Do you mind sitting next to a stranger?

  • Do you mind sitting next to a stranger? 29

    1. Yes (1) 3%
    2. I don't really care (12) 41%
    3. No, don't mind it (9) 31%
    4. Depends on the person's behavior (16) 55%

    If you're in a public place where you're usually going to be directly next to someone you don't know? Like a plane, a movie theater, subway/bus, etc.

    It depends on how they act for me...especially if they're respectful and being mindful that the person next to them is someone they don't know. I also hate it when they try to make's usually going to end up in me awkwardly nodding and replying with short answers. (I know that some can just talk the whole time but not me haha)

    ღ Happy Birthday / 10.18.2005 ღ

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  • I dont like it particularly but its unavoidable

    One thing I hate is when the other person spills into my seat and makes my spot so much smaller

    Like that be ready to freaking fight me

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  • I remember when I went to go see Sonic 2 with my brother (childish but still a decent movie), there was a father and his young daughter who booked a seat specifically so they could be next to each other and not be next to anyone else. Meaning he bought two seats and made sure that only one seat was separating them from the next party/person. Which, I get...however, I couldn't sit next to my brother since that's what they booked.

    And these were the only good spots left when we went to book our spots. My brother was situated on one side of the party and I was on the opposite side but I asked the father if they could switch so I could sit next to my brother which happened without problems...still don't get that though. You're going to end up sitting directly next to someone anyway so I don't see the purpose of doing that.

    ღ Happy Birthday / 10.18.2005 ღ

    6f2600f9ca710c96c5228757df28dbe5d21c9ff1.gifv giphy.gif 84e36da9f196e239f5a3bc0d2103c8cce10f4953.gifv

  • Of course not! To me, a stranger is just a friend I don't know yet. I'm also more than happy to talk their ear off the whole time, but if they would prefer it to be quiet, I can respect that too. Have a great day/night!

    Aww, this is so sweet! I don't bother to make eye contact or even talk but not in a rude way, it's just my shyness. In most of my experiences, they usually ignore the stranger and are on their phones or conversing with their party.

    ღ Happy Birthday / 10.18.2005 ღ

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  • When I went to go see Doctor Strange 2 on opening night (last Thursday), I sat by a man who was just coughing the whole time. I mean, he was respectful about it and covered his mouth but it was still kind of annoying. He was also talking with someone in his party during the movie in the very quiet voice that you'd still be able to hear if you were next to the person.

    (like you know how people talk normally but in a quiet voice. Like you can still hear them if you're around them but it's still sort of appropriate for the time and place, right?)

    ღ Happy Birthday / 10.18.2005 ღ

    6f2600f9ca710c96c5228757df28dbe5d21c9ff1.gifv giphy.gif 84e36da9f196e239f5a3bc0d2103c8cce10f4953.gifv

  • Aww, this is so sweet! I don't bother to make eye contact or even talk but not in a rude way, it's just my shyness. In most of my experiences, they usually ignore the stranger and are on their phones or conversing with their party.

    I can't make eye contact either, but for a much different reason. That's a story for another day though (or the DMs). That's mostly been the case with me too, and it always makes me slightly sad, even if it's not their intention. I don't want to be rude to them, but I really do want to get to know them, even if it's just to say hi or give a compliment or something like that. If they're with their friends though, I'm happy for them for having such good friends and don't care that much about not talking to them.

  • I used to do it all the time when I had a long commute on the metro. I don't even mind a bit of small talk if they wanted that, but I always slept during my commute, so I'd let them know that after a few minutes and just sleep. Sometimes they wanted to know if they could wake me up for my stop which was also fine with me.

  • I can't make eye contact either, but for a much different reason. That's a story for another day though (or the DMs). That's mostly been the case with me too, and it always makes me slightly sad, even if it's not their intention. I don't want to be rude to them, but I really do want to get to know them, even if it's just to say hi or give a compliment or something like that. If they're with their friends though, I'm happy for them for having such good friends and don't care that much about not talking to them.

    That's so nice of you, honestly. I know there are some people who will talk to the person they're next to, in front of or behind in a line or something, just to pass time and I think that's cool.

    I just have the fear that it will end up in an awkward conversation, y'know? Some conversations start and then end as soon as it started almost, ending with a nod and then they go back to scrolling through their phone or something, and then there are conversations where you mean to continue conversing but you can't think of anything to talk about. And with a stranger, it might be harder because you know nothing about the person... you don't want to get too personal (like some people whose conversations with their friends consist of what's been going on in their lives lately) or too deep, or even too basic or cliche (like how's the weather, or how are you doing today?). And then some people are different, like some people, a conversation with someone you don't know can brighten their day or they'll happily talk with you and some people would just awkwardly nod or smile acting like they're interested and not really into it or even those that just stare at you or glare at you or just ignore you when you start.

    I guess that's why I never really start conversations if they're not someone I know well.

    ღ Happy Birthday / 10.18.2005 ღ

    6f2600f9ca710c96c5228757df28dbe5d21c9ff1.gifv giphy.gif 84e36da9f196e239f5a3bc0d2103c8cce10f4953.gifv

  • That's so nice of you, honestly. I know there are some people who will talk to the person they're next to, in front of or behind in a line or something, just to pass time and I think that's cool.

    I just have the fear that it will end up in an awkward conversation, y'know? Some conversations start and then end as soon as it started almost, ending with a nod and then they go back to scrolling through their phone or something, and then there are conversations where you mean to continue conversing but you can't think of anything to talk about. And with a stranger, it might be harder because you know nothing about the person... you don't want to get too personal (like some people whose conversations with their friends consist of what's been going on in their lives lately) or too deep, or even too basic or cliche (like how's the weather, or how are you doing today?). And then some people are different, like some people, a conversation with someone you don't know can brighten their day or they'll happily talk with you and some people would just awkwardly nod or smile acting like they're interested and not really into it or even those that just stare at you or glare at you or just ignore you when you start.

    I guess that's why I never really start conversations if they're not someone I know well.

    Thank you!

    I completely understand this fear. I kind of get it on some rare occasions, but then I remember that if I have something nice to say, I should always say it and never withhold it. I was taught to always say something kind if I get a feeling I should do so. I think of it as: "I'll never see them again, so if I mess it up, they'll move on and won't even remember it a few hours later in most cases. If it goes right, it ends up being a pleasant surprise from me to them that makes their day." No real losses for me either way.

    I don't care about if I start off cliched or not either. They are that way for a reason. True, a huge part in how it goes depends on how the other person reacts too, but I try not to take it personally and just assume they're tired or in a bad mood. I do get why this fear would exist and I'm sorry that you have to deal with it.

  • I think it depends. Public transportation is what it is. If I'm helping a person or it's a part of an activity, that's okay too.

    If I'm relaxing and taking in the environment, I don't want anybody in my cloud..but someone usually gets drawn in by the qi.

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