pop music" era, and just have them continue "pop" through their career for a good while.

    Agree or disagree, it's fine. But you can't say it sound unrealistic.. Especially after you see all the stuff bighit doing now with trainee a, similar to bts.

    (ngl if we could get another blood sweat and tears type song from bighit with trainee a or a song like spring day from trainee a in the future since bighit again want them to have that bts feel....I would lose my damn marbles omfggggosh, it would be so good lol and do well) - also I don't stan trainee a or bts, im just a observer and casual listener lmao

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  • They'll start neglecting txt for trainee A that's what happened to bts when txt debuted.

  • From their briefing session, HYBE seem to put more trust on the 2 new GGs (lsrf and new jeans). Trainee A will have like 2-3 years to catch up to TXT and Enhypen, (and these 2 are still growing too) and probably won't ever out-chart this 2 GGs in digital (possible physical too). Sorry to say but Bighit is shit at promotion, they're so pretentious (or cheap in my opinion) of "not paying for YT ads or spotify playlisting" because "we don't play by the rules so we're so organic and above it". It's just stupid. so yeah, Bighit will get surpassed by other smarter labels under HYBE, not to mention other label's staffs seem to be so creative and only have 1 group to take care of.

  • "just an observer" you observed all this when I don't even know a thing about "Aloners Association" ^^ (and what kind of name is this)

  • They'll start neglecting txt for trainee A that's what happened to bts when txt debuted.

    im glad you said that because that was one of the main things I mentioned in my post.

    And honestly im not surprised bighit did it with txt around their debuted era, because they probably themselves thought txt would be bts successors.

    Bighit definitely thought that by now txt would be doing as well as stray kids or something, and since its not happening at the moment, they hot potatoed to a new group who could end up on that level, changing any mistakes they made with txt musically wise and promotional wise.

    Literally got members doing solo activities already as Trainees (behind the scenes, woochan said they were INVITED by GQ, which is highly the case here, but still lol)

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    Their YouTube literally at 1.3 Million subscribers PREDEBUT

    Trainee A
    YORCH 요치 🦋 SANGWON 상원 🥀 WOOCHAN 우찬 🐶 JAMES 제임스 😝 JJ 제이제이 🐻 JIHOON 지훈 🐣

  • From their briefing session, HYBE seem to put more trust on the 2 new GGs (lsrf and new jeans). Trainee A will have like 2-3 years to catch up to TXT and Enhypen, (and these 2 are still growing too) and probably won't ever out-chart this 2 GGs in digital (possible physical too). Sorry to say but Bighit is shit at promotion, they're so pretentious (or cheap in my opinion) of "not paying for YT ads or spotify playlisting" because "we don't play by the rules so we're so organic and above it". It's just stupid. so yeah, Bighit will get surpassed by other smarter labels under HYBE, not to mention other label's staffs seem to be so creative and only have 1 group to take care of.

    I think they didnt mention Trainee A because they not debuted yet lol, to be able to see how good their songs charted, how much sales they made, and seeing their popularity gain. If they debuted, then they MIGHT have been mentioned.

    Idk maybe im buggin, but as a observer of Trainee A, I can really see them going viral and doing well😐.

    And yeah its going take a while to catch up to txt and enhypen..heck even stray kids, but I see them genuinely making big milestones early on and doing numbers

  • "just an observer" you observed all this when I don't even know a thing about "Aloners Association" ^^ (and what kind of name is this)

    Yes im a observer of trainee a and bts, meaning i dont stan them or bias them, but I listen to their music and check what they got going on, even if its not music related. And I know all this cuz I've been keeping up with trainee a since they first appeared on social media last year

  • Hybe isn't even trying to make it less obvious, many hybe idols are have appeared on GQ back to back in span of last three months. Sounds like a deal to me. Jin is an exception since its a bts member and they don't need no connections.

  • then they will flop lol

    bgs nowadays only be successful bringing sth new to the table because the interest is so slow

  • Hybe isn't even trying to make it less obvious, many hybe idols are have appeared on GQ back to back in span of last three months. Sounds like a deal to me. Jin is an exception since its a bts member and they don't need no connections.

    I mean idk tbh about whether it was a deal, but I'm just gonna go by woochans words that they were invited.

    Woochan was very popular from him being on SMTM6 and has accomplished topping melon charts and etc, before he became a trainee at Bighit. His hype died down some, but he's still pretty popular and has connections with khiphop artists.

    Reason I mention this is because looking at everything I said, it sounds about right he got invited for this type of video. He was on Korean variety shows too before bighit as well. Far as in Sangwon being there, the company might've offered him up, or GQ asked for him too cuz of his handsome visuals.

    The GQ director there even asked for them to come back once they debut to do some photo shoots.

    Wouldn't be surprised if those 2 end up being promoted the most in the group

  • then they will flop lol

    bgs nowadays only be successful bringing sth new to the table because the interest is so slow

    But the thing with that is, 4th gen boy groups, or at least the top ones from the Big 3+HYBE aren't doing BTS type style music. (I mentioned top groups from 4th gen, cuz no one pay attention to the less popular ones anyway sadly)

    They're only doing trap songs or experimental or some mystical sounding music idk. But BTS style is nowhere to be found.. especially if we talk about early music BTS.

    So bighit tryna bring it to Trainee A sounds kinda possible. And we can't lie and act like BTS earlier songs weren't bops.

    Also I saw people on Reddit and on here as well say that bighit is tryna build a "bts army" type fan base for Trainee A..something they haven't even done for enhypen or txt. But people said that them making songs like bts earlier years can attract some bts armys and the older bts fans who left cuz of their musical direction change, can come to Trainee A for that reminiscent feel. So basically BigHit want a loyal strong dedicated bts like support system for Trainee A. Again not my words, but what I've seen a majority saying.

    Of course bighit will have them be a more MODERN bts lol, to fit into today's society and today's kpop, but I believe they'll have a little bit bts influence musically FOR SURE.

    A couple of BTS early songs for reference

    Their songs sound VERY different from now 2022 :

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  • The thing is, it won't work for them as well as BTS did. BTS rose from being real dirt poor when Trainee A have all the privileges. So it would look staged and pretentious. They will be another Enhypen/TXT at best.

  • The thing is, it won't work for them as well as BTS did. BTS rose from being real dirt poor when Trainee A have all the privileges. So it would look staged and pretentious. They will be another Enhypen/TXT at best.

    I get what you mean for sure, trust me.

    But I feel like, and I've said this before, that people.. a lot are gonna look down on them and judge them once they debut because their BTS juniors, are from HYBE- so people disregard any hard work they'll put in and will just think privilege the whole time, plus them having a lot of foreigners (they got 3).

    So all that alone will have people giving a stink face from the beginning. BUT I feel their music will be the ONE thing that'll have people rock with them.

    They give me the vibe that even if you don't like them or care for them as a group, you'll always check their music when they have comebacks cuz it sound that good, even if you despise them. Theyll be one of those groups frfr.

    Just my opinion

  • You are way too optimistic about them without even hearing their music. lmao.

    BGs are in crisis now. Even TXT who usually have good music are ignored by everyone.

    Only Hybe BG stans will check them out so their fate will be the same as TXT/Enhypen (which is already good). Casual stans already have their ult groups and will keep on checking GGs while ignoring BGs.

  • Stray kids is literally following BTS pathway - rappers who writes their music, leader rapper, even their music are like BTS hype songs. And it is working. So why not Bighit follow the same recipe?

  • Stray kids is literally following BTS pathway - rappers who writes their music, leader rapper, even their music are like BTS hype songs. And it is working. So why not Bighit follow the same recipe?

    please shut up, bts are not the first group to write their own music and have hype songs :annoyedk: And Bang Chan's main role isn't even rap in the group, in Stray Kids' discography (rather than 3racha's) he only raps in a few songs, he's a vocalist first.

    Comparing skz to bts has to be one of the laziest ways to troll on akp, be original and leave my meow meows alone :mads:

  • I hope they change the groups name before they debut tbh. What even is an Aloners Association? Outcasts United?

    And if you shorten the group name to their initials, you end up with AA.

    "I went to an AA fan meeting!!!! ". Everyone who hears that is going to wonder what you were doing at an Alcoholics Anonymous "fan" meeting.

  • Stray kids is literally following BTS pathway - rappers who writes their music, leader rapper, even their music are like BTS hype songs. And it is working. So why not Bighit follow the same recipe?

    I wouldnt go THAT far and say Skz songs sound ANYTHING like BTS, cuz we all know that's cap, BTS music too good to be compared💀.

    And bighit IS following the same recipe as BTS.

    Trainee A got 2 rappers as of now, and 4 vocalist like BTS. They just need a 7th member, one who can sing AND rap, kinda like the jungkook or the yeonjun of the group.

    They been on a low-key "hiatus" for a month and a half, so they might be looking for that last member or already found him and is waiting to reveal him soon. And woochan is pretty much the RM of the group, its clear he gonna be the leader since he lead the members now and is the main rapper from his underground experience, while jihoon is the jhope of the group being a lead dancer.

    Plus if u look at Trainee A content, you'll see they produce and write their own music for the monthly evaluations, plus make their own choreography.

    So bighit definitely making them be a self produced group, where all or majority of the members contribute to the artistry of the group.

    Which is why I said I could see bighit giving trainee a songs like BTS. Or having the members make the music, but giving them the same theme and style for the songs if that make sense.

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