No, but I’ve had some questionable dreams with idols in them
Posts by lalala123456
No not really, whenever my friends and I hang out, we are quite social people so we enjoy going out to bars, clubs, restaurants etc and living in a big city (London) there’s always something to do so even with my friends who are into kpop, we barely talk about it because our conversations consists of other things going on in our lives or we are doing something.
He’s where he belongs, in the back of a police car and on his way to jail:
Looks like the art project I made on Microsoft paint when I was a kid and my teacher didn’t even bother giving me a grade
This!!!! This right here!!! Both are *chief kiss* *my kiss*
You have impeccable taste
Boy With Luv & Spring Day
Cha Eunwoo, I think a lot of the time he plays a sweet boy marriage type persona but I just know, deep in my soul, that his fine ass is getting some every night
Also Hoseok, one of my favourite things about him is how loveable and adorable he is but I trust nobody who moans whilst causing his members pain
I don't have the confidence for that
Thank you so much
and I’m sure you don’t! Post yours
There will always be crazy obsessive fans but if kpop companies stopped encouraging parasocial relationships, actively encouraged their artists to date and interact with the opposite gender, stopped this whole ‘our fans are our gfs/bfs’ BS…I’m sure the amount of obsessive fans would decrease. Kpop companies know that if they encourage and allow people to develop these unhealthy relationships, it’ll give them money in return.
This is random but the other day I showed my friend, who doesn’t listen to kpop at all, some BTS music videos and asked her which member stands out to her the most, she said Namjoon.
I asked her why and her response was….
“He’s got a weird face but looks like he gives good pipe.”
I don’t know how to react to this information