No surprise, he is still a kid, they usually like that kind of music.
Posts by poteto
Couldn't agree more.
I have no control over how the site is run, but I can make sure people never forget how much you enjoy slutshaming and making degenerate misogynistic commentaries about female idols while pretending to actually rep them in your signature.
I want to make sure this branding sticks, since you're so proud of it.
Maybe then you'll think twice about deciding it's a good idea to post disgusting sexually suggestive and violent comments about members of a still very young girl group. Not that it would be acceptable behavior towards ANY woman.
As I said in another thread, you're on the list now. I'll mention this any time our paths cross in a NJZ thread.
It's so easy to make you quote. You are so cute
firstly because they don't have unlimited ressources and they are primarly attacking their biggest threat Lisa who won best kpop for two years in a row now and is just HUGE.
also i never said they aren't sabotaging jisoo, i already made a thread about how suspicious and wierd her melon ranking and even spotify ranking was.
also jennie is the second girl that gets the most hate after Lisa. and after her current success, she might actually become their primary target after Lisa
. God protect her really
for Rose, they just underestimated her as she was the less popular bp member and literary made a blitzkrieg surprise insane comback with apt.
but all bp girls and the group as a whole gets INSANE hate online, and really so much fanwar BS which i think is very likely instigated by hybe pr again. this level of hate, almost systemic at this point and manifactured is most likely the result of a pr agency being after the girls.
but paid by who? well you just have to see who benefits from the crime the most , who has enough monetary but also structural ressources to do so... duh. it's obvious. specially since we have PROOF of them harrassing the industry and paying hate compaigns against rivals.
duh. my analysis and my sixth sense never fails. i was right about almost all my thoeries and claims countless of times already. i have yet to be proven wrong
Tatiana is it true that BHS called Trump to try to cancel Lisa's Oscar's performance??? I've heard some rumours and I know you are well versed in these topics.
The cope is strong in this one. Really, you should be banned from any NJZ discussion threads, given your history and prior detestable comments. Bunnies will never welcome you with open arms.
This is a promotion for an advertisement partner, not an official song. Stop being obtuse. Their first new song as NJZ will debut on March 23, 2025, as scheduled.
Their first song as a new group being an add...
Fr, BTS just wants to be famous, they beg top ranking positions in every cb even their own solos, they changed their whole artistic image to sing about Butter, PTD just to get that western attention, Rap Monster changed his stage name to RM, now Hybe is even deleting their past ridiculous videos from the internet just so nobody knows how they acted and RM saying he mastered black english, so many things to be famous. I won't even start with Jungkook having his album being all Jeremy work with Hybe to make him the next superficial pop boy!
Really lack sincerity after getting famous.
Saying that after RM, the leader of BTS, dropped two of the best kpop solo albums and most personal, something a BP member can just dream about, because sometimes it seems like they can't even write., is just a joke, and you can see the reception of his last album critical wise and Lisa's.
Just accept that just Rose is the only one that wants to make music, I don't know why it hurts so much pointing out Lisa has no substance in her work.
many stars are extremely famous, beyonce for example, but the critics never use the pretext of being to famous to be unable to shine creativly
like DUH.
also i repeat myself, but reading the review you would have thought the whole record was a flop and a miss and she got a 2/3 or smth.
and for hybe, lol their obsession with their rivals and specially with bp and njz is otherwordly. aespa too. there are literal proof of them engenering aespa hate train after their chella stage, making calls to concels njz performance, bying roval compagnies to tank them and getting rid of competition ruthlessly.
knowing that bts is making a comback this year, they're probably working ten times harder to get rid of ALL their competitors in anyway possible
. and lisa is their biggest one (+jennie, bp and njz). so no i'm not being paranoid
I don't think Hybe has to do some tricks to pull things for Lisa, she is the only reason she gets hate, you just have to listen to the album and what she does, like the Oscars performance. Lisa is one of most superficial K-pop idols we have right now, everything she does lacks emotion, her music is superficial and plastic, the only thing I can sense in what she does is that wants to be famous, and she doesn't give af if it's through dancing, singing or acting, she wants that attention and money, but you won't see passion in her.
This review has makes really good points why Lisa won't ever be a full pop star like her peers.
Well, another group doing a perfume add concept. I hope this doesn't become a trend because it's uninteresting af, it just consists of posing pretty in front of a camera and add a white and black filter.
While I love their UK garage music I also want more songs like Supernatural and How Sweet, to me they were some of the best releases from last year.
It's wild, like they are attacking other people for saying this is scam.
No one can force you to not buy these things, but at least let us tell that if you buy a 155$ phone case you are stupid. And that isn't related to being poor or rich.
Then if Lisa wants to take advantage of her fans due to their emotional connection with her for me it's fantastic, but let's call this for it's name, a scam.
And she isn't the only one doing it, Hybe merch is something that doesn't make sense, another scam, XG too, but it's the first time I see something like the 155$ phone case.
How can a phonecase cost that much???
Bunnies told me Hybe is behind this.
Blop. The song is just meh, but I love the MV and I need more of the short haired girl.
You mention MAGA while unironically being a proud member of the idiotic fandom (ARMY) calling Hanni and illegal immigration and demanding she be deported, while obsessing over what kind of Visa she owns, which was none of your fucking business. Did I mention that your primary sources are incel, ex-President Yoon sympathizers and literal cyber wreckers?
We don't need any more time to established how cooked your shit fandom is, and I want nothing more than to flush all of you deranged losers down the toilet.
It would make K-Pop Great Again.
What are you even talking about? You can't be like this for a comment. You should try mindfulness or something like that.