Posts by chartslover

    Bro how many times am i gonna have to make my point...

    It was a empty house because the house was empty! There were no recent hits, only leftovers from december hits like drunken confession and eleven. No competition to block Taeyeon

    If you want proof, look at the monthly soty on


    #1 song: 58 million

    #2: 57 million

    #3: 49 million

    #4: 40 millions

    #5: 36 million


    #1: 95 million

    #2: 71 million

    #3: 56 million

    #4: 52 million

    #5: 44 million

    Now lets compare to april soty

    the top 4 songs all have over 100m, one has almost 200m

    the fifth has 66 milllion, enough to top the january soty

    Clearly, the first two months were empty house

    Ok what other songs (kpop or not) were released in 2-3 +/- and what were their peak ULs, how much of a variance did INVU have over them?

    If the variance was low, then it was not an empty house. If the variance was high, say twice the mean, then yes it can be considered an empty house.

    If you are up to crunching the math, then go for it, otherwise it is just an assertion

    Look, I dont know why you insist on this topic when clearly everybody dissagrees with you

    Yes, INVU is a hit, it is a sizeable hit

    However, the fact that it was released amid a very dry period in terms of hit, the last hit being released 2 months apart from the song, allowed INVU to top the charts far longer than it wouldve did in a more filled period

    Thats it, and im gonnas stop this argument here cause its delusional to think this is false

    Ok, may not be the best example. Still does not disprove 'Empty house' is an 'Empty argument'.

    Average ULs might have a pattern of dipping at the start of the year, I have not verified that data over the years, to say either way - so will take the word of folks here.

    Then a hit/non-hit should be judged based on the average ULs of such periods - including non-Kpop songs, otherwise comparing against ULs of a high-UL period will give a distorted picture.

    I was saying empty house because thats one of the reason INVU stayed at the top for 18 days

    If it had more competition, it would have stayed less days

    Look at Tomboy, much bigger song but with less days at #1 cause of the competition

    The difference is ARMYs are not obsessed with their faves like they are with BTS. So they know we won't drag their faves for "viral song" peaking at #84 on HOT 100.

    Yup BTS take the most of the brunt but like that user said these "chart lovers" in that digital thread also bash Kang Daniel and LYW when they do better than female artists.

    You didn't say the same in your first post though. Read your first post and this post in this thread, you will know why I am calling you a liar. Now you are backtracking like you always do after spreading misinformation. I have seen this before when your "top 10" analogy was proven wrong last time so not surprised. And BTS have to prove nothing to anyone, especially liars and dumbasses.

    Im not spreading misinformation at all

    On the week of july 10th, Butter was at n.1 on the hot 100 but at 31st on the streaming chart

    On the week of july 31st, it was n.1 on the hot 100 but at 40th on the streaming chart...

    On the week of august 7th, it was n.1 on the hot 100 but 44th on the streaming chart...

    So i am no liar lol, see when you're using actual numbers

    Get your facts straight before getting all proud you proved me wrong and calling me a dumbass and a liar

    Kpop stans are major hypocrites, do you think that any kpop group that managed to break on the hot 100 or any other major Billboard chart is oh so organic and not the result of mass buying and fandom streaming? Like suddenly if a kpop group makes it on the chart, everyone's mom, dad, pets and houseplants listens to them but when it comes to BTS, oh my it's just ARMYS, despite BTS being the only kpop group with decent radio play and basically the face of SK in the west.

    Placing #13 with a korean ballad, especially with the rule change, I'd say it's pretty impressive and I'm proud of them for doing so. I really don't understand all this flop-calling, if anything I applaud them for releasing a song that's not western or radio friendly and still breaking records. Yeah can't wait to see what excuse kpop stans are going to find if their faves can't chart anymore.

    The difference is that other fandoms are not actively trying to say that their faves charted due to the gp and calling other kpop fans dumbasses for not agreeing with them

    Yeah I shouldn't be calling you dumbass, I should be calling you a liat for spreading misinformation. It's you girl group and female artists fans who bash the artists whom you consider fandom oriented i.e. male artists all the time in that digital thread. You are also a dumbass because you talk about charts when you got no information whatsoever.

    First of all calm down, take your time writing...

    I don't understand why you're so pissed and calling me a liar when i'm basing myself on numbers

    the fact is that Butter was an evident result of chart manipulation by Army's, topping the chart but being far from the top in the streaming chart which in the streaming era, is far more representative of the most popular songs.

    Now that they are rules limiting the sales of a song, BTS is not able to top the charts because they're main source of points is limited. Even if they get another n.1 hit in the future, I am almost 100% sure that it won't stay at the top for 10 weeks like Butter.

    butter's charting is way worse than the way u put it and that's the reason why billboard changed the rules.

    #1 for 10 weeks and out of the chart in 20 weeks after failing to be above 50. any other song that does this would probably chart for 100 weeks.

    But I don't expect gaon to change the rules yet because it's not that bad. yea, armys are definetely hypocrites.

    I didnt really follow it's longevity but im not suprised, its the pattern every single one of their song had on the hot 100 bar Dynamite

    Stop spreading false information. 'Butter' was out of top 30 streaming for only one week it topped. ARMYs are literally the only fandom who do not bash Kang Daniel or LYW in digital thread unlike all of you dumbass k-pop fans in that digital thread.

    idk why you're calling us dumbass kpop fans like you're not a kpop fan too... lets not start insulting each other

    and ok, maybe it was out of top 30 for only one week, but it was out of even top 15 for multiple weeks, it was still a song that wasnt popualr outside of its niche

    Korean digitals, yes. Everything else, not yet.

    But make no mistake, the Third Age of Kpop is ending, it's only a matter of time. The last Lion Kings just went down the past couple weeks, the final nail in the coffin.

    The last holdouts, the last warhorses of the Third Age, are probably gonna rally over the next year or two to make one last defiant stand. Not as a combined Army, no, they're sending out their individual champions one by one this time. Seulgi, Jhope, and the one most relevant here...Nayeon. If she can outchart Aespa by herself... :whatb:

    Twice and Aespa have a oddly similar debut/perfomance

    They both debuted with a song that was deemed a flop at first but then slowly rose on the charts and became hits (LOA is much bigger than Black Mamba but black mamba has quite a good longevity)

    Then their first comeback for both (i dont count forever) were insanely big hits for both, twice's biggest and aespa's biggest so far

    Their second comeback also were huge hits, both getting paks but lacking in longevity comapred to their first comeback (savage is currently under NL on melon)

    Then they both started breaking albums sales records, obviously Aespa's sales are bigger than Twice's at the time cause of china+ kpop's massive growth but when you look at it, TCL1 (the TT album) was the best selling 3rd gen gg album for a loooong time

    Aespa are definetly on their way to dominated 3rd gen

    They consider good 4 u as the song that should have been #1 I guess as it was the more popular one on streaming which is the #1 indicator of music consumption nowadays among public.

    Honestly it doesn't matter because at the end g4u did around 50 weeks on charts iirc and sold alot of units even tho it only got #1 for one week. What's done is done.

    I mean we call it sajaegi when an artist tops a korean chart weirdly

    army's mass buying was just legal sajaegi

    Butter was not even in the top 30 of the most streamed songs of the hot 100 but was topping the chart for months, thats chart manipulation at its best. Armys are hypocrites because after you'll see them in the digital thread complaining that KD or LYW are topping Gaon simply because of their fandom but its ok when its them doing it on the hot 100

    There are many ways to measure digital success for a song like digital points, weeks in top 10, 100 etc, not just Melon ULs. ULs go up even after the song is out of the charts. Songs with mediocre longevity like M&M and KTL have 3M+ and 4M+ ULs. Should they be considered on the same level or close to Psycho or other big hits I mentioned?

    What are 2022 big hits? TOMBOY, LD, Still Life, That That, INVU and Gandara? I am positive all have passed 2.5M ULs if not 3M.

    Honestly i think FMR is bigger than Ganadara

    There is a new rule that limits the amount of points sales give.

    i think now its just 1 per I.P wherehas there was no limits on it (im very not sure)

    all i know is that the new rule affects sales and its affecting BTS cause sales were carrying their charting, especially for Butter and for their n.1 debuts as a whole (bar Dynamite)