3 member groups are extremely unpopular and rare
BEG begs to differ.
3 member groups are extremely unpopular and rare
BEG begs to differ.
I wish someone would explain what is considered popular for kpop groups?
Let's see NCT:
1. They are one of the top 3 or 4 groups in kpop right now.
2. They are million dollar sellers.
3. They have performed in sold out concerts around the world.
4. Have been one of the few kpop groups to appear on western talk shows.
5. Their fandom is constantly growing.
6. Etc, etc, etc!
If that's not being popular then I dont know what is!
Yes she does, sorry for jumping the gun.
only thing I know is Jaejoong is the richest of them all.
Except Minzy, hello she has her own dance studio since 2014 not too mention she has her new label, give her some credit, if 2ne1 makes money so does she.
Yeah, what I'm surprised is how long this case dragged on. At first when the whole black mail incident came out I thought ok, so this person is trying to blackmail Himchan but they never clarified the issue about that, but still if evidence says he did it, then he did it and should have been punished severely but SK doesnt protect females.
Hyolyn did and she is still doing music.
I'm neutral but leaning more towards the accusations being true, especially with the actress being involved
But did the actress say Soojin bullied her?
I'm here for the make a wish English version
That would be cool.
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They went from chewing gum to this! They grew up fast, lol.
The victims has come out with a lengthy statement and proofs and more victims came out afterwards to support the op like stating that these events did happen and even school records of meeting with parents and kids. Korea already labeled her as guilty and that's the issue here. like I said ifans opnion don't matter. it is all about what Koreans think about this situation.
Well you are right about that, in the end it's what koreans/fans think not internation fans. I really want to see all these proofs cause I havent seen anything yet.
Wtf at this sentence......
I know .
I think all of us still don't know the conclusion
What we thought was fake ended up real, what we thought was real ended up being fake
Yep, that's the best way to put it.
Only 10 months for sexual assault...
As a Baby I tried to remain neutral in this whole Himchan case, even tho BAP is my ulti group and will always be, sexual assault is a terrible thing. But it is what is, and if you do the crime, you do the time. I hope the victim got their justice but 10 months doesnt seem justice to me. Himchan is his own individual responsible for his own actions. Anyways that's all I got to say. Time to change my sig. Please still support the other members, remember they arent responsible for one person's actions.
Posted by olmal 9 hours ago
Former B.A.P member Himchan was sentenced to 10 months in prison for sexual assault.
On February 24th, the district court in Seoul sentenced him to 10 months in prison and ordered him to take 40 hours of a treatment program for sex offenders. But the court did not sentence a restraining order for him to have time to apologize to the victim.
Himchan was indicted back in July 2018 for assaulting a female. After an outing with 3 males and 3 females at a pension in Gyeonggi province, one of the females called the police and accused Himchan of sexual assault. Although Himchan claimed that "there were mutual feelings", the police determined that the charge against Himchan was valid and forwarded it to the court.
Previously in October of last year, he made a comeback with "Reason of My Life" but within 3 days after the release, he halted all promotions with another controversy due to his DUI charges.
Display Moreew, i don’t care what his involvement in kpop is
(and international fans really play up his innovation lmao. implementation of the japanese training system after seeing the potential success of a similar industry following the recession in korea is.... not super innovative. like i don’t see why international fans don’t see it. we had a recession and we upped every aspect of entertainment exports as a result. including movies and tv, as well. if he didn’t do start using the japanese system, someone else soon would have, and that’s no joke after stj. he used an already made system, to achieve a goal that others were already working on, in a way that was already being thought of, to an audience that was already beginning to be formed before lsm even considered it.
he’s done less for kpop than international fans acknowledge, honestly. because they don’t know what it was like in korea or the surge in kmedia, or were brainwashed by media and company stans, etc.)
lsm is a criminal, a national traitor, and the girls only deserve to be around the best
Arent you taking this a little bit too serious.