Posts by VVisual

    What will happen to the AKB48 groups in China? Will they be affected by CCP clampdown?

    Yeah on Hanbin, I agree. He should have stayed, but Belift didn't have any concrete plans for him so. I think he will debut with Tempest, so he will have some success with the group.

    I like SNH48 a lot but it feels like a time-bomb with them too because their fanclubs are raising millions during elections and it feels like any time the CCP can come down and close everything. Too much money always draw attention from the officials. All it takes is a scandal. The CCP doesn't care if they close down whole industries costing everyone millions if they think it is a moral thing. It's like a fucking medieval crusade with them because idols along with computer games and BL are contributing to the "corruption" of their youth.

    I hope Yuehua can debut Tempest and Hanbin. But who knows? I don't think there is really any encouragement from either China or Korea for them to go forward.

    Shame. I do believe still we will see pop tunes than just ballad music, but maybe they will like you said, going from second class to third class(drifting between nugu and mid-tier). The CCP hasn't banned anybody wanting to make a group or be a pop singer though.

    They haven't banned any particular person or group but banning YWY and Chuang is a huge deal. Remember, those shows dominated public attention when they were on. The money from endorsement was huge. Tens of thousands of kids had started to look at pop music as a viable dream.

    Just like that, everything was cut off. You are talking about millions of dollars going up in smoke from the producers, sponsors and endorsements. No one would put money in this industry for a long time because there always a sword hanging over it.

    Idol pop had always operated on the margins in China even when there were big budgets involved from Tencent and Iqiyi. It was risky because there was little support until the Produce Shows. Koreans and a lot of IFans hated the Chinese shows because 1) they were Chinese and 2) they thought the CCP supported the shows but the Chinese communists actually hated these shows and idol pop in general because of the Korean and other outside influence.

    So just when the YWY and Chuang franchises started to take off globally, the CCP killed everything. It is obvious now that they don't care about the money or soft power from idol pop. They simply hate idol pop because they think it corrupts their youth. To them they think it is an archaic moral and civilizational issue.

    So it is a dead end now because companies, parents and the young people in China will see it as a risky and losing proposition. You will see less and less idols in China and definitely less Chinese idols in Korea.

    Yuehua, especially is trapped between a rock and a hard place, with hostily from both Koreans and the Chinese government and even from the Chinese general public with the scandals and tax evasion charges.

    Now I wished Hanbin had stuck with Big Hit/Belift.

    So is CPOP reverting back to just ballad and OST songs? To be honest, CPOP is looking to become like what Vpop is now.

    Looks like it. Back to the future.

    Even VPOP has better chances for idols than CPOP right now.

    In China, the overwhelming money from movies and dramas had always left CPOP in second class as a supporting art form. The Produce shows allowed CPOP to take center stage and generate revenue on its own. Well that's dead now. We're back to OSTs as probably your crowning achievement as a CPOP artist.

    Another nail in the coffin for Chinese idols. Meiqi is a massive figure in the idol scene. She won Produce 101 China and pretty much led from end to end with 185 million votes. Yes, that's 185,000,000 votes. She is talented -- main dancer material with solid lead vocals.

    But this not only crushed her career but tar the entire idol industry that already under attack by the Chinese government and pretty much made sure that the Chinese produce shows will not come back.

    And because she is Yuehua and former member of WJSN, there are knock-on effects of the CCP and the GP turning against Yuehua (China's leading idol agency) and returning KPOP idols.

    can someone plz explain what is clone rigged? and for which purpose we use it?

    They are talking about the Produce 101 licensed/inspired shows that were popular in China over the four years.

    The volume of money involved in those things from fan clubs were in the millions and the final lineups never matched up completely with the dollar amounts raised for each trainee. And when you consider that the vote was based on the amount of yogurt drinks the fans needed to buy then how could trainees with far higher fan money end up losing out in the finals? What else is there outside of rigging?

    But learning this is pretty meaningless now since the Chinese government had banned these shows. They were a fun time in CPOP but it is just a piece of history now. They are on youtube if you want to catch some of them.

    Rigged or not the Chinese Produces were actually a fleeting moment that looks dead now. Instead of attacking the shows then, people should have just enjoy the shows for what they were.

    The Chinese government hated idols especially those influenced by KPOP. Knetz hated them because they were Chinese. But they were wildly popular among the Chinese fans and maybe tgat was the issue, too much money was involved.

    Both the Chinese government and Knetz/anti-Chinese IFans got what they wanted so being Chinese idol is pretty much a dead end in China now.

    C-Ent is now all movies now. The top two films in the world this year were a Chinese mom tearjerker and a war film -- totally divorce from what is popular in Korea or the rest of Asia. The only connection to the idol world is Jackson Yee from the TF Boys in the war flick. Both grossed over $800M so money there is overwhelming so it will simply take over C-Ent and music will be nothing but OSTs.

    Shit dunno whole story as for now there are only photos. But knowing how things are there she will be banned and company might even sue her.

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    One of the things I really dislike about idol culture. It makes a really beautiful thing seem bad and illegal.

    These are the cartoons making money in China:

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    There is almost no overlap with Western animation.

    The way the communist are going after anything with foreign influence from idols to cartoons to Marvel movies then anyone "copying" anything Western or Korean is pretty much signing a career death sentence.

    It has everything to do with the birthrate and when the CCP thinks is the deterioration of Japan and South Korea's demographics.

    Right or wrong, they don't want it in China.

    The pan-Asian pop era in China is dead, I think. The haters who attacked Chinese idols and fan groups and the CCP both got what they want. There won't be many Chinese idols in KPOP unless they never want to return to the Chinese market. There won't be Chinese money and fans that people attack even though it supports their faves -- we'll see how many KPOP groups survive now without the C-Bars and -Cafes soing bulk buys.

    For me, the biggest tragedy is this happened right after INTO1 was formed from Chuang 2021. It was a beautiful pan-Asian CPOP group that could have been the beginning of a new era. All that is now gone -- just memories of the great IP and Chuang programs lasted for four glorious seasons.

    China's war on effeminate men | The Spectator

    China's war on effeminate men

    Beijing wants to enforce traditional masculinity

    12 September 2021, 8:00am

    An example of the sort of effeminate men Beijing feels threatened by is hard to locate in Western pop culture. The problem for regulators is not sexuality.


    One of the first signs of a potential assault on effeminate men came when English-language news reported on a social media post titled, ‘Do you know how hard the CIA is working to get you to love effeminate stars?’. The short essay was published by an account called Torch of Thought, which is linked to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

    The article introduced the figure of Johnny Kitagawa, a Japanese-American impresario who was plugged into the American occupation’s efforts to rebuild pop culture in vanquished Japan. Torch of Thought paints this now-dead talent manager as a paedophile Svengali determined to end warlike masculinity and turn Japanese men into kittens.

    When Japan’s economy imploded in the 1990s, South Korea took up where they had left off. South Korea left Japan far behind in the androgyny arms race. When androgynous Korean boyband Super Junior broke into China in the early 2000s, the trend was established. The niangpao were here to stay. But now the National Radio and Television Administration wants them gone.

    The decision by a Chinese censor to address the issue may seem uniquely bizarre, but it comes after both Japan and Korea went through their own debates about masculinity in crisis. In those countries, the counterweight to androgynous idols had been the strong, silent salaryman. He put on a tie every morning, as solid and reliable as the firm where he worked. Even if his daughter liked boys with floofy hair, she was going to marry a man like her daddy, get pregnant, quit her job, and pop out the demographically required number of children.

    But as both countries did away with the idea of employment for life, cajoled women into the workforce and made dual incomes a necessity, the lone male breadwinner was no longer a workable notion.

    The result of all this has been cratering birth rates, an epidemic of men reaching middle-age without losing their virginities and a society trapped in an enervating permanent adolescence.

    Figures within the Chinese leadership can see what’s on the horizon.

    There are a lot of dictatorships and communist basketcases around the world like North Korea and Vietnam (to be perfectly honest) that have no problem with idols, tutoring or games because they are simply too poor for those things to even matter.

    The fact that China has these industries and their issues is because its people has gotten rich and being wealthy means they've done well enough with whomever they have in power. Hoping China will split apart is idiocy because people are doing well and people growing wealthy won't be doing revolutions. If China were pure communist, it would be as poor and fucked up as North Korea and Vietnam.

    The Chinese don't want to end up both communist and piss-poor like North Koreans or Vietnamese.

    So unlikely you have to worry about them no matter what happens to their gaming and idols -- since those industries are bigger in dollar terms than most of the rest of Asia. And unlikely Korea, they don't need to export their pop culture to survive.

    I think all of these are related at least in the mind of the CCP.

    Tutoring, gaming, entertainment, housing prices, etc. all contribute to the fall in birthrate which because it is pretty much fatal to a society is being seen as a major challenge. The morality piece was always there but they had always looked the other way when they were producing a lot of jobs and income. That is how the massive KPOP bars and cafes and the millions of dollars in Chuang and YWY voting came about.

    This time they are not looking the other way and are doing things in tutoring, entertainment and gaming that destroy jobs and income. Why would they do that?

    They wouldn't unless they see the declining population issue as an existential threat. They see what is happening in Japan and Korea and is attempting arrest that decline now. The CCP might be wrong in their tactics but it is pretty clear that stopping the decline in birthrate is the main reason.

    This is an issue for all of East Asia and it is not even a future problem, it is already impacting society now::

    Chinese Factories Are Having Labor Pains—‘We Can Hardly Find Any Workers’
    Labor shortages are materializing across China as young people shun factory jobs and more migrant workers stay home, offering a possible preview of larger…

    Chinese Factories Are Having Labor Pains—‘We Can Hardly Find Any Workers’

    Fear of Covid-19 and youths’ changing priorities leave factory owners in a pinch, as demographic challenges mount

    I think it is a weird conclusion to get. I'd consider people at top think this is a moral failing to let their youth rot under bad influence or similar excuse as they are more focused on stability and control at all cost. As far I see it is just framed as fighting against addictions. I believe they had similar measures before, but it didn't garner attention at news at the time and had no relation to birthrates.

    Not sure if this is a secret reason to limit gaming. SK had similar limitations (maybe not as harsh, but coincidentally they are ending their curfew restrictions)when they had people dropping dead for playing too much happening. Demographics weren't used for such restrictions.

    Assuming that's their true intention, this would be pretty weird way to combat it. Their recent child policy change is quite timid attempt. I don't doubt that could be used as a reason, but they aren't framing it this way.

    It is not weird or "secret." They've been attacking a whole slew of industries to increase the birthrate. It's common theme. They are willing to destroy entire industries with millions of jobs to do it.

    China tries to spark baby boom by destroying its $140 billion tutoring sector - ABC News

    China tries to spark baby boom by destroying its $140 billion tutoring sector

    By business reporter David Chau, Joyce Cheng and Jason Fang

    I think it is all related to their plummeting birthrate.

    They took a look at South Korea and Japan and their idol and game culture and seemingly apocalyptic demographics trend and they see China going in the same direction.

    They are clobbering massive industries with billions in revenue and massive amount of jobs in China like entertainment and gaming (and cram schools and tutoring, outside the AKP's normal discourse.) It looks like they want to change the direction of their society and not end up like Korea who has a suicidal birthrate right now.