kay ill invent it and it will become the new smartphone and ill become a billionair
plz remember me and yuta in your villa
kay ill invent it and it will become the new smartphone and ill become a billionair
plz remember me and yuta in your villa
Just a new scammer on YouTube and there are always idiots to believe it
Well this scammer make good points
a chair that has two back - rests and two armchairs where its like as if they put two chairs opposite eachother and melded them and they only ended up sharing the actual seat???
just cause i have a chair with a low back rest and i always end up putting my legs over it and i just feel like it would be comfy to be between two low back rests like im sitting inside a box and my legs are swinging in the air and folded
invent it girl
Display Morefirst of all thanks for the long thoughtful answer.
maybe its just me whos always used to not airing my problems to other people cause i never feel like i have a need or that they will actually help, and maybe they have needs that i don't understand idk...i don't share anything at all with my coworkers, well ocasionally i will but nothing deeply personal, just like where i was going on vacation for instance, very simple things, the colleague i spend the most time with is very talkative and im the only one with her all day.....so i ended up saying some innocent stuff to her. but i just don't normally feel the need to share, its like i go blank around people.
people def want fame and quick money, some of them, especially the ones on tiktok. But u can still sing even if its only a little and i hope u find a way too.
what solutions are there for those people if i may ask??? i do worry about the environment myself.
For starters let's lower the taxes on electricity and maybe build a system where people can pay up to a certain level for electricity and when they reach those numbers, let them stay there and not make them any larger. Don't export electricity to other countries. But a solution also could be knowing there's not much you can do cause you can't open wind power in every cm of every city, when a nuclear power plant can feed an entire region of electricity. It's not the best option but when you have done everything else....
thats so cool
itzy when that dalla dalla mv elevator opened its doors
i'm so happy it's her turn to shine, the killing part is so fun in after like
Where is Xioting
She's clearly the best
I was missing her too but they limited to 2 dancers per group
ur set looks cute!
thanks im in my sone feels... winter and the april girls look cute in yours x
Display MoreAlso, let me just say Kep1er's dance line is fking amazing.
The video iirc only rank Dayeon and Hikaru because they are kinda the official main dancers.
They didn't include Youngeun
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And I can bet no other 4th Gen dancer would be able to pull this of, other than Xiaoting
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And there's Yujin and Yeseo
Agreed. Even the main vocal Chaehyun can dance well. They're a group consisting of 9 good dancers
Kep1ian: Akgaes (There's really not many akgaes, but they're loud...)
MY: Not sure actually lol
I'd love to see her dancing with Sheon (again)
extraordinary dancers is another thing 4th gen groups lack
Like, besides Yeji (and I know she isn't a main dancer) I haven't noticed an idol getting much attention for their dance skills
Also spontanious irk "3rd place Jinnie- femmine side still goes out", wtf is that supposed to mean
If I'm not wrong Nmixx dancers got a lot of praise during their debut for their dancing skills but I don't think it lasted very long. It seems like fourth gen values ''jack of all trades, master of none''
I didn't watch it yet but did they rank Yeji? I'd expect Chaeryeong.
Chaeryeong is third and Yeji second!
It would be interesting to see how she'd rank compared to Hikaru. Both of them are probably industry's best in fourth gen