They're clearly capable of doing well even without one member. They also have multiple songs where multiple of the members aren't included. For instance, some songs just include the rap line. Some songs just include the vocal line.
Posts by superyeah
Bop. I definitely enjoyed it.
Exactly what I was thinking! Her vocals truly shined in this. Then, again, her vocals always shine.
Sweatpants and a sweatshirt. It's been my go-to outfit.
It depends on several things.
Some might just be naive and got sucked into it. In that case, they’re not necessarily problematic, but I would question their decision-making skills.
The ones who are aggressively trying to recruit friends and family members, using manipulative tactics, I would be more concerned about. If they’re willing to basically do this to people they’re close to, I wouldn’t trust them.
Ultimately, it’s hard to say an MLM is a scam. Some people do make money, but the tactics are questionable ethically. The people at the bottom lose money and, clearly, the people at the top don’t care about that. Also, the time spent trying to recruit people is unpaid. You’re better off working at a normal job that guarantees your pay by the hour.
someone in my class said police officers help people make decisions so i was like all cops do is beat up poc and abuse their partners and my teacher got so pressed lmao. she was like n0t aLl cOpS and told me to be more sensitive because some people's parents might be cops or have died while serving. she said it was a learning moment for me. lmfaooooo. like yeah, acab includes your mother/brother/sister/father/cousin/uncle whoever. just cause they're your relative or died doesn't make them any less bastardized by the system. maybe they were a good person, but most likely they let the criminal behavior of their fellow officers slide, which makes them bastardized.
I don't like the saying "ACAB" because it's misleading and it rubs people the wrong way. There's an effective way to say you disagree with the system and want it changed without resorting to a statement like that. Obama himself has said that we shouldn't be using phrases such as "Defund the police" because it gives the wrong impression.
This is all about working together, not just coming up with catchy phrases for shock value. The former actually gets things done through communication and negotiation. The later achieves nothing, but creates more division and resentment.
If you want more people to support your cause, especially ones who are actually in position to make changes, you're going to have to communicate with them effectively instead of antagonizing them when they haven't done anything directly wrong. Calling all of them "bad" is only going to make them feel like you're putting a target on their backs; they're just going to be less likely to listen to you.
I'm not sure if you've observed in recent days, but cops have been opposing pro-Trump, far-right folks. They're not all just a bunch of racist, hateful folks. Most of them are just out there to do their job.
Trigger warning: Violent imagery.
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Jisoo always looks stunning.
I don't think it's necessary to bring up third-gen visuals because most of them still look extremely close to the way they did when they debuted.
- Constant anxiety about the virus. I know they say you shouldn't live in fear, but it's only right and understandable that we should be concerned. It's our duty to take this seriously because it's not just about us; it's also about our communities and those around us.
- Missing just going out to places. I miss going out for a good run at one of my favorite places. I miss going to some of my favorite stores, cafes, and restaurants.
Other than that, I try to look at this positively. There were several things that I was able to accomplish as a result of the pandemic:
- I found it easier to focus on classes. Taking classes completely online saves so much time and even money. I don't have to worry about buying food outside, paying for parking, looking for parking, waiting somewhere between classes, etc.
- I was able to figure out what hobbies I should dedicate more time and energy on.
- I've honestly matured in certain ways. Free from the typical distractions, I'm able to see what I should prioritize to be happy in life.
I know that it's hard, but please try to see this as an opportunity to gain mental toughness. It's as important as physical well-being or physical fitness. It's possible to come out of this a better person, a better friend, a better family member, and a better member of your community.
You know what? I used to love watching sports, too. I used to love rooting for my favorite teams and it was fun, but I got to a point where I feel like it's pointless to get so emotionally invested over these professional athletes' chase for glory. I felt like it gave me a false sense of accomplishment. Then, what if the team performs horribly? Why should I feel miserable as a result of something I can't control?
I grew out of it. With that said, I'll probably enjoy watching sports every now and then, but I no longer have the same emotional connection to it.
casual winter outfits:
cute boots I wear:
more formal/special occasions:
Wow, your style is timeless. It makes me feel nostalgic for K-pop back in the 2008-2015 timeframe.
SM, YG and JYP definitely tried it wayyyyy harder than Bighit with Bts.
I didn't see BTS attending American shows before they had their demand and success there. All the promotions and and the stuff happened after BTS take over in the West.
I can't say the same with the big3.
Especially JYP and SM with 0.1% demand and no charting in the Hot100 they send NCT to the AMAs just for the Red carpet.
The same with itzy now, did they had any demands or high charting for realsing a English song?
I actually agree with you. I should have clarified that BigHit only really pushed for the western market after "DNA." It happened naturally for BigHit and BTS. I made a thread about this.
That's my point. In your example trump fucked up the covid response massively, everyone could see it. Hell in the beginning he called it a freaking hoax. Going into elections held during said fucked up pandemic you'd think the voting pubic would see how shit the situation became and at least think about who they're really voting for. Nope. Still super loyal to the man who didn't give a shit about them.
Biden likely will handle it better but at end of the day if almost half the voters saw the poor handling, along with trump's other "achievements" though his term and still thought he was a good candidate then like I said America is messed up. Simply switching pres isn't going to fix it at all
Absolutely agreed. Even months ago, I'd been saying that this isn't strictly a Trump issue. It's an American issue. The fact that people would rather feed their own egos instead of working collectively to overcome the pandemic says it all. I'd go as to say there are people on both sides of the political spectrum who refuse to take this seriously. There are many liberal/leftist folks who go out and party during these times as well. You can take a look at social media influencers to see.
This is a huge deal, and it's way more than just keeping ourselves safe. It's about keeping those around us safe. I feel like many in this country have this selfish, overly individualistic mindset. When they hear that they'd survive if they're young, fit, and have no underlying health conditions, they just stop being concerned about it, neglecting those around them who might really be affected. Then, they'd say it's "oppressive" for us to take collective action to solve an issue that requires collectivism.
It's a shame, really. They don't realize how childish they sound complaining about their perceived freedoms being taken away.
I had several ones. I just looked back in my Spotify's "Liked Songs":
"Spring Day"
"Silver Spoon" / "Baepsae"
I was really drawn to their hip-hop sound and rap line, as that was what I looked for in K-pop songs at the time. I got into BigBang in 2013 because they had a strong hip-hop influence, so it all makes sense. I used to strictly stan BigBang when it came to K-pop, so I didn't really pay much attention after the MADE album. The ultimate song that got me back into this genre after taking a break for a while, though, was "REALLY REALLY" by Winner.
You know the what worst part is? It's not like a vocal minority or an overrepresented set of followers, it's more or more less half the country that have those set of qualities. When he won it was a huge wake up call about what Americans are really like but over the past 4 years of lies, fights, failures and just overall absurdity of Trumps reign not only did he increase the number of votes he had the 2nd most number of votes in America history. The fuck?! After all the chaos he was more popular than ever, you'd think people would look back and say no more of this shit but no, bring it on more like
When someone like that was close to winning again even after fucking things up it's no longer a wave or trend, it represents what the country is actually like and that is a really scary thought. Americans are some of the most messed up people in the world
I'm going to be honest. I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I thought maybe this guy had the country and people's best interests at heart, but was just horrible at presenting himself. However, it became apparent that he's an absolute egotistical clown based on how he responds to people who disagree with him. He completely disrespected John McCain, an American hero and one of the good guys in the Republican Party.
Trump was also obsessed with getting rid of everything that Obama created, including things that made perfect sense for us to have. Obama started an agency designated to handling pandemics. We surely could have benefitted from that, but Trump got rid of it. Instead, how did respond to COVID-19? Complete negligence and lack of preparation. Trump downplayed the pandemic, made fun of wearing masks, and lied to us by saying COVID-19 was not a big issue. This led to so many more infections (and worse), but he didn't bother to care one bit. He only cared about winning reelection and spreading lies about so-called "election fraud." His followers ate it up, portrayed the pandemic as something Democrats/liberals used against Trump, continued to deny the seriousness of COVID-19, and decided to fight for a cause they made up in their heads.
Now we're in the situation we're in. COVID-19 should have been our biggest priority since the beginning, but it never was that under Trump's presidency. I have a lot of hope for Biden.