Do you think racism relates to intelligence?

  • Do you think racism relates to intelligence? 16

    1. Yes, it's possible (1) 6%
    2. No, a of intelligent people are racist (15) 94%

    Have you noticed that most racists tend to appear as people with low education and intelligence? They have done studies, and most racists have never gone to college. Scientists, CEOs, billionaires, inventors, engineers don't really go out screaming racists thing looking like they came from a pig farm. You can kind of tell a lot of racists have that "intellectual deficiency" look. Do you think racism is correlated with intelligence? And to fight racism, does the intelligence level of the population need to be raised?



  • godkingteshub

    Changed the title of the thread from “Do you think racism related to intelligence?” to “Do you think racism relates to intelligence?”.
  • i dont think so

    racism comes mostly from the feeling of being born superior

    can be applicable for intelligent and dumb people

    someone who does use their intelligence to understand empathy though, is much less likely to be racist

  • Racist ppl are dumb idc if they know some hard af math problem, if you’re racist you’re stupid as hell

    “Welcome to good burger, home of the good burger, can I take your order?”

  • If all racist people were stupid it wouldn't be so ingrained in American society. Racism against African Americans in the US was primarily used to justify slavery, so that the rich wouldn't have to pay workers. The entire system was designed with racist ideals, and it was designed immaculately with immense detail seeing as it still retains its place in all aspects of American society (assuming we're talking about America here since the pic shows the confederate flag). The people screaming racist slurs are minions, the real racist mastermind sits behind and watches as the work is being done for them. The system is in place because of a racist smart person.

    If they were intelligent they'd figure racism appeals to the ignorant masses, so they push racism not because they believe blindly in it but because it benefits them. Hitler was famous for pushing racism yet his doctor was Jewish and his wars were planned to kill more white European people, rather than brown or black people.

    It's like religious leaders pushing their followers to give them money or kill themselves for them. Or any other social cause where the leaders sit comfortably in wealth and power while letting everyone else do the dirty work. The trick could be anything, but the main purpose is always to control the masses of people that have many prejudices that can be exploited.

  • Coming from the US some of the smartest people are the most racist. Like politicians; both Rep. and Dem., they are more undercover racists. They don't say racist things but they make the system harder for POCs and make policies to hurt POCs. While the more "dumb" racist are more openly racist. They are the ones that openly say racist things and are openly forward with their hate.

    • Official Post

    Collège educated people can be racist but most aren't open about it and the only time you see it is if they are caught. The fact that there is bias in hospitals were nurses legit think black people feel less pain and thus don't treat them properly, to companies passing on applicants who have ethnic names, and the countless other things that happen in a professional setting. Yes, there are a lot of racist in small towns where college education isn't common but I feel like the only reason they are overly represented is because they are the only ones who are unfortunately not shamed to say it.

  • I think the latter can be a factor. There are cases where it's no longer an issue of intelligence, but an issue of psychopathy. Psychopaths can be super-intelligent, super-rich, and very racist.

  • But woke people constantly say IQ doesn't mean anything?

    to answer the question no, didn't einstein say something like chinese women are all ugly and other dehumanizing things even if he was jew and constantly complained about white people being racist and bad to him and using black people to further complain about white people as well

    Besides it's sooooo dumb to pretend racism never existed before 19 century's europe. If you look at earlier scholars, for example the things arabs scholars said about black people, or the way chinese scholars refered to white people, racism has always existed lmfao.

    Edited 2 times, last by lashin ().

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