Posts by qamar-atti
If you go international, there are hundreds of combination in my head, i thought usually here it's just Korean artists are mentioned lol.
for korean artist,
Both have such pretty voices and singing style. tbh it would result in chaos in kpop spaces, they used to have lot of shippers before IU started dating publicly. Its a shame they have not collabed yet, I really like eight (her song with suga) and taehyungs cameo in her mv.
He is the chairman and has most power in hybe, him not being a ceo is just for formality
who do you think should have more power then. HE has most amount of shares, its his company
I don't like him tho but I don't like other management in hybe also. Top of hate list is Min hee jin and scooter braun.
LSFM: Yunjin being American
BTS: For appearing in US shows/stages aka western validation, for writing meaningful lyrics, for not being from Big 3 company and still being much much more successful than everyone’s faves
SVT: for having 13 members not 17
Hybe Hating Partyyy
tbh if I had listed everything these two groups have been hated on these past 6 months, this thread would be unnecessarily long.
the biggest downside in all of this is that bts members right now are among normal civilians, most of them would probably be asking them questions about cult etc. they don't have each for support like past hate trains.
and for lsfm, this hate train is just not getting stop since last year, one thing after another, I hope hybe send them to a nice spot for vacation, my girls deserve to be away from all this drama and stress
taylor swift and RM
two of my all-time favorite songwriters and artists: I don't know how it will be received by fandoms tho. they are always on each others neck
seventeen wouldn't have been in articles and forums if their Japanese fans hadn't dumped hundreds of copies of their latest album in the streets of Shibuya for the world to see (and for Japanese citizens to have to properly dispose of). Everyone knows bulk buying exists in kpop, just be discrete about it.
lol fair enough
not sure about details but bang pd has already stepped down from CEO position almost 2 years ago to focus on writing and production. he is not CEO anymore.
I am not sure about the details tho, can someone correct me if I am wrong
Those are definitely not BB stans... We all know where those accusations are coming from... Mhj
And kinda funny that NJ are the only ones given the victim status
it could be a mixture of both. with MHJ side and bts antis both coming out together to dig theses cases. Not blaming VIPs, but every popular group has a large amount of antis in rival fandoms which start acting up over a smallest chance.
To me newjeans always seems like the best kept, best promoted and well rested out of all the other hybe groups but now suddenly knetz have given them the status of mistreated step child of hybe
* fromis_9
and overall I wouldn't say, just because people don't talk at them we forget that real life events are happening, and girls seem to be the only group from HYBE which is performing on Festivals, Concerts, all around Korea
even today they've performed on Seoul Festa, imagine going on stage, and some group of people is there and someone suddenly asks
- oh I think I've heard about them in the past, but what agency they are from?
- Nooo the one which is hating my NewJeans?!
imagine being member and hearing that ughhh
I hope they gain a little bit more popularity but hybe really does not promote them at all. pledis should try to promote them to international fans. Girls are really talented but I dont think so korean gp would give them a chance
I hope it all gets sort out before his return and hate just dies down. it is hell on korean forums tbh, multiple articles in a day digging years old shit. people hate on pannch** admin for posting translation articles but she is not translating even half of the shit going on korean forums related to bts and lsfm.
All thanks to Hybe...
The way they drag Lsf and Bts into this mess makes everyone delve into everything about these two groups. Lsf is already receiving hate, but Hybe bringing Gfriend into it and blaming her and Nj for their disbandment, causing Mhj to respond to their mediaplays, really makes it worse for Lsf. Bts suddenly caught on fire when THEY ARE NOT EVEN ACTIVE CURRENTLY JUST BECAUSE HYBE CAN'T TAKE ALL THE HEAT BY THEMSELVES!
And thanks to Mhj for Illit...
They're the only group that she really drags, but gosh, they're only a 2-month-old group full of teenagers. She knows what will happen when she mentions them. I hope those girls didnt saw all the hates thrown towards them. They're still young in this industry and already getting massive hate.
Special Mention: Newjeans
They're not really getting dragged in Korean forums, but I-Armys and basically international Hybe stans are being vile towards them too. The hateful tweets, facebook posts and TT vids I saw with thousands to hundreds of thousands of likes, wishing really terrible things to happen to them, calling them greedy, ungrateful, rude, and even wishing them to death when it's not their fault, is a lot.
For lsfm, MHJ has a lot of hand in it, she has mentioned them plenty of times, and the way she talks abut sakura, it feels like a personal problem to me. She even mentioned them in last Ador statement where there was no need of it at all.
tbh korean gp seems to be very fond of newjeans and mhj right now, but this could also prove very dangerous if they ends up with hybe, I am afraid people will turn on them. and this is why I have problem with MHJ, she has integrated herself into newjeans so much that gp and most of their fans feels like there would be no newjeans if she left.
this whole is fight is two edged sword for newjeans members, if they goes to hybe, there is possibility of losing their concept and gp, if they ends up with MHJ (assuming hybe will let them go without a lawsuit) all the hybe connections and money will be gone, unless MHJ has some really powerful investor with her
1st position: LESSERAFIM
debuting, debuting first, not debuting under MHJ , knitting , coachella, wearing clothes, not wearing enough clothes, VOCALS having fans, SAKURA, existing
2nd position: BTS
being popular in 2015, 16, 17, winning daesangs, vocals (imagine saying jk has bad vocals), releasing albums with clashing schedules with their juniors, posting bald head photos on instagram, receiving cultural merit award, getting admission in university, releasing blood sweat & tears, naming albums love yourself, releasing ON mv because all these are supposedly promoting illuminati
in short being face of hybe,
3rd position: illit
having debut with y2k concept, long hairs, challenge with zico, performing at uni festival, having brand deals(not even international), participating in fashion show, having an ok encore, IN short having concept like min hee jin daughters
(since she is a Passionate momma so she will try everything to remove any one competing with her daughters
TXT: For taking admission into university (supposedly they are also a part of cult)
seventeen: for having sales (everyone and their momma was selling above 2M last year with stray kids having almost 5M, but since its hybe hating season, seventeen will be dragged by pann for having 5M sales last year)
Formis-9 should thank their nuguism, and Enhyphen to their step child status for being unscathed by this hybe hating season
there are more and more bad threads about other HYBE groups
today Knetz seem to even talk about Seventeen sales, when months/years back no one would want to 'touch' Seventeen, they seemed to be really liked by Knetz...
I really feel sorry for all those idols who are unlucky to be under HYBE umbrella because they are hit by so much hate just because of what?
of some war between CEO's or whatever bullshit...
I was thinking the same after seeing seventeen article on p**n. there were also articles about revoking medal for order of culture merit award for bts over sajaegi accusations.
tbh, possibility that hybe has upset someone in government does not seem far fetched to me.
looking at hybe fanacial report today, its extremely weird how net profit of hybe America is minus 142 billion. Why such a big loss. Some of these executives are definitely channeling money into their personal offshore accounts. And definitely a lot of money laundering too. Top of the list would be scooter because hybe America is under him.
Tbh, I think the only reason they are renewing with hybe is that there is no other kpop company which could manage them properly (hybe does a pretty decent job) and boys clearly don't want to go to management and administrative side, I still remember suga saying that he doesn't want to debut a group because he dont want to take responsibility for someone else's life and dreams.
And unlike how many non-fans think they are not money hungry or greedy, if they were they would be having much more shares in hybe then they have now & we will have some legal fights between boys and hybe management or situation like min hee jin because still even in hiatus and military, the net profit for bighit was 140 billion, almost half of total profit of hybe.
There is also an aspect of loyalty, which they probably could have for hybe. All of their staff and producers are in hybe and have been with them since debut. And as much I dislike bang PD, they clearly respect him a lot.
My god...
the mental illness and religious psychosis of it all.
Never in my whole 5 years of army life, I imagined that bts would be getting illuminati allegations and from Koreans on top of that. I thought Korea is an atheist country who does not care about shit like this. They are proving to be more delusional than my sister and friends who unstan bts on that controversy about RM sharing a frank ocean's song.
naah they not gonna find shit. that daesang case is old as fuck.
Bts won daesangs in 2017, 18, 19 and 20 too and had much more of an impact than exo.
Moreover even if this daesang proves falsely given, it will open a pandora box, I can name plenty of groups winning daesang who did not deserve that. SMA and AAA gave daesangs to everyone by attendance each year. Half of industry would be in jail with that criteria.
First of all, I am a member of the Presbyterian Church of Korea, but I don't go to church very much, but I have no doubts about the truth of Christianity...
I'm a Christian who has read the Bible and watched Bible cartoons since I was young, but when I look at Bangtan, it seems like they clearly contain biblical imagery. I'll just write down what I saw when I first watched the ON music video.- White dove appears often in the Bible, not sure what it means in the MV
- Someone shoots and kills it
- In the Bible, there's no mention of shooting or killing a dove
- Noah's ark also appears in the background when RM is there
- Animals appears in pairs in Noah's ark, but here, the ark is all damaged, which seems to be intentionally shown like that
- Jungkook running away from a concrete wall, his thorns tied hands are reminiscent of Jesus' thorns
- The way I see it: inside the wall = controlled by God? Like the Garden of Eden
- The girl with covered eyes is Eve
- Eyes covered = can't distinguish good from evil
- V (snake/Lucifer?/evil angel) loosens the veil = making Eve eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge
- She now knows about good and evil
- Adam and Even eat the fruit and God kicks them out of the garden and they lose eternal life
- This is depicted in the MV by V (snake) holding hands with the girl and looking into the opening of the trapped walls
- It seems like V is freeing her from imprisonment rather than being "kicked out" from the Garden of Eden
Bible: The humans are cast out from the Garden and deceived by the serpent
MV: The humans weren't cast out but instead escaped freely + was helped by the serpent
- Jungkook runs away from th ewall and he looks like Jesus who went to pray in the mountain before being crucified
- The sunlight supposed to represent God talking to him
- At this moment, Jungkook's lyrics include: Where my pain lies, let me take a breath
- There are no Bible passage with this phrase specifically but it reminded me of the prayer that Jesus prayed, also the way "please let me (하서소)" is phrased is often a writing style found in the Bible
- The thorns in his hands are greatly emphasized
- In the Bible, it says that Jesus sweated blood while praying about carrying the cross, meanwhile Jungkook fainted
- In the Bible, Jesus prayed asking is there any other way to die than to be crucified in his humand body but in the end, He accepted his fate and was nailed to the cross
- However in the MV, Jungkook doesn't do that but instead loosens his thorns in the water and blows a horn, that scene looked like a rebellion
- In other words, he's rebelling against God
- The walls of Eden is where God protected humans, but in the MV, it seems like a prison device to trap humans and people are waiting to escape from there
- Going inside the water = baptism
- In the New Testament, John the Baptist also baptizes people directly in the water
- The thorns disappear when he goes in the water and when he reappears, he has a horn = rebellion
- I don't remember exactly, but in the Bible, it talks about walking around a castle while blowing the trumpet and the castle will fall
- Heaven showing its anger
- Originally Jungkook was portrayed like Jesus but now he became the leader of the group opposing God
- He's the antichrist
- The members are seen climbing a rock that rises to the sky = attempt to reach heaven, which is similar to the Tower of Babel
- Jungkook's laughing and smiling expression shows arrogance and him being an enemy of God
The stone that reaches the heavens
- You might think this is forced, but even watching Fake Love, I thought it was clear that it contained Biblical references. I was in middle school during BST so I didn't think much of it, but after watching ON, it made me think
- I've moved away from Christianity after middle school, but one thing is that I don't like portraying/showcasing evil and I try to keep some of the Bible's teachings
- What I thought after watching ON is that if they're twisting the meaning of the Bible, isn't it scary for people in the future?
- Things like illuminati and anything pyramid-shaped are so overused I don't pay attention to them anymore. But it seems dangerous to mock the Bible blatantly like thatpost response:
original post: here
1. [+48, -7]
People who haven't watched Blood, Sweat & Tears, go watch it before coming here. It's straight up Illuminati-level of weirdness
2. [+47, -10]
I've quit BTS' fandom. I'm a Christian myself and seeing Le Sserafim have song titles like "Eve, Psyche & the Bluebeard’s wife" and even the lyrics, I can't bring myself to listen to them because it's clearly anti-Christian
3. [+30, -3]
Freemasons were running said meditation schools, which represents Dahnworld in Korea, it is connected with Illuminati. If you look back at the music from the 80s-90s, it's similar to their New Age music. American singers are taking advantage of this to make a profit, so the group blew up but also died down quickly. Many celebrities, politicians and businessmen are among them and they're trying to gather the general public under them by using our ignorance and brainwashing us. It's their way to control the world
4. [+15, -0]
Let's act with discernment
5. [+11, -0]
I hope that people who study semiotics or people who are really well-versed in this field will take this opportunity to analyze the music videos. This feels like a joke to us
mental illness all around