It is wrong to judge idols for their beliefs?
Changed the title of the thread from “It is wrong to judge idols for their believes?” to “It is wrong to judge idols for their beliefs?”. -
Yes, what a person believes will reflect his/her personality.
If its something i take offense to, i will judge!!
one can judge another person for any reason whatsoever...
it's your prerogative to judge any person (not just an idol) based on whatever characteristics you see fit
but always remember that then it's up to other people to disagree with the things you've chosen to judge someone else on as there are certain things (universial??) that one shouldn't be judging others on (ie. colour of their skin)
I mean if their beliefs make them do questionable things, say questionable things, act in a questionable way, than yes I'm sure they can be judged. But if their belief is just something you don't agree with because of your own beliefs then no they shouldn't be judged for it.
Everyone is raised differently and believes in different things, it's how you behave and the actions you take that makes a person different.
Sadly, I don't think it's wrong.
We all have our own personal beliefs and opinions and some of them are at such polar opposites to others that it becomes impossible to see beyond that.
It does make more sense to judge/cut off people in real life that have completely opposite beliefs, and I think there should be more lee way given to some famous person you stan or like. But there are also some famous people that, because of their beliefs, I cannot in good faith follow.
Saying that, I mostly mean political and social beliefs.
The interaction between consumer and producer is simple.
You can judge all you want. How you express it is if you buy the producer's product or not. (approve = buy, disapprove = don't buy)
To not buy and complain is to have no skin in the game and complain.
- to not buy and organize to complain is harassment.
To buy and complain is to contradict yourself.
The world is hardly such a black and white place so:
To pledge to buy but refuse to buy with stated reason is personal boycott.
- To do the above but in a organized manner is general boycott.
To buy with disregard of approval or disapproval is either intent to scalp/hoard/float
this is definitely not the complete system but these are relevant to me.
yeah we shouldn't judge them unless it's something negative
depends on what and how your judging them... i think?
if you judge them for having various religious beliefs - i think that's wrong - esp since we are not religious experts..who know all religions.
if you judge them to be uneducated for believing that the moon is made of cheese, or believing that korea has a "short" history... i think it's fair.
but.. your judgement changes as you get to know them better, unless you're very rigid and inflexible with your judgements.
for instance, maybe his grandfather told him that the moon was made of cheese when he was young and that grandfather passed away .. so even if he knows it's wrong, he likes to believe it's made of cheese to remember his grandfather and their time together when he was still with them..
Then.. he's no longer "uneducated", but someone who misses his grandfather very much and he becomes endearing and caring, who treasures those around him.. and is deeply.. emotionally profound and you just want to hug him.
that being said, Jay was just dumb.
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