With the arrival of Fall, Buzz & Press is back and all new and improved! Thanks to the amazing efforts of @zuzuhhaa and with the help of MissBehave, AKPs newsletter found new life! Please everyone enjoy and let them know how much you like it. I, for one, am very much appreciate their time and effort and impressed by their drive!
I'd also like to announce something BIG and yes it is the brainchild of Miss
@zuzuhhaa herself. Yes, big brain on that one! Coming soon:
AKP's Most Influential User
allkpop recognizes the amazing energy many of our users give and the positivity this spreads on a daily basis. This is something we want to encourage. Each month, one user will be crowned the most influential user and you can help choose them. We will have official nominations every month for qualified users. Whether this be through spreading positivity, their active engagement (both inside and outside guilds), or their optimism and helpfulness towards others - we recognize that a great personality comes in so many different sizes and shapes, but one thing remains constant: their contribution is pure gold.
How it works.
- Every month, a thread asking for nominations will be posted
- Once this thread goes up, it is up to everyone on the forum to tag any one user they think is worthy of this title.
- The nominations will be open for 5 days, including the day the thread goes up.
- Once the nominations close, we will hold a poll for the users, and that will be open for 4 days, including when it goes up.
- The top three users will be awarded 100 akorns each
- The 1st place user will receive the 'Most Influential User' title for the month, and the first place reward of a custom badge!
- One nomination per user
- User nominated must be active during the month nominated (not constantly, but an indication they're still using the forum)
- No voting from bank accounts
Our 1st Monthly Most Influential User event will be held this week!
Keep your eyes peeled for the official thread