Posts by Jadan

    Yeah, all kpop companies want to beat others groups, but they never tried to buy the company they envy so much like hybe tried with sme.

    And don't try to act all moral with me, you aren't writing essays bc of the normal people affected, it's bc you are licking Hybe's a** so don't bother quoting me again.

    And while we are at it fuck hybe and fuck kpop companies :thumbup:

    im not licking it. im being realistic. im from corporate world so i understand business. u are jobless and dont understand real life. but buying it at that time us a good business move . i dont act moral at all, u do. u hate hybe but condoning a criminal. if u compare hybe & sm, sm has more questionable actions than hybe. they pay their artist less as well. been sued by their own artists , banned some of them in the industry as well. and whats wrong with hybe buying sm? but u do want kakao to buy it ? thats a true monopoly cuz kakao not only owns labels of ive/iu and others but also media and biggest digital platform in SK. they can basically use their media to release good /bad press and manipulate melon as well. so why are u not with kakao? bec it benefits ur faves . thats

    Seeing how Bang PD wanted someone to "step" on Aespa I'll just say that I don't condemn this man for making sure Hybe doesn't buy sme shares :meme-erm: if i understood the issue right...

    do u think sm execs never talked abt how to step on bts or bp? it means how to beat them. welcome to the corp world. thats business. like how eo wants to beat the competition. lol

    getting mad on someone for thinking like any smart executive thinks but tolerate illegal business activities tell so much how dumb kpoppies are. 😂

    u definitely do not understand the impact of that action. It harms those ordinary people holding small stocks as well not just hybe . its an illegal practice, a crime. ur hatred for hybe clouds ur sense of reasoning tolerating criminals. mad at hybe but tolerate kakao, a bigger conglomerate that controls media, melon , and different labels. if u think hybe is evil, kakao is the god of evil. lol

    not to mention, sm started all the bad practices in kpop like merchs and photocards and diff versions. kpoppies do not hv the moral ascendancy to get mad at hybe bec whatever capitalistic ventures hybe did , big 3 did it first. the only difference is hybe succeeded. lol

    Pretty surprised with the reactions to this from non fans. This is actually quite serious, this is doing a huge move against NJ, basically claiming they're going to make their career more complicated if they don't start siding with them. I know the members have sided with Ador but this was a consequence of the situation and they've already proven they had valid reasons for it. Hybe has been hiding it but now they'd doing it publicly, if they're really doing it it's something really really dirty.

    I'm not goint to assume anything for now anyway because it could be an isolated situation because NJ is promoting or anything else, but if this kind of things become common it's a super dirty move, it's fine if you don't care about it since they're not your favs but at least acknowledge it.

    but i think it was so shameless of nj fans to expect hybe to include them when u all want them to leave hybe. u all think they dont need hybe . u cant hv ur cake and eat it too. do u think hybe will just tolerate the disrespect and mockery they received from them? there are consequences in everything

    i didnt really wanna say who the person directly was on here

    so let's just say he's one of the popular members in the group and he doesn't look like the type that you would think is even in a romantic relationship

    all hyung line ( heeseung, jay, jake and sunghoon) seem to have or had a relationship. ur delusional if u think they never had. Heeseung already admitted dating when he was 13 ( after pursuing the girl for 3 yrs) so obviously it did not stop there😂. Jay is an American, No way he never had a gf with his looks and money. Jake grew up in Australia, popular in school and sweet talker. All those female hosts who interviewed them liked him bec he makes them feel pretty. lol . Among the hyungs Heeseung and Jake are probably taken, Sunghoon was an athlete - do u know female kr like athletes more than idols? thats ur answer .🤭

    For maknae - they were too young when they debuted. But I wont be surprised if they will have flings or relationship. There is a reason why hybe bgs collaborate with dispath yearly. Enhypen just worked with Dispatch Dicon recently. 😂

    bec a ceo 's job is not to be creative. they make final executive decision. Logical decision-- definitely not someone who consults shaman. that's why u have creative directors or technical people doing those stuff. its the reason why bang bd step down as ceo . like its the same thing for apple during steve job's reign, he has tim cook doing the executive planning

    Lol as expected company worshiping armys in this thread getting defensive for the perverted creep hybe ceos

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    isnt mhj the one with a rep being a perv abd asking minor creepy things? she did it with nj too isnt it? with her lolita concept

    and remember kr gp is fickle minded. they replaced gg after 3 yrs max. u need massive fd support like bp or twice almost same as bg to stay longer in the game . rn, i dont think nj has that big fd yet.

    On a serious note tho, wbk that playlisting matters ever since TwicevsBP fanwars, now we have a good example.

    Though it is stupid of Hybe 1) to expose their own payola 2) to indeed sabotage NJ when everybody is expecting them to.

    its not really payola when they only give extra support when the song is promising. in fact, nj has more pls on day 1 than le ssera and illit on day 1🤷‍♀️. id call it addtl marketing strategy that hybe gives if the song did well on 1st-2nd day that ALL labels do including the west. also, they lost a lot casual stans or hybe stans. blame it to mhj for being too high and mighty. her strategy only works if she has hybe backing ( hybe stans ) and their marketing strategy included. kpoppies call it payola cuz they are just bitter. if its just as simple as payola then why cant other labels or all grps under hybe do it when its all abt money?😂

    There needs to be a strong case for that transition of power to truly happen. Yes, Supernova is easily the biggest song of 2024 in Korea, even bigger than Fate and Spot. Supernova is definitely showing itself to be one of the bigger songs on Spotify this year along with Smart, Magnetic, and Easy. Armageddon is also doing well at the moment. However, this is too soon of a moment to cement Aespa as the #1 of the moment. NewJeans has another comeback in the pipeline and it's clear that Koreans still fucking love them. Not to mention that How Sweet & Bubble Gum are #2 and #3 in Korea and that's with Bubble Gum being released weeks early as a YT exclusive.

    I think right now, Supernova is the bigger hit but NewJeans has set historical precedent to have multiple hits from the same album 3 times (Hype boy/Attention, Ditto/OMG, Super Shy/ETA). We need to wait, as with most of these discussions, time will tell.

    well, right now aespa is number 1 among 4th gen. ur as good as ur last cb at least globally, knetz will like a new grp every 2 yrs. so best measurement of popularity is global. another measurement is touring, w/c measures how big ur fd is . aespa is doing well on that. nj is yet to prove that or is it just media play? ig , we have to thank mhj for aespa rising again both globally and in sk. they regained the crown and ended nj both globally and locally.😂

    rise where ? last time i checked hybe grps still earning more , charting more. all other labels doing the sane thing or worst than hybe but they just h8 hybe for being successful, yg is going down w/o bp . bp has moved on , they can stand on their own individually better than any gg in the past or present esp globally.

    hybe is still earning a lot from concerts , charting higher than any grps globally and massive success locally for their 5th gen grps . got endorsements left & right for all relevant grps. looking at the hybe 1st qtr profit, they dont even need ador to profit more. its like a trophy daughter for sk but profit wise others can give it to them

    Obviously not. They are so far ahead of the pace of any K-Pop group ever, let alone just girl groups, that it will take several underperforming comebacks in a row to derail them. In all honesty, the fact their bar is set so high that a song getting "only" on the Bubbling Under Hot 100 is seen as an underperformance only further illustrates and validates my point.

    If they proceed with their plans to drop an album in Q4, to go along with their four singles this summer, their cumulative numbers will be otherworldly.

    How Sweet/Bubblegum are just the beginning.

    ggs only have a life of 3 yrs or 4 to reach their peak unless u massively amass a big fd like bp. but bp is different bec they have individuality and each member can stand on her own even on their early yrs . nj only got success so easy bec they have a ready made casual fans and senior grps that help hype their songs to reach different audiences so easy globally. thats why mhj is asking for reconciliation bec she knows alienating her grp way too much will hurt nj too . but unfortunately fans can be very vindictive . nj will go down slowly at the global scene esp 5th gen is starting to rise . 4th gen is starting to build solo careers . even le ssera has a better solo career opportunites than nj . yunjin has highest ml among 4th gen on spotify , chaewon doing good in variety as example .

    I know how it is to have your group be hated by army, like a lot, but that never mean anything

    It must mean a big big chunk of nj streams come from them

    I still find it surprising bc like u, I thought it could be a easy smash

    it means something esp if a grp is massively supported by the label's fd . they do have casual fans that aint bts fans true but mhj not only pissed off armys but a lot of hybe grps with massive fd as well . nj aint bp with already big fd that can support them despite the h8 they get. the song is also mid . it aint something as good as their past releases and i dont know if it has some virality or if anyone is willing to do a tt challenge with nj. mhj basically called the whole industry a fraud and only her can save it . 😂

    if its easy to fabricate success, sm /jyp/yg and kakao would hv done it long time ago. there is nothing controversial on how hybe promotes their grps, its the same as other western artists . its the same way sm pushes aespa now. 🤷‍♀️ but this kind of push also needs some level of organic success to achieve longevity in global charts . nj having a way bigger pl on 1st day compared to illit and lsf 1st tell u that this hybe pulling out support is non-sense, its their money after all. the more successful nj is the harder mhj can terminate their contracts . the more hybe wont let go, 80% of profit still goes to them. its their investment. there are only two reasons why it fails in the US, the song is mid & their biggest casual listeners ( hybe stans) drop them. mhj burned all the bridges unfortunately! and all those hybe haters stanning other gg outside hybe will not support them.

    but like all ggs , they are still doing good in sk charts . they are stl on their 2nd yr. let see what will happen after a yr if the trend continues of losing intl fans with only sk supporting them. most casual stans of gg are success stans -- this is where building a big fanbase globally matter like bgs that bp are able to replicate . im not sure if nj hss that kind of pull. in bp case, they are also stronger individually.

    Newjeans is doing 1.289M of views while illit is still getting 995k after 2 months, so illit will outview newjans music video in no time... this is my biggest "I told you" yet, I told you guys this will happen, is inevitable, hybe picked illit as their biggest payola recipient and the whole mhj situation put hybe against newjeans.

    how is it biggest payola when nj has around 27M pl on 1st day and illit is not even half. magnetic only got addtl pls gradually when it became viral. like even aespa has bigger 1st day pl around 7m on 1st day isnt it?

    All the major artists put their songs right away on tth. NJ are not nugus.

    they are not nugus in sk with 50m population. even bts and bp releases dont immediately get added and they are way more popular globally. even just looking at emvs , they are lightyeara ahead of nj . nj are nothing compared to other artists in the west getting a spot . unless their songs got viral and got high streams , then it rightfully earns a spot 🤷‍♀️

    So scooter brown has that much power uh. and who's friend/ business partener he is ummm? Bang right?! another proven fraud. And who's his ennemy? MHJ right??

    So now we can conclude that something very shady and suspicions might have happen with usa spotify numbers for how sweet to chart even lower than ASAP and about mhj being unable to put nj on tth.

    Something that has to do with Bangs desire to destroy MHJ/NJ specially during this current war and his suspicious -100m hybe america deficit and his connections with the very trashy ressourcefull Scooter.

    even if labels can boost streams. they cant make it less . just admit that half of their spotify streams are coming from hybe stans. others are still giving them a chance. it will eve be less once they openly show support to mhj and kick out of hybe. global fans aint happy with mhj , unless ur nj fans majority of global fans showing suppoort to mhj are just hybe haters . and they will not support nj at all . they are waiting for their downfall so their fave non hybe ggs will dominate . in addition, mhj burned many bridges not just hybe but with other labels as well.

    now you are starting to say SM did payola. do you really have receipts/facts for this ? and how do you know SM or Kakao (whatever) did payola for the first time ?

    this is the second time i saw your post about SM/Kakao doing payola for Aespa. and you are the only one saying about this in this forum.

    u all equate payola on pl reach and reco. thats the same thing happened for aespa songs. no one shld really think its payola bec its normal business but the jealousy on hybe grps success in the west is so evident by other labels stans .