Posts by uwuwu-98

    Amazing overall charting for NJs as expected, if the songs rise with promotions they can create a huge chaos. In the realtime chart I have the feeling the fandoms aren't allowing to realize how good they're charting but it's basically an IU mini performance. If we remove all the LYW, ZB1, NCT Dream and BTS songs of the realtime chart right now (fandom stream) they'd have the 5 songs (excluding get up obviously but even it¡s charting decently) in the top 11.

    So the album will drop in some hours. I have to say there're several things that have surprised me regarding the comeback promotion so far and like I said some days ago, I think they didn't choose the best options in some cases. Anyway it should be huge, I have to say I'd be quite surprised if Cool with you ends up being a big hit though, I can't think about more songs like that becoming big in Korea, but we'll see. Asap is going to be an interesting one too, i'm not sure if they're going to drop the MV with the album, they didn't say anything so they might wait hoping for it to get some boost when the others start falling, it would be a good choice imo.

    I also have to say that NJ (the song) is doing way better than I thought when I listened to it the first time, it's charting like a normal song after all rising with promos and not like an intro and dropping fast. Actually with the 4W chart i'm pretty sure it would have peaked at least as high as Allergy, if not higher.

    Don't know if I've ever been more excited for a chart debut, I feel like my jaw is gonna drop to the ground even if my expectations are already high LMFAO

    Don't be too hyped with the charts debut, the timing is bad and as what happened with Super shy, the beginning will be slow. How the songs will evolve in the following days will be the real interesting thing.

    Let's say goodbye is rising a lot but I don't think the peak will be high enough to threat #1, specially with NJ around and Seven that is probably going to rise more. I think it will be like Eve more or less, it should be about to peak, the risers that go to #1 often have a faster rise.

    Seven is indeed charting amazing, I know they didn't care about timing when they released it, not like if they should care at all about korean charting with the song getting 10M+ Spotify streams daily, but it would be an almost guaranteed #1 in Korea if it wasn't between NJs releases.

    There's always this talk about low and high ULs, I wouldn't care that much about it tbh. Even if NJ is huge right now the release timing was not good for korean charting and they barely promoted so far. Like some people already said other factors like weather have to be taken into account too. Anyway the song is still going to rise a bit more and I think the album release will push it even more, but even if the song doesn't peak that high it's not that weird, people might have just not liked the song as much as I am or Queencard and that's it, which is something that seems no one ever takes into account.

    Random fact but it looks like this is going to be the 2nd week since NJ debut with less than 2 of their songs in the top 10 (if ETA doesn't blow up super fast). 1st one was the debut week before Attention and Hype boy reached the top 10, since then they've always charted at least 2 songs. The average top 10 songs for them since their debut is probably around 2.5 songs there each week? Next week they'll be back for sure, insane.

    Yeah Hype Boy didn't really get that much of a push with this Newjeans' comeback as it did with OMG. Still should reach 1 billion digital points the quickest from the 2022 songs, which I think might be an even more telling achievement than the record weeks inside the top10 of Melon. It's amazing really how we had two songs from 2022 that had crazy longjevity, the other one being Love Dive of course. When we look back in 2030 at what the biggest songs of this decade were, these two songs definitely will be in or near the top 10 (on my list anyway). The likes of Dynamite, Celebrity and Next Level would also be in there as of now.

    2022 was a super strong year, like you said I think we'll realize abotu this better in some time. Tomboy is also almost as big as Next level imo, and Attention or After like that would be around the top 4-6 songs of 2022 could be the biggest song of 2023 if they were released this year. Event horizon was huge, and also Ditto was released in 2022 too after all, if we are counting the natural year here.

    So far if we compare this year only I am would be a candidate to make it into the top 5 of the songs of 2022 and I doubt it would make it.

    Hype boy is really gonna leave the top 10 after 49 weeks, just like Ditto left #1 with 99 days, so sad. We got used to this song being there counting weeks and we kind of ignored it since it surpassed Dynamite but I think we'll realize how insane this record is in some time when probably even the biggest hits of the following years don't even come close to this, actually I think it's already unlikely the 36 weeks of Dynamite will be matched again in a lot of time.

    Jungkook is doing amazing, it looks like he could have a real big hit if the song manages to be stable, we'll see in the following days. The #1 looks really unlikely to me though but a decent amount of time in the top 10 is what most hits should aim for, the #1s are basically locked for the biggest hits of the year and we shouldn't ask for that in most of the cases.

    I don't follow international charts too much but the performance of Super Shy in the US looks quite promising, when the album drops it might get a boost both internationally and in korea, during August we'll see the real impact of the comeback.

    I don't think anyone here expected NJs (the song) to have a great performance after listening to it, it's just an intro, the fact that it's adding up a decent amount of streams and not falling too fast is good enough imo.

    G-idle releasing an english song this friday and an album on september, I don't have high expectations because of the lack of promo but we still have to check it.

    NJs is doing amazing of course but everything is going to turn crazy when the album drops, we'll see if all the songs meet expectations but even if Asap underperforms and the other 2 titles do worse than Super shy the cumulative numbers they're going to start pulling out in almost all the fields are going to be insane.

    I feel bad for Nmixx, they really splashed them against Exo and ZB1 and between NJs comeback with a horrible planned comeback. If they had few chances to hit big their own company destroyed them.

    The length of the album is surprising, it's definitely something planned. If it was 1 or 2 short songs I could say it's just a coincidence, but there's no way you make 6 songs and the longest is Super shy. Asap is supposed to be a ''normal'' song and it's 2:14 mins.

    I'm not sure what's the reason, maybe they thought people would replay the songs a lot if they're short, maybe they want people to stream the whole album so they thought to make a short one would work better, but I'm a bit iffy about it. Not gonna complain about it too much since so far I liked both songs but it's a bold choice.

    Exo and ZB1 doing more or less like expected, the ULs shouldn't be too high. Lots of fandom streaming in the charts for a while sadly though.

    Super Shy just reached #1 in Flo, faster than I expected. Tomorrow we'll see a big jump in Melon definitely, these last hours looked promising, they might be able to surpass Queencard already.

    Also I expected New Jeans to fall quite fast, for now it's resisting pretty good, it might chart more or less like a normal song after all.

    I expected a slighty better performance of NJs even with the friday release (300-350k 24h ULs) but like we mentioned the friday release for them was so hard to predict. The song will probably rise and reach #1 anyway, but it's still a bit sad to see the impact the timing has.

    Obviously we will never know, but with a normal release the song would have probably debuted in the top 3 and the charting would be different from there, the numbers could be way higher, and like already mentioned here the difference in global charts isn't that big, I don't think it's worthy, specially looking at the good longevity of the other NJ songs in Spotify, they shouldn't have changed to the friday release so soon.

    We will see how they promote this.

    New Jeans completely looks like an intro and not like a song, the song itself is not even 2 minutes long. Shouldn't have a good charting specially in the long run, I also doubt they will bother to promote it at all, probably just wanted to use it as an opening for the comeback and an excuse for the PPG promo.

    Tomorrow is when the fun begins anyway.

    Really smart choice to put New jeans release first than Super Shy, it looks like Super Shy is going to be succesful for sure so New Jeans is the better choice to get the hype of the first song to check. Still a bit confused with the whole timing and when they're going to appear in streaming services though, I guess New Jeans will be just the MV and then release both songs at the same time in the streaming services.

    Regarding NJs songs cannibalizing each other, it's obvious it's going to happen, if they had 3 titles as big as Attention/Ditto it would be completely crazy. They're trying a different thing though, people care a lot about having 1 super succesful song because records are cool and look this song got more weeks in the top 10 than this other, but for an artist recognition to have 3 songs like OMG is way more important than to have 1 like Attention. If this goes like we all more or less expect, it's not just that they're going to have the #1 song of the summer, it's that they're going to have half of the whole top 20 of the charts for themselves. This for New Jeans as a group and a brand is way more impactful, even if at the end only 1 or 2 of them end up being really big hits the dominance they're going to have now is going to have much more impact on normal people that aren't checking the charts everyday but they'll just be listening to New Jeans everywhere all the time.

    Also this is pretty obvious but promoting so many songs there're more chances of one of them becoming viral for any reason, which is what happened with Hype boy after all.

    Nice to see that Jungkook's Still With Me is doing alright on Melon. Had the best debut so far from the BTS soundcloud songs, and now that the first 24h are over it's still gaining some uls every hour.

    When it comes to BTS solos I try not to expect too much, but I think Jungkook could do well. He probably will hit a new peak for a BTS solo song. Also will be interesting to see if he has a chance to win Gaon song of the month for July. NewJeans will of course do better in Korea but with the new global criteria Jungkook will offer tough competion. He will certainly dominate globally, especially the first few weeks.

    That global chart is still so weird to me. The local charting seems to be really important there anyway, Queencard is charting higher than Cupid right now and it's completely impossible Cupid isn't getting more streams globally looking at the Spotify numbers.

    I was writting a message saying I'd be really surprised if the songs weren't released digitally then but I'm so confused with the latest teaser, only on Youtube Shorts???

    The only way I can see this affect their popularity domestically is if their k-stans feel neglected if they do it multiple times? But I genuinely don't think that's likely so I wouldn't worry too much

    The k-stans will be fine, the issue will be with the gp, and I mean it's not like if they're going to flop of course, after all I'm assuming the comeback is going to be huge, it's just that I feel they're not going to push it all they can. We've talked several times here about how much the public is affected by charts and promotions here, if you can take advantage of it it will always help you a bit.

    Also the fact they go with the friday release make me have some doubts about how much they're going to promote the album in Korea. But anyway like I said, this is all assuming it's going to be the biggest comeback of the year, like I said on a previous post the question is how legendary the comeback is going to be at the end because it's the perfect comeback to destroy everything if they do it properly.

    I get why they would do a Friday release for the album but for the pre-releases I don't really see the point. I guess however if they're happy with the results they might stick with the Friday releases from now on, which I don't think would be a good idea. But that's just based on my deep hatred of kpop artists moving to friday releases for BB.

    Yeah I agree, I don't like fridays releases. Also NJs international charting so far has been focused more on longevity so I'm not sure if it will help that much. I guess they want to give it a try because the anticipation right now should be pretty big but I think it will make more problems regarding the national charting than benefits in the international one.

    newjeans will release song on friday

    if it's typical friday release (i mean they will drop it at 13.00 instead of 18.00) i doubt first hour uls will be big

    Damn I didn't even think about this, but yeah you're probably right. Also on saturday morning the ULs don't rise that much but they rise more in the evening, so we won't be able to compare them directly with the other groups regarding the 24H ULs.

    The 13:00 release probably won't help the b side initial charting neither which is a really bad idea considering their momentum. They didn't even announce yet the hour of release or if this b side will have the MV released on the same day tho, we'll see.

    After listening to ETA I'm completely sure it's going to slay.

    We're about to see a legendary era, the question is how legendary it's going to be. The worst scenario I can imagine is the b sides not becoming hits and the titles having bad longevity, which would still be a pretty succesful comeback, and the best one is that this could become the biggest comeback ever by a group (in terms of digitals ofc). The international charting is going to be interesting too.

    For next week's releases Super Shy's performance is going to be basically to see how crazy the anticipation is for them right now, but I'm actually more curious about how New Jeans is going to chart. It will chart better than a normal b side of course but I'm still not sure if it's going to be a top 20 song, a top 10, or if it will directly chart like a title and go straight to the top with Super Shy, all the situations make sense more or less.

    Does anyone know why the song currently at #7 is rising that much? It was one of the songs that were charting pretty good thanks to the 4W chart but it's rising a lot now suddenly. I don't think it's related to the new chart system because it's the only one doing this, it must have become viral somewhere.

    OMG's timing is awful, I have the feeling they don't care about the song performance that much anymore after their last comeback though. Not just because of New Jeans with the charts completely blocked but it looks really likely they will comeback the same day as Itzy too.