Posts by Fatso
man in distress: stop staring at me like i'm some street junkie suffering through withdrawal symptoms. i'm fine. i just need my sales graphs and frog emotes. leave me alone!
perplexed salary man: who said anything about withdrawal? i'm just here to ask you about the 50 bucks you owe me from last week. dude, you crazy. get some help.
clown to entertain my younger cousins so i had no choice but to go along with it. the party was going alright but when it was time for the show, the dude was nowhere to be found so my mom asked me to go look for him. i found the guy in our garage. he had a plastic bag over his nose & mouth and right next to him was a can of paint thinner. i guess he must've gotten startled because the next thing i knew, he lunged at me and bit my arm. i must've fainted from the shock because i don't remember much after that. found out later in the news that he climbed up a utility pole and got electrocuted because the cops were after him. turns out he was a wanted fugutive responsible for over a dozen murders. i went back to school after recovering from the incident but i still felt a lil bit weird. it wasn't until science class that i realized something was wrong with me. the teacher asked the class if anybody knew what the largest and gassiest planet was in the universe and i instinctively stood up and yelled "uranus!". everybody started laughing and she ran out of the room crying. felt bad after that because i learned that she quit and moved to the countryside to make cheese. i understood then that i was forever changed and can never take anything seriously again. i saw this documentary once about some guy who can shoot spiderwebs out of his hands. it was gross but it had a good message. great power comes with great responsibility. lotta crazy things happened after that like my uncle benjamin the third dying. he didn't get shot by a mugger in a dark alley or anything messed up like that. he just had a really bad case of diarrhea. now i work for a major news conglomerate as a photographer. well, that's what my official job title is written as on their website but in reality, i just stalk and harass celebrities in parking lots and ask them the most assinine questions i can think of
That thread was for people getting easily offended over basically everything.
oh my mistake then. i thought you were personally offfended and decided to share it here because you wanted other people to band with and shame the guy or something cuz that seems to be like a rite of passage out here. nvm. i changed my opinion. now i think you're the type of person who anyone reasonable could easily have a beer with or something
Hhmmm. Interesting.
Never thought about that. Which ideas?
i guess this for example: Wanna get OFFENDED?
i personally don't feel offended at all. i think he's just some rapper doing his thing but i can understand why people who are maybe more left-leaning would take offense to this. i get where they're coming from. i'm more of a free speech guy though so i don't really care about what he says
i don't agree with your opinions sometimes, especially when it's about social issues but i can respect your willingness to stick your neck out for those ideas
hot doctor: were you born in syria or yemen or one of these warzones or something? what the hell have you been so stressed about all this time? you've barely hit 40 and you look like you're one bathroom slip away from a dirt nap.
middle-aged kpop fan: dude, i don't even wanna talk about it. so, can you fix me or not?
First encounter, first text, first phone call
First date, first kiss In our own space
I want everything to be a first with you
I have an eating disorder, whatever I eat, I'm still hungry
For you. The word "addiction" can't express all of this
Describing a girl like you is impossible
It transcends the poetic
It's because of you, like a capital letter
I want to place you first in my life
A good house, a good car, those things can't be
Happiness but I want to give it to you
("Hold on, hold on
Turn off the music for a second"
"Hyung, this isn't it, hyung"
"What's up with that last line 'doo go bwa'
(Which means 'just wait')"
"It's actually 'joo go pa'
(Which means 'want to give you')"
"Oh really? Well let me show you my style
Give me the music! Yeah
That's right, this is it!
Hyung, this kinda style!
Love should be hopeful!")
Confessing my love without hesitating is my style
If it's for you, I'm the type to sacrifice my body
I'll always shine the light on you girl
This is a love stage for you and me
We're blinded by love, sweet and playful
Our future is bright and dazzling, colorful
If I have you, it's like I have everything, like a milli
The door of love has opened now with you, go in
("Ahh, this is awesome!
Love should be hopeful!"
"How can life always be hopeful?
This is not the Bang Tan style"
"Then what is it?"
"Bang Tan style is hip-hop"
"Let's go")"This is Bang Tan style yo"
All these weirdos need to get a life instead of obsessing over badly written lyrics and using it to be fake outraged so they'd have something to bark about on twitter today
(Yeah tell 'em, Suga)
BTS, the way we love
Whether you're in your
Teens or twenties, love is all the same
RM, so now I'm telling you the story
I loved this much before, how about you?
This is just an intro shouting bout
My whole mind and body
You know that her refusals
And bad words could never stop me
They could never retard me
This is my ideology
Who in the world can dampen
My heart's blood? Nobody
(Wassup) I'll ask you again
(Wassup) how about yo?
If you haven't loved yet
How about doing it like me?
A person's emotions is so strange
I'm the one who makes you smile but
You go to the bastard who makes you cry
(I said) yeah that's love
(I said) yeah that's love
Some may call me a loser but I'm really OK
As if I've never been hurt by love before
As if I'll give even more
When she takes away my all
When in love, be passionate
When you're singing, make it prickly
Passionate and prickly
When we're in love, we're passionate
When we're singing, we're prickly
Passionate and prickly
This is Bang Tan style
This is Bang Tan style
This is Bang Tan style
Bang Tan style, Bang Tan style
Wassup -
i'm using the pink one
she should invite them on her talk show
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him from all the bullies that made him cry but what we really bonded over was basketball. we played against each other everyday. he never won a single game as far as i recall but he took his losses like a man and never gave up. that quality was one of the things i admired about him. unfortunately my family had to move when i was about to go to highschool and we kinda lost touch after that. never really knew what became of him. he told me once that his dream was to be a zookeeper because he wanted to take care of giraffes and scorpions. i hope he got to accomplish everything he wanted. would love play another game against him if we ever cross paths again so we can find out, once and for all, who the better player really is