Why NiziU is so big in Japan

  • tumblr_inline_o9j0imBOVc1upt8h3_400.gifv

    Nizi Project aired on Hulu in 2020 and would eventually be one of the biggest shows in Japan that produced the popular girl group NiziU.

    It wasn’t until Sukkiri did weekly Nizi segments that Nizi Project rose in the ranks and captured the heart of the house-wives (stay at home mothers) and celebrities.

    Japanese celebrities would take to Twitter or their tiktok to show their support for Nizi Project.

    This brought their fans to Nizi 052cd2e5e8906cd23a6d2c887983a805ee223640.gifv

    And every morning house-wives would tune in with their little ones. The mother’s viewing the show expressed how different the survival show was, seeing the step by step process to get into the group, and the individual growth. They felt an emotional attachment to the girls and JYP being a good role model to them 83a5560c1e111693075029cf903ab82762271953.gifv

    Why, most of the mothers would call them ‘daughter’.

    They didn’t capture just middle-aged mothers but NiziU is also extremely popular with girls! They didn’t go the typical route of having Otaku fans.

    “LINE Co., Ltd. LINE Research Approximately 50% of all respondents answered that they knew “NiziU”, and in particular, female teens and 20s-40s accounted for approximately 80% of NiziU demographic.b0627d03803202e60d6acaf9bd0f737104220f11.gifv

    Young school children and teenagers also felt they had a girl group they could look up to (age-wise) especially seeing Nina, a biracial idol in the group.

    A Japanese WITHU explaining their popularity tumblr_inline_p8ov5xwTr71rhwzwl_75sq.gifv

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  • True i am glad that they got together and they deserve to be the group they are now

    When I'm with you, a magical thing happens

  • But I thought this also helped?

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    there was this tv show in Japan in which experts and tv personalities were talking about girls performances, rankings etc.

    here someone caught it with phone or camera

  • Yeah that’s Sukkiri 3fd76ad47321ebdc5a6d8bb5a38fd543677991e0.gifv

  • The girls themselves have a lot to do with their success. They're sincere, genuine, and caring. Mako, as the oldest, is a gentle and warm-hearted natural leader. The other senpais in the group are like older sisters to the younger ones. Of course, JYP is the spirit and wisdom that chose them for their character, talent, and ability to bond with others. Their cohesiveness reminds me of SNSD, an SM group but with the same vibes. Their closeness, like real sisters, is a huge part of their appeal and success.

    SNSD NiziURed Velvet ♫ BlackPinkTwice2NE1f(x) Aespa ITZY Secret Number

    모든 게 손에 닿듯 선명해져 (Everything becomes clear like touching

  • definitely sounds right.

    sukkiri segments were great.

    a post about something similar from the past:


    plus, the tv show is fun and motivational when everyone was feeling down in a pandemic/lockdown.

    niziu girls are charming and talented.

    very catchy dance with good songs.

    really looking forward to their comeback, 'take a picture'.

    coca-cola commerical using that song is an awesome promo idea.

    niziu met a huge demand with great timing for a public friendly, trendy, and legitimate idol group.

  • why? Bcoz of nizi project. Its different from typical survival show. I can watch nizi project many times but i cant never watch produce48 after i watch first time.

    2nd sukkiri - This morning show single handly attract many housewive and general public to nizi project and convert them to be niziu fan later

    3rd heavy promotion - They are under jype and sony japan. While jype dont have much influence in japan but sony have big influence in japan music market. They are the that are doing most of the promotion with their big influence. And jyp is top3 korean label. So, most of kpop fans like me are interest with jyp trying to make japanese kpop group.

    If u didnt watch nizi project maybe u didnt get the appeal, i suggest to watch it.. Its really good show!

  • I think it's because Japanese treat them as "first full japanese group trained and developed fully by kpop company"

    + you know after how Twice became so popular in JPN, and they are from same company, + survival show, + jpn tv show segment

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