Posts by uwuwu-98

    What's dat

    The website where we check most of the stats, you can check basically everything there, we've sent links and screenshots several times. With the tracker in specific I talk about the option that shows the daily evolution of the ULs and positions of the songs which is imo the best tool, 4th option in this link.

    각종 국내 음원 차트 아카이빙 사이트로 지난 차트를 검색, 비교, 분석할 수 있습니다.

    empty houses or full houses are just abstract terms your average kpop fan uses as a drag and to channel superiority without paying attention to the numbers that matter. Will always remember how one of the mods of this site used the empty house drag for Dynamite, only for him to edit his post months later after big comebacks failed to dethrone it

    I was the only mod posting here back then but I don't remember doing that, I really hope I didn't >.<

    Anyway completely agree with your point, people should stop talking about competition, PAKs, music show wins, even chart positions sometimes... and just check the actual ULs and the real song performance. We have super useful tools like the Guyso tracker nowadays that are amazing for these things but people prefer to keep talking about things that are irrelevant in many cases.

    The performance of the songs that weren't in the 4W chart has improved a lot this week since the chart reform, the ULs of this last daily update are pretty high. The change is definitely having some impact, helping the better performing songs with good longevity in general. New songs will probably have it tougher obviously, the next big release will be NJs which would probably go to #1 anyway so it won't be good to judge but we'll see with the other summer comebacks.

    Hype boy is going to surpass Flower soon finally. The next songs are quite far so the thing will be how many new songs/risers can surpass Hype boy until NJs next comeback. At this point the year in the top 10 doesn't sound that impossible, their own album will probably be the biggest threat specially if they promote more than just the prerelease and the title. I still think Kitsch and Unforgiven might leave the top 10 before.

    Does anyone know if Eleven is already the longest charting gg song ever or how far is it? I remember Cheer up's record was beaten but it wasn't by too many weeks so the record should be in the 70s, Eleven is around there already but I didn't see any update regarding that. Love dive and Hype boy will destroy that record eventually ofc.

    Still super soon to say anything but this first day shows a bit of how songs that were in the 4W chart fell a bit, not just Gidle songs that were expected to fall because they were leaving the chart but also Melomance's song that was rising for example. Also I think songs that were more than a month old rose a bit (just checked Ive songs and Hype boy)

    We'll see better how much impact this change has, shouldn't be too much, just similar to back when we didn't have the 4W chart with the Top 100 i guess, and considering how much time it took to us to realize about the impact of the 4W chart maybe we could even ignore all this lol.

    Recommend reading this review of the new melon update by the guysome owner. Apparently the new chart is much harder to access than the 1/4 weeks chart so that can be disadvantageous for the uls performance of all songs that were still on the 4 week chart. They miss out now on that extra little push.

    the graphs do look nice tho :sweatr:…3127132533?referrerCode=1

    Actually I'm glad it's like this.

    I've said it a while ago, charts shouldn't have that much influence on what people listen to, this looks more like Spotify with the charts being a bit apart and hopefully people just listening to what they actually want and not what the chart shows. I still think the top 100 is the most ''fair'' chart right now so it being the main one is fine. It's not as bad as I expected yesterday, and I like the graph too.

    They got rid of the realtime chart and after 459342759 changes they're going to go back to it? It's literally the old chart but with the 100 days limit which doesn't make too much sense at all because with a chart like that it's way easier for songs to be replaced by new ones. The overall ULs are lower now so we'll see if they rise a bit like before the 2020 change or if they continue with similar peaks. If they don't rise it's going to be a fandom streaming party, I invite you to check the current realtime chart, if you check it at 10pm for example which isn't that late you have the whole LYW album released more than a year ago in the top 22 with pure fandom streaming. Strong fandoms would line up their favs songs on top for more than 3 months in the chart that I suppose it's the one that is going to show up first.

    This moment is even worse than when they removed it in 2020 to have a realtime chart, fandom streaming is bigger than ever specially with the trot artists around, but also the top bgs with few gp support are going to chart way better with this.

    They're just proving they have no idea about what to do to improve their system but I think this is one of the worst possible choices if it's really going to work like they're saying. The 4W chart is far from perfect but it's better than this.

    I shouldn't have said I miss the graphs.

    I think it’s downloads. What’s their charting on this chart ?

    Better than Ive and LSFM, makes sense since the song was released later and downloads are frontloaded. Anyway downloads right now are that low that apart from the artists with huge fandoms I don't think they make a visible impact in the circle points.

    The streaming chart already shows the issue, the thing is the circle streaming chart doesn't make sense comparing it with Melon/Genie/Flo... That's why I blamed minor charts that I personally don't follow at first, but honestly I have no idea what charts they are exactly counting for this.

    I checked and I couldn't find any chart where Unforgiven charted higher than Spicy that week. I think it might possibly have something to do with the copyright fees. YG+ might have negotiated higher ones for some of the streaming services and thus the digital points/revenue will be a bit higher as well for a song. Just a theory.

    It makes sense it's related with something like that, It would be the opposite though, it's not LSFM's points are high but Aespa's are low, last week charting below Ive was also surprising and LSFM's performance compared to the songs surounding them have always made sense.

    It might be a thing of SK Telecom then, but anyway even in the streaming chart which is only streams and not revenue it charted below LSFM both weeks when in Melon the difference is pretty big with Aespa higher, so there has to be smth we're missing out.

    Aespa's circle points are surprisingly low, someone already mentioned it here but I still can't find a reasonable explanation, I guess it's because some of the minor charts but it's still a bit weird.

    I was almost sure Melomance was going to make it into the top 10 comfortably but with LYW and BTS blocking them in the 4W chart they might have it more complicated.

    BTS' song is doing pretty good. I'd like to see how the total ULs are going though because it could be mainly fandom streaming, but anyway it might be a potential top 10 hit I wasn't really thinking about.

    It looks like Exo is coming back the 10th of July, same as ZB, I think the timing is awful but ig Exo have already passed the years to care about timing.

    Agree on both points but my question was around impact on charting metrics :pepe-narrow-eyes:

    It helps aid longevity of songs and also volume based records are going to fall much quicker. The number of number ones on melon record for gg’s will probably finally get past the 9 it has been at for 8/9 years?

    It’s essentially allowing groups to do what Twice did in terms of how quickly they got records due to sheer volume, but they also do it with less overall music so less risk of burnout. :pepe-narrow-eyes:

    I mentioned it a while ago, how NJs debut probably changed all this and how it's more similar to the 2nd gen now.

    If we talk about pure charting yeah many records are going to fall, others won't though. NJs for example had already blocked themselves for a possible run of consecutive #1 hits blocking OMG with Ditto. Ive also could have gotten more days at #1 and more PAKs if they just released 1 song and put all the promo on it. After all records are bound to be broken and they don't depend just on the groups, the situation of the charts and system changes can affect them so much, so I think it's the less relevant thing about this, and no one apart from chart freaks like us really care about them.

    The groups' public recognition is probably the most important thing regarding this, the more songs they have the more popular are the groups, and not just the 1-2 songs they release each year. That's why NJs brand has blown up so much in such a short amount of time, they have so many hits so people talk about NJs and not just about the songs. Definitely really good for the groups involved.

    I'm not, I'm making fun of those who are.

    All I said yesterday was let's not count a public holiday too quickly, when people were measuring half a day's performance as indicative of long term trends.

    Like I said yesterday, public holidays are just the same as weekends, ULs are lower and songs rising or having better longevity catch the songs falling faster easily. Similar situation to Seventeen and Hype boy this weekend and how Seventeen recovered the position now. We more or less can use this as a reference of how the songs' performances are going to evolve, not in the long run since as you said many things can happen, but in the next 1-2 weeks.

    I don't really want to quote you because of that, actually I agree with most of your points, just wanted to explain that one. However I think that to make fun of anyone because of not guessing correctly a chart performance is quite childish. If you feel good coming here with the ''Ha I was right you were wrong'' good for you, but this thread is probably the only decent thing of the forum and in general people around are respectful so let's try to keep the environment like that.

    Like TPHF said Aespa's songs losing ULs is just because they left the 4W chart, it's not related with the holidays. A holiday is just like a weekend in terms of charting, the ULs in general are lower and songs with a rising trend can catch up other songs easier than normal days, but that's it.

    The question now is if Queencard will resist at #1 after it leaves the 4W chart, I am could be able to reach #1 again before NJs comeback.

    Let's all forget our differences and pray together for LYW to flop.

    So far he's doing pretty average, just like his last comeback London boy, hopefully it will continue like this, it shouldn't be a threat to the top 10.

    I don't think he's considered a charting god by anyone that follows the charts a bit, he just has the most dedicated fandom ever. Fandoms like that can make songs chart around the top 10-20 and then have a crazy long run, but he has never had a really high peaking song because he has never had proper gp support.

    Ditto might leave the top 10 this week against Allergy, they're really close. Allergy will fall next week tho, so the competition there might be with Cupid or it might go back to the top 10. Hype boy seems to be safe at least for now.

    Eve's rise is slowing down but it didn't stop yet, I think it will peak around the top 6. Offtopic but I have to recognize the song is catchy af and I also liked No return a lot, LSFM's album is really solid.

    Funny because on its 6 week I am got 30M digital points and ditto 28M so how does its performing worse when both charting are similar.

    I'm sorry I guess my post seemed a bit shady to Ive. It's true I am is performing slighty worse now though, but they're super close anyway and both are obviously huge hits, I was just trying to explain my point regarding the top 10 records.

    각종 국내 음원 차트 아카이빙 사이트로 지난 차트를 검색, 비교, 분석할 수 있습니다.

    The first paragraph of the post you quoted literally answers this one, it's like if you've skipped it. I am's performance is worse than Ditto's so far, and falling faster than Ditto at its time, it can get more weeks of course but that would also be related with timing, or maybe we will have many big summer comebacks, NJs included, and I am could not even reach 20 weeks. That wouldn't make I am a smaller hit though.

    Data is there to analize it, not just to take it and say things about it without taking into account the situation that makes it be like that, leave that for Twitter.

    If Allergy and Cupid keep decreasing the gap with Hype Boy, then LSF's B-side might push Hype Boy out of the top10. Considering that the b-side doesn't have the advantage anymore of the 4week chart, it seems that promo is really helping it a lot.

    Svt's Super still surviving in the mids of the invasion of GG songs in the top10. That's almost an achievement in itself. Had thought it might have a bigger drop off after it got removed from the 4week chart, but it's holding up reasonably well.

    I don't think Allergy will make it, it looks like the kind of song that peakes around 200k ULs and start falling after it leaves the 4 weeks chart, similar to the song that is fighting Cupid and Allergy now but it was higher than Ditto and Hype boy just a week ago.

    I'm surprised by Cupid's super slow rise. The opposite to the international charting, so it's so hard to guess where it will peak exactly, I expected it to have peaked already a couple of weeks ago. So yeah Cupid and Eve's surprising fast rise could be a threat for Hype boy. It should just take a week more to catch Svt and 2-3 weeks to catch Jisoo tho.

    Ditto will have 24 weeks in the top 10 on Sunday but then what happens when the trottist and BTS release their singles, with Allergy and Bluebeard rising? If Ditto gets knocked out without even making it to 25 weeks in the top 10, that will be a noticeable trend of declining longevity for New Jeans.

    The weeks in the top 10 are super related with timing, you can't just focus on it without considering all the factors that can change it. If we focus on numbers, like they've already shown you above, Ditto is still performing amazing, it's slighty better than Attention until NJs had their next comeback and Attention rose, Ditto will probably rise with the upcoming comeback too. Attention had good timing with an empty house during Jan-March that left it in the top 5-10 for a lot of time, on the other hand Ditto is being pushed back by so many big comebacks in a small span of time.

    NJs songs will always look small comparing them with the monster Hype boy is, and Ive to a lesser extend with Love dive too. Any song crossing 20 weeks is already a lot, let's remember a huge hit like Tomboy ''just'' got 23 weeks.

    I want to see how much Thirsty is going to fall after it leaves the 4w chart next week, for now I pay attention to the songs on top and those close to the top 10 but not to songs around the top 20-30, to lose 20-30k ULs for songs around there would mean to lose so many positions.

    I expect Allergy to spend one week in the top 10 (next week not this one) and then fall, it's really high in the 4w chart so probably helping a lot, next week it will be at #2. After that maybe Cupid can finally make it.