Display Moreso you don't like movies with females in the lead
hihi yeah, I think thats the reason why freedy works best as a horror movie villian.. just like the characters in the movies, he gets us when we are most vulnerable and you just can't avoid sleeping ^^" I'm not sure if I have seen the jeepers one.. what was it about?
yeah well.. I'm not exactly the most unbiased to ask about star wars 8, but lets just say... I hate that movie with every fiber of my being and the same goes for the director Ryan Johnson. I remember my boss realy liked the movie and he wanted to have a dicussion to argue my points and was optimistic I could see his points too. Afterwards he was just like...well fuck, you really hate the movie. But its not something I could explain without you having any knowledge about star wars in general ^^"
lol sorry, I did not want to make you embarrassed
I promise to only talk about our common dating life from now on
hihi ofc, Once are just too nice, just like the rumors say! There are only 2 really crazy ones still left I think, but they are both banned from the Once Cult
sure my pleasure, glad if you liked it :) there is lots of stuff like that like I said.. or maybe there is not, if they copyright striked everything by now
yeah I did not really dislike the movie either and it has a lot of good scenes, but just like I said, I feel like it would have worked equally well without the Joker brand. It would have just been a lot less popular
I remember the over the top media outrage, how they thought everyone would become violent and start riots after seing the movie ^^" and how absolutly nothing happend
I’m gonna send you a private message and reply to this there because I don’t want to annoy everyone else with our essay messages