Posts by Cashmere-Rose
you are right in some aspects
but they might with good promotions. Drip is a much better song than sheeh ( objectively speaking) and apparently some knetz like click clack. Two members are going to running men they might get people to at least check out drip out of curiosity. I bet most people don't know they released new music. I think with the right promotions they will do fine.
the big mistake was not to wait for Ahyeon to debut as a group and releasing batter up instead it seems like it was rushed and not well planned.
Drip is amazong and honestly so solid with their image. This is what i mean by working their way up, they need to promote the songs more (which is whatthey are doing so far), the usual YG tactics and relying on the brand name will not help them. They have immense potential I hope YG does not screw it.
YG as a brand is no longer valid in Korea after the burning sun. All of the acts that did well under them in that period (BP, BB, AKMU) were from the fanbase that tehy already had.
None of their new acts is receiving any push due to this. They need to work the way up like normal company GG.
Because internationally, they have the fanbase associated with YG. In korea than fanbase is just dead so they need to gather their own from scratch.
My two cents anyway.
Lots of factors play here. I say aespa has a big chance if SM does it right. They are in upward trajectory
Also, BTS and BP main strong point is their huge fanbase + solo power. The group and each member alone attract multiple fans each time. Companies really need to work on the individual solo power more. This is why I think aespa has the biggest chance in 4th gen, their solo power give me the vibes of BPs which is a good sign.
i dont know i guess it cause of military service
Boy Groups did not go at once, and they went one by one, so usually that happens after their first contract. Fanbase then is torn and does not support fully as like when the group is full.
And i guess it has now become a habit, traditions and its hard to break it.
Also because kpop companies are like a brand. They dont operate like western companies so you would need to be always putting new groups to stay on map. You dont also see big 4 companies take older groups formed under other company like the west, cause it is not their "brand"
Just my two cents there
I like the energy, the chorus and the catchy lyrics
Member parts coulve been better, a full pre chorus would have made the song overall better
Album is really good though, I like their formula of an intro, title, and the catchy b side, and the softer b side! This defines lesserafim theme for me 😊
I though its Megan X "someone", (feat namjoon) 😅
But exciting! Hope its something like Mamushi where they sing both korean and english !