Also, A Flower Bookmark is a ""COVER EXTENDED PLAY"", it's not a remake the way Next Level is..
what's that even supposed to mean lmao? a remake is a remake
meaning of you is different because it wasn't released as a single ?
Also, A Flower Bookmark is a ""COVER EXTENDED PLAY"", it's not a remake the way Next Level is..
what's that even supposed to mean lmao? a remake is a remake
meaning of you is different because it wasn't released as a single ?
Bc the USA and Japan lists weren’t made with the Korea females list.
USA and Japan lists were for bg and gg only.
"Most searched Idols in different countries on google (2021)"
nowhere in the titles and in the, absent, description it's implied that is only bg or gg
also why make just one thread for all of them if you are going to have different standards for each country lol. and not even say it, misleading
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I was wondering! If they reach 1 on Melon top100 does it count for the CAK/PAK or the song need to also reach 1 on Melon 24 Hits
the official realtime chart is melon top100 now. so it needs n1 on top 100 and daily
Honestly, I'm little bit disappointed with Gaon calculations (putting more weigh on downloads & BGM points instead of streaming + not counting Youtube Music) . So basically an act who has bigger Downloads & Bgm points will charts higher in there (also the downloads & Bgm data aren't disclosed for local purpose- meaning there's no chart about this so no one knows what the exact numbers are).Even bugs (irrelevant and smallest market share as they said) has more accurate data for this check. Way back then, there's trending post in TheQoo talking about it.
But my opinion won't change anything. The best parameter is still Gaon.
to me is okayish that downloads weight more cause they cost more. the problem is that downloads have decreased so much in the past 2 years that are easily manipulable now. they just need to find a way to prevent or filter mass downloading from the same people (right now they do it creating more accounts :/).
but anyway normal fandoms can't go on like that forever so those songs won't certainly pass for hits lol even though they can block real hits for sometime
It's okay to address your opinion in here, much appreciated than some users who trash talking in anons :-D
Nah, others also known that Celebrity still bigger song, we just appreciate what remarkable achievement NL has achieved.
Yeah since it's The IU peak ≠ longevity is not apply in here. I know what you mean , Celebrity and Rollin are still bigger song. I have no objections of that since in Gaon and Melon, NL hasn't surpassed both of them. However, you should not put Gaon in the top of the pedestal since like what's KangK said , they should put Youtube Music in their calculations. Youtube Music #2 market share behind Melon.
the maket share %s going around are all estimations tho and there are lot of different ones. no one really knows really how much users everyone has even tho we know youtube is obviously high enough to be relevant lol
also gaon requires a very different filtering than youtube's (or even spotify) filtering so it might be complicated
considering also that youtube and youtube charts count free streams too
gaon is still the better way we can use to compare tho and i doubt that youtube would be that much different from every other chart, in regards of big hits at least, and putting aside mass streaming
the song is #3 on melon after 3 months, there was enough competition in 3 months, there is always competition in such a long period of time (BTS has released 2 songs, Twice, Brave Girls followed their huge hit rollin, MSG, AKMU with their all album singles and collabs with well known artists including IU, Taeyeon, other kor singers etc)
make sense to speak about competition in a short perioad of time, like in this particular week there was no competition, in 3 months make no sense unless korean music industry hibernated or something
again,they beatead a really tough competition (and NL stayed above those songs showing the song is REALLY liked .i'm not denying that pls ) but those song you named are months old now. apart from akmu and nakka have there been other big releases? have there been some songs able to even came close to be a top5 contender? no. the top ten still consists of months old songs. maybe somi that's still growing could(?) who knows
i said there's no *new* competition not that they don't/didn't have competion. they only have competition with songs they already beated. and this takes nothing away from NL, the charts are just even more slow in this period.
Anyway i was just confronting NL with celebrity charting situation with the gaon scores as one user earlier asked about a gaon comparison. that's all.
peace pls
Again you misunderstand this threads, I'm not saying NL will be biggest song (since we don't know the future holds).
That user bbgc asking me how's NL doing in Melon and Gaon and I just list all their achievements in there.
Also, I'm just answering your question not correlation to the topics of this thread. In general Longevity >>> Higher peaks, ask other chart enthusiast. I'm not talking about NL just in general conceptions. The fact that they're holding their position well in the top5 in 3 months released + full house = great longevity. So I don't get what you mean?
i just answered that user who asked about gaon.
you then quoted me and i answered you back trying to express me better my fault.
and you may not be telling that NL is bigger than celebrity or rolling But some other totally are but right now is not the point...
you're also not understanding what i'm saying.
staying in top 5 for who knows how much time isn't the only (keyword:only) criteria to judge "longevity" and overall performance of a song (it's obviusly a huge factor but it's not just that)
and the peak is also important especially when you peak a lot higher and you keep charting really good lol
if the song fall obviusly is totally a different thing
Also i'm not saying that NL doesn't have longevity, they're having great longevity and NL is totally one of the greatest hit of the year . please i have nothing against aespa or NL
just that, how gaon is showing us, despite celebrity or also rollin staying less time in top5 in some charts doesn't mean they don't have longevity or that they are performing worse (and i get it that you specifically are not telling this :) ),since gaon has a point sistem that doesn't depend on whatever position you are.
hope i was more clear now couse i really don't want to clog this thread.
i'm not saying that longevity is less important than the peak, longevity is relly important but longevity isn't just staying tot days in top 5 top 10 etc.
i'm saying that charting depends also on competion. like... a ipotetical song one day is #10 with 200k uls and another day some months after another song still with 200k can be #5. cause there may be less competition (no new big releases) or weaker competion. so the position isn't the most important thing not the longevity that is really important
so i was not talking about the competition it already had, but new big releases .
hope i'm clear. i don't have a huge english vocabulary sorry
you can celebrate how much you want. i wasn't here to ruin your party :)
oh yes NL is doing really good
it's just that, you know, charting also depends on competition so sometimes how long you stay in certain positions isn't the most important parameter to be taken into consideretion and isn't really that "right" to compare the overall perfonmance of 2 songs only on that.
it's still extremely remarkable to stay this long that high don't get me wrong
I don't think you need to defend/protect IU like that.
We all know who IU is. She is a digital monster. When she released her previous album. She owns the top 8 spots of Melon.
However, this doesn't change the fact sometimes IU will release a song that is not liked by the GP and have not that great longevity especially when Celebrity and LILAC is not the type of "IU" song.
how are celebrity and lilac not liked? lmaoo
Goan SOTM is Lilac, Melon is for April, where most of the time Lilac dominated Melon chart, however, Rollins is a monster hit, it ruled Melon chart from March to May.
Here is the list of longest charting song on Melon with at least 53 weeks. There are many song pre 2020, and those songs are very big hit despite not having high initial peaks when it was released. Are these songs fandom stream? I think you opinion on pre-2020 longevity due to fandom stream does not make sense. There is a requirement of at least 90k uls to chart on Melon daily to count for weekly charts. And that number is 2020, back then It would be at least 100k , 120k uls to chart on Melon daily. Longevity is not that simple.
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so... HUGE hits, seasonal songs (that come back every year) and post 2018 songs when streaming really became dominant over downloads (45, of which around 31 are 2019 and 2020 songs that benefited from 24hits not moving)? but sure half of the korean biggest hits were released in the past 4 years :)
agree that mass streams wasn't importat how kreatin makes it look in a daily chart sense but maybe they meant the realtime chart
anyway mass stream was/is indeed important. lots of people there just play the top100 like a playlist and making a song chart relly high brings a lot of uls.
look at the lim young woong song that's charting high on the new melon chart, it gained almost 30k uls and 20 positions on the daily chart. its highest uls count since may
and now he has 9 songs in top 200 daily when 5 days ago he had like 2
her songs rose on the new chart then fall
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they rose cause they started low on the new chart lol
ur acting like u have to be a total flop after a peak and go down into irrelevancy, i already said this to a different user so i`m just gonna copy and paste >to me there is no question IU peak was Good Day and You and I era (u can think differently
), there is ton of celebrities who have their peak at some point, but continue to do amazing with time because they simply remain at the top that is IU TO ME..< if u still disagree after my explanation we just simply have different opinions about her peak i`m sure the sun will still rise tomorrow
and even if u wanna take any of the other IU eras u mentioned as her peak i still stand by my point BoA had a bigger peak then that she was legit called the star of Asia and was dominating even in Japan and opened kpop into a new country good luck IU beating that.. and again IU is a relevant longevity queen, but queen BoA just had a bigger peak (u can disagree i can`t cure denial)
if you go higher that's a new peak LOL
Also look at you blabberig about opinions and then calling people delusionals LMAO
i didn't even say anything about boa
anyway you can't select and remove as you wish what's more convenient to your point what brought iu where she's today or acting like you know how things would be if things were as before or shit like that, as if you lived in a different dimesion from everyone else.
just saying... too many buts and ifs to prove your point (which is uderstandable on some degrees given that they are from two different eras but cmon lol)