Posts by 2yr
blue d of taeyeon:
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Kicking that person out of my life is not an option, it wasnt a choice to begin with
Its a difference between me bottling up my emotions for the 100s times and avoiding unnecessary argument, or just letting it out and making things awkward for a very long time
I wont say that person doesnt care about me, they care about me in their own way and its the only way they know. I dont find that way of caring supportive and sometimes even toxic
cant teach an old dog new tricks
if you're always having to even worry about tip toeing around their feelings, and there's barely any reciprocity in a way that helps YOU to feel sounds heartbreaking and I hope for better for you.
if nothing will change, then say what you need and get it over with. you keep them in your life if you can't live without them but do they even think about you when you're not speaking to them and when you're not around?
understand if it's limerence or if this is something you're able to pursue and be happy with.
innisfree is ok, like Lulu_Key says, it'll depend on your skin type. Some products are good even when they cost less than premium brands, and for most boutiques or makeup counters, you should be able to buy what you like and return it within a certain time if it gives you a reaction &/or if you just don't like it. Be sure to ask the person at the counter if you're not sure about their return policy. If you buy from Amazon, you should be able to return it even if it's been used and return shipping is usually free.
What are you thinking of trying out?
Marketing to teens influences children, teens, and adults. Selling trending concepts like a teen concept makes it harder to separate the line between advertising and real content. Youth sells. Teen concepts sell. Would anyone you know buy grandma or grandpa concept music? Even selling mature/sexy concepts cater to the teen fantasy of what being a mature/sexy idol means in general media perception. You want to sell sexy shoes, not back pain creams and bedpans.
Please take care of yourself since you won't be able to help her very well if you become sick too.
Hope you and your mom feel better soon.
Sometimes, when you tell someone something bad about themselves, they usually will resent you or try to punish you and will from then on associate you with the message. Instead of thinking of the coworkers who actually are talking crap about her, she'll think about you.
There's a phrase "don't shoot the messenger" for a reason.
Bear in mind, unsolicited advice is generally a means to control or criticize the person you're giving advice to.
It's not something you can control, and like DrewB said earlier, it's not your responsibility. It's hers.
You may have had good intentions but when she is or isn't fired where will you be? On the one hand, you're the snitch at the office and on the other hand, you're acting like you're a manager showing favoritism.
doesn't appear as such, so far. time will tell.
I was an inactive Christian for many years but have decided to try to renew my faith.
There are still a lot of questions that may be unanswered or by nature aren't answerable but I'd like to think/believe that there is an answer to all the suffering and pain of humanity.
Whether I return to Atheism or not may largely depend on the actions of the people who declare themselves Christians.
I do think and believe there are still "good" people and "good" Christians. I've studied various religions and find having a faith and also not having a faith can be a burden and a blessing in different ways.
I don't really know anything but I think it's part of what makes us human, trying to find what and who we choose to believe in as a journey.
many mods were asked to be mods by their activity.
it’s not impossible for you to become a mod but please remember it’s not glamorous and comes with both good and a fair share of bad. you’ll be able to see that some users are not only hyper critical but also actively malicious. you’ll also be able to see many of the users genuinely care and are pretty much cream of the crop class acts.
if you do want to be a mod, if this was a serious inquiry, please feel free to ping me at discord and i’m not very active since i have a full time job but i’ll respond when i’m able to.
at one point some were paid with the help of akorn sales and hopefully it can happen again but currently none are paid. staff does receive perks like allkill and being able to have more freedom to customize and create. we also are able to see who makes reports and their reasons for reporting.
there are many forum users who also assist without being mods like selfmate and although she has passed Pikachu-Senpai her presence is sorely missed.
i might be part of the minority who love peace and don’t want to come home from another job to reports from people who don’t even care and of course many reports that can be almost harassing staff from those who don’t understand we’re humans. a lot of us have received death threats and have been doxxed and even have false accusations and doctored screenshots made of us.
i do understand the new forum changes are meant to bring back activity and somewhat help mods from being flooded with unnecessary reports so i’m grateful that the owner cares in that sense.
the direction the forum has been in was good and reasonable with curbing some toxicity but it’s come at the price of activity. activity drastically dropped to where it’s difficult to sustain the costs of keeping the forum up, let alone pay the mods. ads can’t generate revenue when everyone has adblockers and to be direct, does anyone even want to see ads at all? it’s become apparently clear that activity that generates enough revenue is inciting and divisive and shocking.
knowing i’m going to need help with trying to create better options while proving you don’t have to be toxic or negative to enjoy kpop means trying also to try to build intrinsic value. it’s going to be tough when you’re meeting with resistance from both users side and management side.
i’m thankful for the people who understand and may not always agree but in the bigger picture, i’m thankful for those who also wish for better and constructively assist.
i mean, felix exists
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sure, and then bring them to akp
I'm going to watch Battle Royale.
Is it too gory?
ohhhh yeahhhh…