please make a separate thread about it :) I think this might attract a lot of people
please make a separate thread about it :) I think this might attract a lot of people
I'm really happy right now!!
After (G) I-dle I find a new group who produce their songs!!!
My expectation rising after read that!! I love RBW for the freedom who give to their artist!
Here another twitter source
I'm really happy right now!!
Here to just say:
I love self producer group. My Neverland heart can relate....
All seven are great vocalist but Goeun and Swan amaze me day by day even more....
When the song is good is only a logical consequence...
But really, is very impressive for a song without promotion.
For me is a big no.
I like the original, but that remix is not for me...
I think from Italy was only me....
A bop.
And they make to chart with a pre release....
And also, the difference from YG (Thye previous company of Chaein) and RBW; Chaein is credit (with Yuki) for the lyrics and for help in composing the song.
The girs in YG can't understand that....
Jennie and her playground: Korea.
I'm speechless.......
The (potential) future vocal queen of 4th generation are coming!!!
The way after the teaser my expectation are higher now....
Here the final ot7 photo.
The concept is still obscure but maybe is like one said: the concept is beauty!!
And time have passed from the last ot7 photo after Swan hiatus...and this shot is really beautiful also for that!!
Three days to the release....
Then my prevision between 400k and 600k is right
Good morning people 😴
It's almost six there and I have two hours of sleep....
Fortunately the pinks will wake me just now 😉
Ever more confuse.
I can't understand the concept but ehi, if the girls wanna talk i sure don't say no...
They are beautiful!
And Ireh bias wreckler me even more the usual...